Specif-ai MCP Server

#!/bin/bash # Colors for output GREEN='\033[0;32m' RED='\033[0;31m' BLUE='\033[0;34m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color # Get the version number to be released SP_VERSION=$(bun run release-it --release-version | grep -oE '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+') # Create build directory mkdir -p build # Define all target platforms targets=( "bun-darwin-arm64:specif-ai-mcp-server-darwin-arm64-v${SP_VERSION}" "bun-darwin-x64:specif-ai-mcp-server-darwin-x64-v${SP_VERSION}" "bun-linux-arm64:specif-ai-mcp-server-linux-arm64-v${SP_VERSION}" "bun-linux-x64:specif-ai-mcp-server-linux-x64-v${SP_VERSION}" "bun-linux-x64-baseline:specif-ai-mcp-server-linux-x64-baseline-v${SP_VERSION}" "bun-linux-x64-modern:specif-ai-mcp-server-linux-x64-modern-v${SP_VERSION}" "bun-windows-x64:specif-ai-mcp-server-windows-x64-v${SP_VERSION}.exe" "bun-windows-x64-baseline:specif-ai-mcp-server-windows-x64-baseline-v${SP_VERSION}.exe" "bun-windows-x64-modern:specif-ai-mcp-server-windows-x64-modern-v${SP_VERSION}.exe" ) # Function to build for a specific target build_target() { local target=$1 local output=$2 echo -e "${BLUE}Building for ${target}...${NC}" # Add version information to the binary if bun build index.ts --compile --minify --bytecode --target "$target" --define process.env.SP_VERSION="'${SP_VERSION}'" --outfile "build/$output"; then echo -e "${GREEN}✓ Successfully built for ${target}${NC}" return 0 else echo -e "${RED}✗ Failed to build for ${target}${NC}" return 1 fi } # Track overall success success=true # Remove existing build directory echo -e "${BLUE}Removing existing build directory...${NC}" rm -rf build mkdir -p build echo -e "${GREEN}✓ Removed existing build directory${NC}" echo "----------------------------------------" # Build for all targets echo -e "${BLUE}Starting builds for all platforms...${NC}" echo -e "${BLUE}Building version: ${SP_VERSION}${NC}" echo "----------------------------------------" for target in "${targets[@]}"; do IFS=':' read -r platform output <<< "$target" if ! build_target "$platform" "$output"; then success=false fi echo "----------------------------------------" done # Function to check binary version check_binary_version() { local binary=$1 echo -e "${BLUE}Checking version for compatible binary: ${binary}${NC}" echo -e "${BLUE}Version information:${NC}" echo "----------------------------------------" chmod +x "build/$binary" "./build/$binary" --help | grep "specif-ai-mcp-server - v" echo "----------------------------------------" } # Final status if [ "$success" = true ]; then echo -e "${GREEN}All builds completed successfully!${NC}" echo -e "${BLUE}Builds available in the build/ directory:${NC}" ls -lh build/ echo "----------------------------------------" # Check version for platform-specific binary case "$(uname -s)" in Darwin*) if [ "$(uname -m)" = "arm64" ]; then check_binary_version "specif-ai-mcp-server-darwin-arm64-v${SP_VERSION}" else check_binary_version "specif-ai-mcp-server-darwin-x64-v${SP_VERSION}" fi ;; Linux*) if [ "$(uname -m)" = "aarch64" ]; then check_binary_version "specif-ai-mcp-server-linux-arm64-v${SP_VERSION}" else check_binary_version "specif-ai-mcp-server-linux-x64-v${SP_VERSION}" fi ;; MINGW*|CYGWIN*|MSYS*) check_binary_version "specif-ai-mcp-server-windows-x64-v${SP_VERSION}.exe" ;; *) echo -e "${RED}Unsupported platform for version check${NC}" ;; esac else echo -e "${RED}Some builds failed. Check the output above for details.${NC}" exit 1 fi