Specif-ai MCP Server

# @vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server A CLI tool that runs an MCP (Model Context Protocol) server over stdio for [Specif-ai](https://github.com/presidio-oss/specif-ai). ## Installation & Usage Overview ```mermaid graph TD A[Installation Options] A --> B[Direct Binary Installation] A --> C[Package Manager Installation] B --> D[Unix Script] B --> E[Windows PowerShell] C --> F[NPM Global] C --> G[Bun Global] B --> H1[When to Use Binary Installation] H1 --> I1[System-wide installation] H1 --> I2[No Node.js required] H1 --> I3[Minimal dependencies] C --> H2[When to Use Package Manager] H2 --> J1[Already using Node.js/Bun] H2 --> J2[Need automatic updates] H2 --> J3[Project-specific versions] K[Usage Methods] K --> L[Direct CLI] K --> M[NPX] K --> N[BunX] L --> O1[Installed globally] L --> O2[Fastest startup] M --> P1[No installation needed] M --> P2[Version flexibility] N --> Q1[Bun runtime users] N --> Q2[Better performance] ``` ## Installation ### Direct Binary Installation (Recommended) You can install the binary directly using our installation script: ```bash # Unix (macOS/Linux) curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server/main/install.sh | sh # Install specific version curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server/main/install.sh | sh -s -- -v 1.2.3 ``` ```powershell # Windows (PowerShell) iwr -useb https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server/main/install.ps1 | iex # Install specific version iwr -useb https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server/main/install.ps1 | iex -v 1.2.3 ``` or manually download the binary for your platform from the [Releases](https://github.com/vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server/releases/latest) page. ### Package Manager Installation You can install globally using [`npm`](https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v11/commands/npm): ```bash # Latest version npm install -g @vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server@latest # Specific version npm install -g @vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server@1.2.3 ``` Or using [`bun`](https://bun.sh/docs/cli/install): ```bash # Latest version bun install -g @vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server@latest # Specific version bun install -g @vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server@1.2.3 ``` ## Updates To check for updates: ```bash # Unix (macOS/Linux) curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server/main/update.sh | sh -s -- -c # Windows (PowerShell) iwr -useb https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server/main/update.ps1 | iex -c ``` To update to the latest version: ```bash # Unix (macOS/Linux) curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server/main/update.sh | sh # Windows (PowerShell) iwr -useb https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server/main/update.ps1 | iex ``` To update to a specific version: ```bash # Unix (macOS/Linux) curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server/main/update.sh | sh -s -- -v 1.2.3 # Windows (PowerShell) iwr -useb https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server/main/update.ps1 | iex -v 1.2.3 ``` ## Example MCP Client Configuration with [`npx`](https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v8/commands/npx) with latest version: ```json { "specif-ai": { "command": "npx", "args": ["--yes", "@vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server@latest"], "disabled": false, "autoApprove": [] } } ``` with [`npx`](https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v8/commands/npx) with specific version: ```json { "specif-ai": { "command": "npx", "args": ["--yes", "@vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server@1.2.3"], "disabled": false, "autoApprove": [] } } ``` with [`bunx`](https://bun.sh/docs/cli/bunx) with latest version: ```json { "specif-ai": { "command": "bunx", "args": ["@vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server@latest"], "disabled": false, "autoApprove": [] } } ``` with [`bunx`](https://bun.sh/docs/cli/bunx) with specific version: ```json { "specif-ai": { "command": "bunx", "args": ["@vj-presidio/specif-ai-mcp-server@1.2.3"], "disabled": false, "autoApprove": [] } } ``` with direct binary or package manager global installation: ```json { "specif-ai": { "command": "specif-ai-mcp-server", "args": [], "disabled": false, "autoApprove": [] } } ``` ### Options - `--help`, `-h`: Display help information - `--version`: Display version information ## Specifai MCP integration with popular IDE and extension See the setup instructions for each 1. [Cline](./docs/setup/cline.md) 2. [Cursor](./docs/setup/cursor.md) ### Setting Project Path Once the server is running, you can set the project path using the `set-project-path` tool. This tool accepts a path to the directory containing your specification files. After setting the path, the server will load all documents from that directory. Example tool usage: ```json { "name": "set-project-path", "arguments": { "path": "./path/to/project" } } ``` ### Available Tools The server provides several tools for interacting with your specification documents: | Tool Name | Description | | ------------------ | ---------------------------------------- | | `set-project-path` | Set or change the project directory path | | `get-brds` | Get Business Requirement Documents | | `get-prds` | Get Product Requirement Documents | | `get-nfrs` | Get Non-Functional Requirements | | `get-uirs` | Get User Interface Requirements | | `get-bps` | Get Business Process Documents | | `get-user-stories` | Get User Stories for a specific PRD | | `get-tasks` | Get Tasks for a specific User Story | | `get-task` | Get details of a specific Task | ## Requirements For binary installation: - curl (Unix) or PowerShell (Windows) - sudo access (Unix, for system-wide installation) For package manager installation: - Node.js >= 16.0.0 - Bun >= 1.0.0 (if using Bun runtime) ## License MIT