Dropbox MCP Server

by Albiemark
FROM node:18-alpine AS build WORKDIR /app # Copy package files COPY package*.json ./ # Set NODE_ENV to production to skip the postinstall script ENV NODE_ENV=production # Install all dependencies (including dev dependencies) RUN npm ci # Copy source code COPY . . # Install TypeScript globally RUN npm install -g typescript # Create a custom tsconfig.json that excludes test files RUN echo '{ "extends": "./tsconfig.json", "exclude": ["tests/**/*"] }' > tsconfig.build.json # Build the application directly with TypeScript compiler RUN tsc -p tsconfig.build.json && node --input-type=module -e "import * as fs from 'fs'; if(fs.existsSync('build/src/index.js')){fs.chmodSync('build/src/index.js', '755');}" RUN chmod +x ./build/src/index.js # Production stage FROM node:18-alpine AS production WORKDIR /app # Copy package files COPY package*.json ./ # Install only production dependencies and ignore scripts to prevent prepare script from running RUN npm ci --only=production --ignore-scripts # Copy built files from build stage COPY --from=build /app/build ./build COPY --from=build /app/.env.example ./.env.example # Make the entry point executable RUN chmod +x ./build/src/index.js # Set environment variables ENV NODE_ENV=production ENV HEALTH_CHECK_PORT=8080 # Expose the health check port EXPOSE 8080 # Command to run the application CMD ["node", "build/src/index.js"]