File Operations MCP Server

import { promises as fs, existsSync } from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import { glob } from 'glob'; import { DirectoryService, FileEntry, FileOperationError, FileErrorCode } from '../types/index.js'; import { FILE_OPERATION_DEFAULTS } from '../config/defaults.js'; import { FileServiceImpl } from './FileService.js'; /** * Implementation of DirectoryService interface handling directory operations * Follows SOLID principles: * - Single Responsibility: Handles only directory-level operations * - Open/Closed: Extensible through inheritance * - Liskov Substitution: Implements DirectoryService interface * - Interface Segregation: Focused directory operation methods * - Dependency Inversion: Depends on abstractions (DirectoryService interface) */ export class DirectoryServiceImpl implements DirectoryService { private fileService: FileServiceImpl; constructor() { this.fileService = new FileServiceImpl(); } /** * Create a directory at the specified path * @param dirPath Path where to create the directory * @param recursive Whether to create parent directories if they don't exist */ async create(dirPath: string, recursive = FILE_OPERATION_DEFAULTS.recursive): Promise<void> { try { await fs.mkdir(dirPath, { recursive }); } catch (error) { throw new FileOperationError( 'OPERATION_FAILED' as FileErrorCode, `Failed to create directory: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'}`, dirPath ); } } /** * Remove a directory and optionally its contents * @param dirPath Path of directory to remove * @param recursive Whether to remove directory contents recursively */ async remove(dirPath: string, recursive = false): Promise<void> { try { if (recursive) { // For recursive removal, we need to handle contents first const entries = await fs.readdir(dirPath, { withFileTypes: true }); for (const entry of entries) { const fullPath = path.join(dirPath,; if (entry.isDirectory()) { await this.remove(fullPath, true); } else { await fs.unlink(fullPath); } } } await fs.rmdir(dirPath); } catch (error) { throw new FileOperationError( 'OPERATION_FAILED' as FileErrorCode, `Failed to remove directory: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'}`, dirPath ); } } /** * Copy a directory and its contents to a new location * @param source Source directory path * @param destination Destination directory path * @param overwrite Whether to overwrite existing files/directories */ async copy(source: string, destination: string, overwrite = FILE_OPERATION_DEFAULTS.overwrite): Promise<void> { try { // Check if destination exists and overwrite is false if (!overwrite && existsSync(destination)) { throw new Error('Destination directory already exists'); } // Create destination directory await fs.mkdir(destination, { recursive: true }); // Read source directory contents const entries = await fs.readdir(source, { withFileTypes: true }); // Process each entry for (const entry of entries) { const srcPath = path.join(source,; const destPath = path.join(destination,; if (entry.isDirectory()) { // Recursively copy subdirectories await this.copy(srcPath, destPath, overwrite); } else { // Copy files await this.fileService.copyFile(srcPath, destPath, overwrite); } } } catch (error) { throw new FileOperationError( 'OPERATION_FAILED' as FileErrorCode, `Failed to copy directory: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'}`, source ); } } /** * List contents of a directory with detailed metadata * @param dirPath Path of directory to list * @param recursive Whether to list contents recursively */ async list(dirPath: string, recursive = false): Promise<FileEntry[]> { try { try { await fs.access(dirPath); } catch { throw new FileOperationError( 'INVALID_PATH' as FileErrorCode, 'Directory does not exist or is not accessible', dirPath ); } const pattern = recursive ? '**/*' : '*'; const files = await glob(path.join(dirPath, pattern), { dot: false, nodir: false, windowsPathsNoEscape: true }); const entries: FileEntry[] = []; for (const file of files) { try { const metadata = await this.fileService.getMetadata(file); entries.push({ path: file, name: path.basename(file), metadata }); } catch (error) { console.error(`Error getting metadata for ${file}:`, error); } } return entries; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof FileOperationError) throw error; throw new FileOperationError( 'OPERATION_FAILED' as FileErrorCode, `Failed to list directory: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'}`, dirPath ); } } /** * Check if a path exists and is a directory * @param dirPath Path to check */ protected async validateDirectory(dirPath: string): Promise<void> { try { const stats = await fs.stat(dirPath); if (!stats.isDirectory()) { throw new FileOperationError( 'INVALID_PATH' as FileErrorCode, 'Path exists but is not a directory', dirPath ); } } catch (error) { if (error instanceof FileOperationError) throw error; throw new FileOperationError( 'INVALID_PATH' as FileErrorCode, `Invalid or inaccessible directory: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'}`, dirPath ); } } /** * Ensure a directory is empty * @param dirPath Path to check * @throws FileOperationError if directory is not empty */ protected async ensureEmpty(dirPath: string): Promise<void> { const entries = await fs.readdir(dirPath); if (entries.length > 0) { throw new FileOperationError( 'OPERATION_FAILED' as FileErrorCode, 'Directory is not empty', dirPath ); } } /** * Calculate total size of a directory * @param dirPath Path to directory * @returns Total size in bytes */ protected async calculateSize(dirPath: string): Promise<number> { let totalSize = 0; const entries = await fs.readdir(dirPath, { withFileTypes: true }); for (const entry of entries) { const fullPath = path.join(dirPath,; if (entry.isDirectory()) { totalSize += await this.calculateSize(fullPath); } else { const stats = await fs.stat(fullPath); totalSize += stats.size; } } return totalSize; } }