Dropbox MCP Server

by Albiemark
# Dependencies node_modules/ build/ downloads/ # Environment and secrets .env .tokens.json* new-token.json test-token.js test-tokens.js *.key *.pem *.cert credentials.txt *credentials*.txt src/config.ts config.ts # Logs and debugging *.log npm-debug.log* yarn-debug.log* yarn-error.log* # Runtime data pids *.pid *.seed *.pid.lock # Testing coverage/ .nyc_output/ *.test.js.old *.test.js.bak *.test.ts.old *.test.ts.bak # IDE and editor files .idea/ .vscode/ *.swp *.swo .DS_Store Thumbs.db # Temporary files *.tmp *.temp *.bak.* *~ # Build output dist/ build/ out/ # Docker Dockerfile .dockerignore getToken README.md project_report.md src/test-config-update.ts src/test-config-update.js claude-config-test.json .gitignore cline-config-test.json # Backup files backup/ *.bak.* # Test and temporary files direct-*.js simple-*.js test-*.js successful-response.json run-mcp-server.sh