Specif-ai MCP Server

#!/usr/bin/env node import { ServerService } from './src/services/server.service' import { logger } from './src/utils/logger' import pkg from './package.json' // Version is injected during build declare global { namespace NodeJS { interface ProcessEnv { SP_VERSION: string PWD?: string } } } /** * Print version information */ function printVersion() { console.log(process.env.SP_VERSION || '0.0.0') } /** * Print usage instructions */ function printHelp() { // Keep console.error for help output since it's CLI usage information console.error(` ${pkg.name} - v${process.env.SP_VERSION} Usage: ${pkg.bin ? Object.keys(pkg.bin)[0] : pkg.name} Options: -h, --help Display this help message -v, --version Display version information Example: ${pkg.bin ? Object.keys(pkg.bin)[0] : pkg.name} npx --yes ${pkg.name} bunx ${pkg.name} `) } /** * Main entry point for the Specif-ai MCP Server */ async function main() { try { logger.info( { version: process.env.SP_VERSION, pwd: process.env.PWD, ...process.env }, 'Starting Specif-ai MCP Server' ) const args = process.argv.slice(2) if (args[0] === '--help' || args[0] === '-h') { printHelp() process.exit(args.length === 0 ? 1 : 0) } if (args[0] === '--version' || args[0] === '-v') { printVersion() process.exit(0) } // Initialize and start server const serverService = new ServerService(process.env.PWD) await serverService.start() logger.info('Specif-ai MCP Server running on stdio') } catch (error) { logger.error({ error: error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error) }, 'Fatal error') process.exit(1) } } // Handle process signals process.on('SIGINT', () => { logger.info('Received SIGINT. Shutting down...') process.exit(0) }) process.on('SIGTERM', () => { logger.info('Received SIGTERM. Shutting down...') process.exit(0) }) // Start the application main()