Dropbox MCP Server
by Albiemark
- dbx-mcp-server
- tests
- dropbox
import { describe, it, expect, beforeAll, afterAll } from '@jest/globals';
import fs from 'node:fs';
import path from 'node:path';
import { decryptData } from '../../src/security-utils.js';
import { setupTestLogger, restoreConsole } from '../utils/test-logger.js';
import { testResultsTracker } from '../utils/test-results-tracker.js';
import { callMcpTool, TOKEN_STORE_PATH } from '../dropbox/test-helpers.js';
describe('Dropbox Account Operations', () => {
const FILE_NAME = 'dropbox/account.test.ts';
beforeAll(() => {
// Set up the custom logger to suppress stack traces
// In test environment, we'll skip token verification as it's mocked
// This check only runs in real environments
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test' && !process.env.JEST_WORKER_ID) {
if (!fs.existsSync(TOKEN_STORE_PATH)) {
throw new Error('Token store not found. Please complete the authentication setup first.');
// Verify token data
const tokenData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(TOKEN_STORE_PATH, 'utf-8'));
const decrypted = decryptData(tokenData);
if (!decrypted.accessToken || !decrypted.refreshToken) {
throw new Error('Invalid token data');
afterAll(() => {
// Restore original console methods
beforeEach(() => {
const testName = expect.getState().currentTestName;
if (testName) {
testResultsTracker.registerTest(testName, FILE_NAME);
afterEach(() => {
const testName = expect.getState().currentTestName;
if (testName) {
const isPassed = !expect.getState().currentTestName?.includes('failed');
if (isPassed) {
testResultsTracker.markTestPassed(testName, FILE_NAME);
it('should get account information', async () => {
const response = await callMcpTool('get_account_info');
const accountInfo = JSON.parse(response.content[0].text);
testResultsTracker.addTestDetails(expect.getState().currentTestName!, FILE_NAME, {
accountId: accountInfo.account_id,
name: accountInfo.name?.display_name,
email: accountInfo.email,
accountType: accountInfo.account_type