File Operations MCP Server
by bsmi021
- src
- services
import * as diff from 'diff';
import {
} from '../types/index.js';
import { DEFAULT_WHITESPACE_CONFIG } from '../config/defaults.js';
import { FileServiceImpl } from './FileService.js';
* Enhanced implementation of PatchService interface handling file patching operations
* Follows SOLID principles and implements advanced patching strategies:
* - Single Responsibility: Handles only patching operations
* - Open/Closed: Extensible through inheritance and strategy patterns
* - Liskov Substitution: Implements PatchService interface
* - Interface Segregation: Focused patching methods
* - Dependency Inversion: Depends on abstractions
export class PatchServiceImpl implements PatchService {
private fileService: FileServiceImpl;
private readonly CHUNK_SIZE = 100; // Size of chunks for token-based diff
private readonly SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD = 0.8; // Threshold for fuzzy matching
constructor() {
this.fileService = new FileServiceImpl();
* Apply a patch operation to a file with enhanced diff and merge capabilities
* @param operation Patch operation details
async applyPatch(operation: PatchOperation): Promise<PatchResult> {
try {
// Create atomic operation context
const context = await this.createAtomicContext(operation);
try {
const fileContent = await this.fileService.readFile(operation.filePath);
const effectiveConfig = operation.whitespaceConfig || DEFAULT_WHITESPACE_CONFIG;
const { normalized: content } = this.normalizeContent(fileContent, effectiveConfig);
let newContent: string;
let changesApplied = 0;
let conflicts: string[] = [];
switch (operation.type) {
case 'complete': {
if (!operation.content) {
throw new Error('Content is required for complete replacement');
const { normalized, conflicts: completeConflicts } = await this.handleCompleteReplacement(
newContent = normalized;
changesApplied = 1;
conflicts = completeConflicts;
case 'line': {
const { content: lineContent, changes: lineChanges, conflicts: lineConflicts } =
await this.handleLineOperation(content, operation, effectiveConfig);
newContent = lineContent;
changesApplied = lineChanges;
conflicts = lineConflicts;
case 'block': {
if (! || !operation.replace) {
throw new Error('Search and replace are required for block replacement');
const { content: blockContent, changes: blockChanges, conflicts: blockConflicts } =
await this.handleBlockOperation(content, operation, effectiveConfig);
newContent = blockContent;
changesApplied = blockChanges;
conflicts = blockConflicts;
case 'diff': {
if (!operation.diff) {
throw new Error('Diff content is required for diff patching');
const { content: diffContent, changes: diffChanges, conflicts: diffConflicts } =
await this.handleDiffOperation(content, operation);
newContent = diffContent;
changesApplied = diffChanges;
conflicts = diffConflicts;
throw new Error(`Unsupported patch type: ${operation.type}`);
// Verify changes before applying
if (!await this.verifyChanges(content, newContent, operation)) {
throw new Error('Change verification failed');
// Only write if changes were made and there are no conflicts
if (changesApplied > 0 && conflicts.length === 0) {
await this.fileService.writeFile(operation.filePath, newContent);
await this.commitAtomicOperation(context);
} else if (conflicts.length > 0) {
await this.handleConflicts(context, conflicts, operation.conflictResolution);
return {
success: true,
filePath: operation.filePath,
type: operation.type,
backupPath: context.backupPath,
originalContent: content.split('\n'),
newContent: newContent.split('\n'),
conflicts: conflicts.length > 0 ? conflicts : undefined
} catch (error) {
await this.rollbackAtomicOperation(context);
throw error;
} catch (error) {
return {
success: false,
filePath: operation.filePath,
type: operation.type,
changesApplied: 0,
error: error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)
* Create context for atomic operation
* @param operation Patch operation
private async createAtomicContext(operation: PatchOperation) {
const context = {
backupPath: undefined as string | undefined,
tempPath: undefined as string | undefined
if (operation.createBackup) {
context.backupPath = await this.createBackup(operation.filePath);
context.tempPath = operation.filePath;
return context;
* Handle complete file replacement with merge support
* @param original Original content
* @param replacement Replacement content
* @param config Whitespace configuration
* @param strategy Merge strategy
private async handleCompleteReplacement(
original: string,
replacement: string,
config: WhitespaceConfig,
strategy?: MergeStrategy
): Promise<{ normalized: string; conflicts: string[] }> {
const normalized = this.normalizeContent(replacement, config).normalized;
if (!strategy || strategy === 'overwrite') {
return { normalized, conflicts: [] };
// Implement three-way merge for complete replacement
const base = await this.findCommonAncestor(original, normalized);
return this.performThreeWayMerge(base, original, normalized);
* Handle line-based operations with token matching
* @param content Original content
* @param operation Patch operation
* @param config Whitespace configuration
private async handleLineOperation(
content: string,
operation: PatchOperation,
config: WhitespaceConfig
): Promise<{ content: string; changes: number; conflicts: string[] }> {
const lines = content.split('\n');
let changes = 0;
const conflicts: string[] = [];
if (operation.lineNumbers) {
// Enhanced line number based replacement with validation
for (const lineNum of operation.lineNumbers) {
if (lineNum > 0 && lineNum <= lines.length) {
const originalLine = lines[lineNum - 1];
if (typeof operation.replace === 'string') {
if (await this.validateLineChange(originalLine, operation.replace)) {
lines[lineNum - 1] = operation.replace;
} else {
conflicts.push(`Line ${lineNum}: Invalid change detected`);
} else {
if (await this.validateLineDeletion(originalLine)) {
lines.splice(lineNum - 1, 1);
} else {
conflicts.push(`Line ${lineNum}: Cannot delete protected line`);
} else if ( || operation.searchPattern) {
// Enhanced pattern based replacement with token matching
const pattern = operation.searchPattern ||
( ? this.createTokenPattern(, config) : null);
if (!pattern) {
throw new Error('Either search or searchPattern must be provided');
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
const line = lines[i];
const normalizedLine = this.normalizeContent(line.toString(), config).normalized;
if (this.matchesWithTokens(normalizedLine, pattern)) {
if (typeof operation.replace === 'string') {
if (await this.validateLineChange(line, operation.replace)) {
lines[i] = operation.replace;
} else {
conflicts.push(`Line ${i + 1}: Invalid change detected`);
} else {
if (await this.validateLineDeletion(line)) {
lines.splice(i, 1);
i--; // Adjust index after removal
} else {
conflicts.push(`Line ${i + 1}: Cannot delete protected line`);
return { content: lines.join('\n'), changes, conflicts };
* Handle block-based operations with improved matching
* @param content Original content
* @param operation Patch operation
* @param config Whitespace configuration
private async handleBlockOperation(
content: string,
operation: PatchOperation,
config: WhitespaceConfig
): Promise<{ content: string; changes: number; conflicts: string[] }> {
if (! || !operation.replace) {
throw new Error('Search and replace are required for block replacement');
const searchNormalized = this.normalizeContent(, config).normalized;
const replaceNormalized = this.normalizeContent(operation.replace, config).normalized;
// Create token-based pattern for block matching
const pattern = this.createBlockTokenPattern(searchNormalized, config);
const conflicts: string[] = [];
// Use chunking for large blocks
const chunks = this.splitIntoChunks(content, this.CHUNK_SIZE);
let newContent = '';
let changes = 0;
for (const chunk of chunks) {
if (this.matchesWithTokens(chunk, pattern)) {
if (await this.validateBlockChange(chunk, replaceNormalized)) {
newContent += chunk.replace(pattern, replaceNormalized);
} else {
conflicts.push(`Block change validation failed`);
newContent += chunk;
} else {
newContent += chunk;
return { content: newContent, changes, conflicts };
* Handle diff-based operations with improved diff algorithm
* @param content Original content
* @param operation Patch operation
private async handleDiffOperation(
content: string,
operation: PatchOperation
): Promise<{ content: string; changes: number; conflicts: string[] }> {
const conflicts: string[] = [];
try {
const patches = diff.parsePatch(operation.diff!);
let newContent = content;
let changes = 0;
for (const patch of patches) {
const patchResult = diff.applyPatch(newContent, patch);
if (patchResult === false) {
conflicts.push(`Failed to apply patch: ${JSON.stringify(patch)}`);
if (await this.validateDiffChange(newContent, patchResult)) {
newContent = patchResult;
} else {
conflicts.push(`Diff change validation failed`);
return { content: newContent, changes, conflicts };
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(`Failed to apply diff patch: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'}`);
* Create a backup of a file with enhanced error handling
* @param filePath Path to the file
public async createBackup(filePath: string): Promise<string> {
const backupPath = `${filePath}.bak`;
try {
// Cast overwrite to allow true value
await this.fileService.copyFile(filePath, backupPath, true as false);
return backupPath;
} catch (error) {
throw new FileOperationError(
'BACKUP_FAILED' as FileErrorCode,
`Failed to create backup: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'}`,
* Normalize content with enhanced token handling
* @param content Content to normalize
* @param config Whitespace configuration
public normalizeContent(content: string, config: WhitespaceConfig = DEFAULT_WHITESPACE_CONFIG): NormalizedContent {
const lines = content.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/);
const lineEndings = content.includes('\r\n') ? '\r\n' :
content.includes('\r') ? '\r' : '\n';
const indentationMatch = content.match(/^[ \t]+/m);
const indentation = (indentationMatch ? indentationMatch[0] : config.defaultIndentation) || ' ';
let indentationSpaces = 0;
let indentationTabs = 0;
let trailingWhitespace = 0;
let emptyLines = 0;
let maxLineLength = 0;
const processedLines = => {
maxLineLength = Math.max(maxLineLength, line.length);
if (line.trim().length === 0) emptyLines++;
if (line.match(/[ \t]+$/)) trailingWhitespace++;
const indent = line.match(/^[ \t]+/);
if (indent) {
indentationSpaces += (indent[0].match(/ /g) || []).length;
indentationTabs += (indent[0].match(/\t/g) || []).length;
let processedLine = line;
if (config.trimTrailingWhitespace) {
processedLine = processedLine.replace(/[ \t]+$/, '');
if (!config.preserveIndentation) {
processedLine = processedLine.replace(/^[ \t]+/, config.defaultIndentation || ' ');
return processedLine;
const normalized = processedLines.join(
config.preserveLineEndings ? lineEndings : (config.defaultLineEnding || '\n')
const hash = Buffer.from(normalized).toString('base64');
return {
stats: {
* Create a token-based pattern for matching
* @param pattern Original pattern
* @param config Whitespace configuration
private createTokenPattern(pattern: string, config: WhitespaceConfig): RegExp {
const tokens = this.tokenize(pattern);
let flexPattern = => {
// Escape regex special characters except those we want to keep flexible
const escaped = token.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
// Make whitespace flexible based on config
if (!config.preserveIndentation && /^\s+$/.test(token)) {
return '\\s*';
if (config.normalizeWhitespace && /\s/.test(token)) {
return escaped.replace(/\s+/g, '\\s+');
return escaped;
return new RegExp(flexPattern);
* Create a token-based pattern for matching blocks
* @param pattern Original pattern
* @param config Whitespace configuration
private createBlockTokenPattern(pattern: string, config: WhitespaceConfig): RegExp {
const tokens = this.tokenize(pattern);
let flexPattern = => {
const escaped = token.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
// Handle line endings
if (!config.preserveLineEndings && /\r?\n/.test(token)) {
return '\\r?\\n';
// Handle whitespace
if (!config.preserveIndentation && /^\s+$/.test(token)) {
return '\\s*';
if (config.normalizeWhitespace && /\s/.test(token)) {
return escaped.replace(/\s+/g, '\\s+');
return escaped;
return new RegExp(flexPattern, 'gm');
* Split content into manageable chunks
* @param content Content to split
* @param size Chunk size
private splitIntoChunks(content: string, size: number): string[] {
const chunks: string[] = [];
let index = 0;
while (index < content.length) {
chunks.push(content.slice(index, index + size));
index += size;
return chunks;
* Tokenize content for improved matching
* @param content Content to tokenize
private tokenize(content: string): string[] {
// Split into meaningful tokens (words, whitespace, symbols)
return content.match(/\s+|\w+|[^\s\w]+/g) || [];
* Check if content matches pattern using token-based comparison
* @param content Content to check
* @param pattern Pattern to match against
private matchesWithTokens(content: string, pattern: RegExp): boolean {
const contentTokens = this.tokenize(content);
const patternStr = pattern.source;
const patternTokens = this.tokenize(patternStr);
// Use Levenshtein distance for fuzzy matching
return this.calculateSimilarity(contentTokens, patternTokens) >= this.SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD;
* Calculate similarity between token arrays
* @param tokens1 First token array
* @param tokens2 Second token array
private calculateSimilarity(tokens1: string[], tokens2: string[]): number {
const matrix: number[][] = [];
// Initialize matrix
for (let i = 0; i <= tokens1.length; i++) {
matrix[i] = [i];
for (let j = 0; j <= tokens2.length; j++) {
matrix[0][j] = j;
// Fill matrix
for (let i = 1; i <= tokens1.length; i++) {
for (let j = 1; j <= tokens2.length; j++) {
if (tokens1[i - 1] === tokens2[j - 1]) {
matrix[i][j] = matrix[i - 1][j - 1];
} else {
matrix[i][j] = Math.min(
matrix[i - 1][j - 1] + 1, // substitution
matrix[i][j - 1] + 1, // insertion
matrix[i - 1][j] + 1 // deletion
const maxLength = Math.max(tokens1.length, tokens2.length);
return 1 - matrix[tokens1.length][tokens2.length] / maxLength;
* Find common ancestor for three-way merge
* @param content1 First content
* @param content2 Second content
private async findCommonAncestor(content1: string, content2: string): Promise<string> {
const tokens1 = this.tokenize(content1);
const tokens2 = this.tokenize(content2);
// Find longest common subsequence
const lcs = this.findLCS(tokens1, tokens2);
return lcs.join('');
* Find longest common subsequence
* @param tokens1 First token array
* @param tokens2 Second token array
private findLCS(tokens1: string[], tokens2: string[]): string[] {
const matrix: number[][] = Array(tokens1.length + 1).fill(0)
.map(() => Array(tokens2.length + 1).fill(0));
// Fill LCS matrix
for (let i = 1; i <= tokens1.length; i++) {
for (let j = 1; j <= tokens2.length; j++) {
if (tokens1[i - 1] === tokens2[j - 1]) {
matrix[i][j] = matrix[i - 1][j - 1] + 1;
} else {
matrix[i][j] = Math.max(matrix[i - 1][j], matrix[i][j - 1]);
// Reconstruct LCS
const lcs: string[] = [];
let i = tokens1.length;
let j = tokens2.length;
while (i > 0 && j > 0) {
if (tokens1[i - 1] === tokens2[j - 1]) {
lcs.unshift(tokens1[i - 1]);
} else if (matrix[i - 1][j] > matrix[i][j - 1]) {
} else {
return lcs;
* Perform three-way merge
* @param base Base content
* @param current Current content
* @param target Target content
private async performThreeWayMerge(
base: string,
current: string,
target: string
): Promise<{ normalized: string; conflicts: string[] }> {
const baseTokens = this.tokenize(base);
const currentTokens = this.tokenize(current);
const targetTokens = this.tokenize(target);
const conflicts: string[] = [];
const merged: string[] = [];
let i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
while (i < baseTokens.length || j < currentTokens.length || k < targetTokens.length) {
if (currentTokens[j] === targetTokens[k]) {
i++; j++; k++;
} else if (currentTokens[j] === baseTokens[i]) {
i++; j++; k++;
} else if (targetTokens[k] === baseTokens[i]) {
i++; j++; k++;
} else {
// Conflict detected
conflicts.push(`Conflict at position ${merged.length}`);
merged.push(currentTokens[j] || targetTokens[k]);
i++; j++; k++;
return { normalized: merged.join(''), conflicts };
* Verify changes before applying
* @param original Original content
* @param modified Modified content
* @param operation Patch operation
private async verifyChanges(
original: string,
modified: string,
operation: PatchOperation
): Promise<boolean> {
// Verify content hasn't been corrupted
if (!this.isValidContent(modified)) {
return false;
// Verify operation-specific constraints
switch (operation.type) {
case 'complete':
return this.verifyCompleteReplacement(original, modified);
case 'line':
return this.verifyLineChanges(original, modified);
case 'block':
return this.verifyBlockChanges(original, modified);
case 'diff':
return this.verifyDiffChanges(original, modified);
return false;
* Verify complete replacement
* @param original Original content
* @param modified Modified content
private verifyCompleteReplacement(original: string, modified: string): boolean {
// Ensure basic file structure is maintained and content hasn't regressed
return this.hasValidStructure(modified) && modified.length >= original.length * 0.5;
* Verify line changes
* @param original Original content
* @param modified Modified content
private verifyLineChanges(original: string, modified: string): boolean {
const originalLines = original.split('\n');
const modifiedLines = modified.split('\n');
// Verify line count hasn't changed unexpectedly
return Math.abs(originalLines.length - modifiedLines.length) <=
originalLines.filter(line => line.trim().length === 0).length;
* Verify block changes
* @param original Original content
* @param modified Modified content
private verifyBlockChanges(original: string, modified: string): boolean {
// Verify block structure and ensure content similarity
return this.hasValidBlockStructure(modified) &&
this.calculateSimilarity(this.tokenize(original), this.tokenize(modified)) >= 0.3;
* Verify diff changes
* @param original Original content
* @param modified Modified content
private verifyDiffChanges(original: string, modified: string): boolean {
// Verify diff hasn't corrupted content and maintains reasonable similarity
return this.isValidContent(modified) &&
this.hasValidStructure(modified) &&
this.calculateSimilarity(this.tokenize(original), this.tokenize(modified)) >= 0.5;
* Check if content is valid
* @param content Content to check
private isValidContent(content: string): boolean {
// Basic validation
return content.length > 0 && !content.includes('\0');
* Check if content has valid structure
* @param content Content to check
private hasValidStructure(content: string): boolean {
// Check basic file structure
const lines = content.split('\n');
return lines.every(line => line.length <= 10000); // Arbitrary max line length
* Check if content has valid block structure
* @param content Content to check
private hasValidBlockStructure(content: string): boolean {
// Check block structure (e.g., matching braces)
const braces = content.match(/[{}]/g) || [];
return braces.filter(b => b === '{').length === braces.filter(b => b === '}').length;
* Validate line change
* @param original Original line
* @param modified Modified line
private async validateLineChange(original: string, modified: string): Promise<boolean> {
// Check for protected content
if (original.includes('TODO') || original.includes('IMPORTANT')) {
return false;
// Validate line-level changes
return modified.length <= original.length * 2; // Arbitrary max growth factor
* Validate line deletion
* @param line Line to delete
private async validateLineDeletion(line: string): Promise<boolean> {
// Validate if line can be safely deleted
return !line.includes('IMPORTANT') && !line.includes('TODO');
* Validate block change
* @param original Original block
* @param modified Modified block
private async validateBlockChange(original: string, modified: string): Promise<boolean> {
// Validate block-level changes and content integrity
return this.hasValidBlockStructure(modified) &&
modified.length >= original.length * 0.5 &&
modified.length <= original.length * 2;
* Validate diff change
* @param original Original content
* @param modified Modified content
private async validateDiffChange(original: string, modified: string): Promise<boolean> {
// Validate diff-level changes and content integrity
return this.isValidContent(modified) &&
this.hasValidStructure(modified) &&
this.calculateSimilarity(this.tokenize(original), this.tokenize(modified)) >= 0.3;
* Handle conflicts based on resolution strategy
* @param context Atomic operation context
* @param conflicts Detected conflicts
* @param resolution Conflict resolution strategy
private async handleConflicts(
context: { backupPath?: string; tempPath?: string },
conflicts: string[],
resolution?: ConflictResolution
): Promise<void> {
switch (resolution) {
case 'force':
// Proceed despite conflicts
await this.commitAtomicOperation(context);
case 'revert':
// Revert changes
await this.rollbackAtomicOperation(context);
// Default to revert
await this.rollbackAtomicOperation(context);
throw new Error(`Unresolved conflicts: ${conflicts.join(', ')}`);
* Commit atomic operation
* @param context Atomic operation context
private async commitAtomicOperation(
context: { backupPath?: string; tempPath?: string }
): Promise<void> {
if (context.backupPath) {
await this.fileService.deleteFile(context.backupPath);
* Rollback atomic operation
* @param context Atomic operation context
private async rollbackAtomicOperation(
context: { backupPath?: string; tempPath?: string }
): Promise<void> {
if (context.backupPath && context.tempPath) {
await this.restoreFromBackup(context.tempPath, context.backupPath);
* Restore a file from its backup
* @param filePath Original file path
* @param backupPath Backup file path
protected async restoreFromBackup(filePath: string, backupPath: string): Promise<void> {
try {
// Cast overwrite to allow true value
await this.fileService.copyFile(backupPath, filePath, true as false);
await this.fileService.deleteFile(backupPath);
} catch (error) {
throw new FileOperationError(
'OPERATION_FAILED' as FileErrorCode,
`Failed to restore from backup: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'}`,