File Operations MCP Server

import { Transform, pipeline } from 'stream'; import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; import { promises as fs, createReadStream, createWriteStream } from 'fs'; import { promisify } from 'util'; const pipelineAsync = promisify(pipeline); import { StreamProcessor, ChunkResult, ProgressInfo, FileOperationError, FileErrorCode } from '../types/index.js'; import { DEFAULT_BATCH_CONFIG } from '../config/defaults.js'; /** * Implementation of StreamProcessor interface handling streaming operations * Follows SOLID principles: * - Single Responsibility: Handles only streaming operations * - Open/Closed: Extensible through inheritance * - Liskov Substitution: Implements StreamProcessor interface * - Interface Segregation: Focused streaming methods * - Dependency Inversion: Depends on abstractions (StreamProcessor interface) */ export class StreamProcessorImpl implements StreamProcessor { private config: typeof DEFAULT_BATCH_CONFIG; private buffer: string = ''; private chunkIndex: number = 0; private bytesProcessed: number = 0; private linesProcessed: number = 0; private startTime: number =; private progressEmitter: EventEmitter; private transform: Transform; constructor(config = DEFAULT_BATCH_CONFIG) { this.config = config; this.progressEmitter = new EventEmitter(); this.progressEmitter.setMaxListeners(100); // Allow more listeners for large batch operations // Initialize transform stream this.transform = new Transform({ objectMode: true, transform: (chunk: any, _encoding: BufferEncoding, callback: (error?: Error | null, data?: any) => void) => { try { this.buffer += chunk.toString(); while (this.shouldProcessChunk()) { const { content, lineCount } = this.extractChunk(); this.bytesProcessed += content.length; this.linesProcessed += lineCount; this.transform.push({ content, metadata: { chunkIndex: this.chunkIndex++, startLine: this.linesProcessed - lineCount, endLine: this.linesProcessed, bytesProcessed: content.length } }); } callback(); } catch (error) { callback(error instanceof Error ? error : new Error(String(error))); } }, flush: (callback: (error?: Error | null, data?: any) => void) => { try { if (this.buffer.length > 0) { const { content, lineCount } = this.extractChunk(); this.bytesProcessed += content.length; this.linesProcessed += lineCount; this.transform.push({ content, metadata: { chunkIndex: this.chunkIndex++, startLine: this.linesProcessed - lineCount, endLine: this.linesProcessed, bytesProcessed: content.length } }); } callback(); } catch (error) { callback(error instanceof Error ? error : new Error(String(error))); } } }); } /** * Process a file using streaming with progress tracking * @param filePath Path to the file to process * @param processor Function to process each chunk */ async processFile( filePath: string, processor: (chunk: string, chunkInfo: { start: number; end: number }) => Promise<string> ): Promise<ChunkResult[]> { const results: ChunkResult[] = []; const stats = await fs.stat(filePath); const maxChunkSize = this.config.maxChunkSize; const totalChunks = Math.ceil(stats.size / maxChunkSize); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const readStream = createReadStream(filePath, { encoding: 'utf8' }); const tempPath = `${filePath}.tmp`; const writeStream = createWriteStream(tempPath, { encoding: 'utf8' }); const processChunk = async (chunk: string): Promise<string> => { this.buffer += chunk; let output = ''; while (this.shouldProcessChunk()) { const { content, lineCount } = this.extractChunk(); const startLine = this.linesProcessed; const endLine = startLine + lineCount; try { const processed = await processor(content, { start: startLine, end: endLine }); this.bytesProcessed += content.length; this.linesProcessed += lineCount; const result: ChunkResult = { success: true, chunkIndex: this.chunkIndex++, startLine, endLine, bytesProcessed: content.length }; results.push(result); this.emitProgress({ currentChunk: this.chunkIndex, totalChunks, bytesProcessed: this.bytesProcessed, totalBytes: stats.size, linesProcessed: this.linesProcessed, totalLines: -1, // Unknown until full processing startTime: this.startTime, estimatedTimeRemaining: this.calculateETA(stats.size) }); if (this.config.chunkDelay) { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, this.config.chunkDelay)); } output += processed; } catch (error) { const errorResult: ChunkResult = { success: false, chunkIndex: this.chunkIndex++, startLine, endLine, bytesProcessed: 0, error: error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error) }; results.push(errorResult); } } return output; }; const transform = new Transform({ transform: (chunk, _encoding, callback) => { processChunk(chunk.toString()) .then(processed => callback(null, processed)) .catch(error => callback(error)); }, flush: (callback) => { if (this.buffer.length > 0) { processChunk(this.buffer) .then(processed => callback(null, processed)) .catch(error => callback(error)); } else { callback(); } } }); pipelineAsync(readStream, transform, writeStream).catch(async (error: unknown) => { await fs.unlink(tempPath).catch(() => { }); if (error) { reject(new FileOperationError( 'OPERATION_FAILED' as FileErrorCode, `Stream processing failed: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'}`, filePath )); } else { try { await fs.rename(tempPath, filePath); resolve(results); } catch (renameError) { await fs.unlink(tempPath).catch(() => { }); reject(new FileOperationError( 'OPERATION_FAILED' as FileErrorCode, `Failed to rename temporary file: ${renameError instanceof Error ? renameError.message : 'Unknown error'}`, filePath )); } } }); }); } /** * Add event listener for progress updates * @param event Event name * @param listener Callback function */ on(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this { if (event === 'progress') { this.progressEmitter.on(event, listener); } else { this.transform.on(event, listener); } return this; } /** * Remove event listener * @param event Event name * @param listener Callback function */ off(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this { if (event === 'progress') {, listener); } else {, listener); } return this; } /** * Check if current buffer should be processed */ private shouldProcessChunk(): boolean { const currentSize = this.buffer.length; const lineCount = this.buffer.split('\n').length - 1; return currentSize >= this.config.maxChunkSize || lineCount >= this.config.maxLinesPerChunk; } /** * Extract a chunk from the buffer */ private extractChunk(): { content: string; lineCount: number } { const lines = this.buffer.split('\n'); const chunkLines = lines.slice(0, this.config.maxLinesPerChunk); const chunk = chunkLines.join('\n'); this.buffer = lines.slice(this.config.maxLinesPerChunk).join('\n'); return { content: chunk, lineCount: chunkLines.length }; } /** * Calculate estimated time remaining * @param totalBytes Total bytes to process */ private calculateETA(totalBytes: number): number { const elapsedMs = - this.startTime; const bytesPerMs = this.bytesProcessed / elapsedMs; const remainingBytes = totalBytes - this.bytesProcessed; return remainingBytes / bytesPerMs; } /** * Emit progress event * @param progress Progress information */ private emitProgress(progress: ProgressInfo): void { this.progressEmitter.emit('progress', progress); } }