Dropbox MCP Server

by Albiemark
import { ResourcePromptHandler } from '../prompt-handlers/resource-prompt-handler.js'; import { fileReviewPrompt, fileDetailPrompt, fileComparePrompt } from '../prompt-definitions/file-review-prompt.js'; async function runExamples() { const handler = new ResourcePromptHandler(); try { // Example 1: Review files in a folder console.log('Example 1: Folder Review'); const folderReview = await handler.processPrompt(fileReviewPrompt, { path: '/documents/project', fileTypes: 'ts,js,json' }); console.log('Folder review prompt processed:', JSON.stringify(folderReview, null, 2)); // Example 2: Detailed file analysis console.log('\nExample 2: File Analysis'); const fileAnalysis = await handler.processPrompt(fileDetailPrompt, { path: '/documents/project/src/index.ts' }); console.log('File analysis prompt processed:', JSON.stringify(fileAnalysis, null, 2)); // Example 3: Compare two files console.log('\nExample 3: File Comparison'); const fileComparison = await handler.processPrompt(fileComparePrompt, { file1: '/documents/project/src/old.ts', file2: '/documents/project/src/new.ts' }); console.log('File comparison prompt processed:', JSON.stringify(fileComparison, null, 2)); // Example 4: Using helper methods console.log('\nExample 4: Using Helper Methods'); // Review a specific folder const folderReviewHelper = await handler.processFolderReview( '/documents/project/src', 'ts,js' ); console.log('Folder review helper result:', JSON.stringify(folderReviewHelper, null, 2)); // Compare two specific files const fileComparisonHelper = await handler.processFileComparison( '/documents/project/v1/config.json', '/documents/project/v2/config.json' ); console.log('File comparison helper result:', JSON.stringify(fileComparisonHelper, null, 2)); } catch (error) { console.error('Error running examples:', error); } } // Run the examples runExamples().catch(console.error); /* Usage: To run these examples: 1. Ensure you have the required environment variables set (e.g., Dropbox API credentials) 2. Make sure the paths in the examples exist in your Dropbox account 3. Run the example: ``` npm run build node build/examples/resource-prompt-example.js ``` The examples demonstrate: - How to use different types of resource-enabled prompts - How to handle file collections and attachments - How to process arguments and resolve resource URIs - How to use helper methods for common operations */