Specif-ai MCP Server

# Update script for specif-ai-mcp-server (Windows PowerShell) # Script parameters param( [string]$v = "", # Version parameter [switch]$c = $false, # Check only parameter [switch]$h = $false # Help parameter ) # Repository information $RepoOwner = "vj-presidio" $RepoName = "specif-ai-mcp-server" $BinaryName = "specif-ai-mcp-server" $InstallDir = "$env:ProgramFiles\specif-ai" # Colors for output $Green = "Green" $Red = "Red" $Blue = "Cyan" # Show help function Show-Help { Write-Host "Usage: update.ps1 [-v version] [-c]" Write-Host "" Write-Host "Options:" Write-Host " -v version Update to specific version" Write-Host " -c Check for updates only" Write-Host " -h Show this help message" exit 0 } # Show help if requested if ($h) { Show-Help } # Function to get current version function Get-CurrentVersion { $BinaryPath = Join-Path $InstallDir "$BinaryName.exe" if (-not (Test-Path $BinaryPath)) { Write-Host "Error: $BinaryName is not installed" -ForegroundColor $Red exit 1 } try { $Version = & $BinaryPath --version if ($Version -match '\d+\.\d+\.\d+') { return $Matches[0] } Write-Host "Error: Could not determine current version" -ForegroundColor $Red exit 1 } catch { Write-Host "Error: Could not determine current version" -ForegroundColor $Red exit 1 } } # Function to get latest version from GitHub function Get-LatestVersion { try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://api.github.com/repos/$RepoOwner/$RepoName/releases/latest" return $response.tag_name -replace '^v', '' } catch { Write-Host "Error: Could not determine latest version" -ForegroundColor $Red exit 1 } } # Function to check if version exists function Test-VersionExists { param([string]$Version) try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://api.github.com/repos/$RepoOwner/$RepoName/releases/tags/v$Version" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue return $true } catch { return $false } } # Function to compare versions function Compare-Versions { param( [string]$Version1, [string]$Version2 ) $v1 = [version]$Version1 $v2 = [version]$Version2 return $v1.CompareTo($v2) } # Function to download binary function Get-Binary { param([string]$Version) # Determine CPU variant $Variant = "-modern" try { # Check if CPU supports modern features $CpuInfo = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Processor if (-not ($CpuInfo.Caption -match "Intel|AMD")) { $Variant = "-baseline" } } catch { # Fallback to baseline if can't determine $Variant = "-baseline" } # Create temp directory $TempDir = New-TemporaryFile | ForEach-Object { Remove-Item $_; New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $_ } $TempFile = Join-Path $TempDir "$BinaryName.exe" # Construct download URL $DownloadUrl = "https://github.com/$RepoOwner/$RepoName/releases/download/v$Version/$BinaryName-windows-x64$Variant-v$Version.exe" Write-Host "Downloading $BinaryName v$Version..." -ForegroundColor $Blue try { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $DownloadUrl -OutFile $TempFile return $TempFile } catch { Write-Host "Error: Failed to download binary" -ForegroundColor $Red Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $TempDir exit 1 } } # Function to install binary function Install-Binary { param([string]$TempFile) # Create installation directory if it doesn't exist if (-not (Test-Path $InstallDir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $InstallDir | Out-Null } # Move binary to installation directory $TargetPath = Join-Path $InstallDir "$BinaryName.exe" Move-Item -Force $TempFile $TargetPath # Add to PATH if not already there $CurrentPath = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", "Machine") if ($CurrentPath -notlike "*$InstallDir*") { $NewPath = "$CurrentPath;$InstallDir" [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $NewPath, "Machine") $env:Path = $NewPath } } # Main update flow function Update-Main { $CurrentVersion = Get-CurrentVersion # Determine target version if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($v)) { $TargetVersion = Get-LatestVersion } else { $TargetVersion = $v Write-Host "Checking if version v$TargetVersion exists..." -ForegroundColor $Blue if (-not (Test-VersionExists $TargetVersion)) { Write-Host "Error: Version v$TargetVersion not found" -ForegroundColor $Red exit 1 } } # Compare versions if ($CurrentVersion -eq $TargetVersion) { Write-Host "Already running latest version v$CurrentVersion" -ForegroundColor $Green exit 0 } $VersionComparison = Compare-Versions $TargetVersion $CurrentVersion if ($VersionComparison -lt 0) { Write-Host "Target version v$TargetVersion is older than current version v$CurrentVersion" -ForegroundColor $Red exit 1 } # If check only, exit here if ($c) { Write-Host "Update available: v$CurrentVersion -> v$TargetVersion" -ForegroundColor $Blue Write-Host "Run without -c flag to update" -ForegroundColor $Blue exit 0 } # Download and install binary Write-Host "Updating from v$CurrentVersion to v$TargetVersion..." -ForegroundColor $Blue $TempFile = Get-Binary $TargetVersion Install-Binary $TempFile # Cleanup Remove-Item -Recurse -Force (Split-Path $TempFile) Write-Host "Successfully updated to v$TargetVersion" -ForegroundColor $Green } # Run main update flow Update-Main