File Operations MCP Server
by bsmi021
- src
- services
import { promises as fs, existsSync, readFileSync } from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import {
} from '../types/index.js';
import { CHANGE_TRACKING_CONFIG } from '../config/defaults.js';
* Implementation of ChangeTrackingService interface handling change history
* Follows SOLID principles:
* - Single Responsibility: Handles only change tracking operations
* - Open/Closed: Extensible through inheritance
* - Liskov Substitution: Implements ChangeTrackingService interface
* - Interface Segregation: Focused change tracking methods
* - Dependency Inversion: Depends on abstractions (ChangeTrackingService interface)
export class ChangeTrackingServiceImpl implements ChangeTrackingService {
private changes: Change[];
private changesFilePath: string;
constructor(storageDir?: string) {
// Use provided storage directory or default to user's home directory
const baseDir = storageDir || process.env.USERPROFILE || process.env.HOME || '.';
this.changesFilePath = path.join(baseDir, '.cline-changes.json');
this.changes = this.loadChanges();
* Add a new change to the history
* @param change Change details (without id and timestamp)
async addChange(change: Omit<Change, 'id' | 'timestamp'>): Promise<Change> {
const newChange: Change = {
id: this.generateChangeId(),
timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
description: change.description,
type: change.type,
details: change.details
// Add to in-memory changes
// Trim if exceeding max changes
if (this.changes.length > CHANGE_TRACKING_CONFIG.maxChanges) {
this.changes = this.changes.slice(-CHANGE_TRACKING_CONFIG.maxChanges);
// Persist changes if enabled
if (CHANGE_TRACKING_CONFIG.persistChanges) {
await this.saveChanges();
return newChange;
* Get changes with optional filtering
* @param limit Maximum number of changes to return
* @param type Filter by change type
async getChanges(limit?: number, type?: ChangeType): Promise<Change[]> {
let filteredChanges = [...this.changes];
// Apply type filter if specified
if (type) {
filteredChanges = filteredChanges.filter(change => change.type === type);
// Sort by timestamp descending (most recent first)
filteredChanges.sort((a, b) =>
new Date(b.timestamp).getTime() - new Date(a.timestamp).getTime()
// Apply limit if specified
if (limit && limit > 0) {
filteredChanges = filteredChanges.slice(0, limit);
return filteredChanges;
* Clear all tracked changes
async clearChanges(): Promise<void> {
this.changes = [];
if (CHANGE_TRACKING_CONFIG.persistChanges) {
await this.saveChanges();
* Get changes by time range
* @param startTime Start of time range
* @param endTime End of time range
async getChangesByTimeRange(startTime: Date, endTime: Date): Promise<Change[]> {
return this.changes.filter(change => {
const changeTime = new Date(change.timestamp);
return changeTime >= startTime && changeTime <= endTime;
* Get changes for a specific file path
* @param filePath Path to file
async getChangesByFile(filePath: string): Promise<Change[]> {
return this.changes.filter(change =>
change.details &&
(change.details.filePath === filePath ||
(Array.isArray(change.details.files) &&
* Get summary of changes grouped by type
async getChangeSummary(): Promise<Record<string, number>> {
return this.changes.reduce((summary: Record<string, number>, change) => {
summary[change.type] = (summary[change.type] || 0) + 1;
return summary;
}, {});
* Load changes from persistent storage
private loadChanges(): Change[] {
try {
if (existsSync(this.changesFilePath)) {
const data = readFileSync(this.changesFilePath, 'utf8');
return JSON.parse(data);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error loading changes:', error);
return [];
* Save changes to persistent storage
private async saveChanges(): Promise<void> {
try {
// Ensure directory exists
await fs.mkdir(path.dirname(this.changesFilePath), { recursive: true });
// Write changes to file
await fs.writeFile(
JSON.stringify(this.changes, null, 2),
} catch (error) {
throw new FileOperationError(
'OPERATION_FAILED' as FileErrorCode,
`Failed to save changes: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'}`,
* Generate a unique change ID
private generateChangeId(): string {
return `${}-${Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15)}`;
* Clean up old changes beyond retention period
* @param retentionDays Number of days to retain changes
protected async cleanupOldChanges(retentionDays: number): Promise<void> {
const cutoffDate = new Date();
cutoffDate.setDate(cutoffDate.getDate() - retentionDays);
this.changes = this.changes.filter(change =>
new Date(change.timestamp) >= cutoffDate
if (CHANGE_TRACKING_CONFIG.persistChanges) {
await this.saveChanges();
* Export changes to a file
* @param exportPath Path to export file
protected async exportChanges(exportPath: string): Promise<void> {
try {
const exportData = {
exportDate: new Date().toISOString(),
changes: this.changes
await fs.writeFile(exportPath, JSON.stringify(exportData, null, 2), 'utf8');
} catch (error) {
throw new FileOperationError(
'OPERATION_FAILED' as FileErrorCode,
`Failed to export changes: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'}`,
* Import changes from a file
* @param importPath Path to import file
* @param merge Whether to merge with existing changes
protected async importChanges(importPath: string, merge = false): Promise<void> {
try {
const importData = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(importPath, 'utf8'));
if (!Array.isArray(importData.changes)) {
throw new Error('Invalid import file format');
if (merge) {
// Merge with existing changes, avoiding duplicates by ID
const existingIds = new Set( =>;
const newChanges = importData.changes.filter((c: Change) => !existingIds.has(;
} else {
// Replace existing changes
this.changes = importData.changes;
if (CHANGE_TRACKING_CONFIG.persistChanges) {
await this.saveChanges();
} catch (error) {
throw new FileOperationError(
'OPERATION_FAILED' as FileErrorCode,
`Failed to import changes: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'}`,