
by RyanCardin15
import * as azdev from 'azure-devops-node-api'; import { GitApi } from 'azure-devops-node-api/GitApi'; import { AzureDevOpsConfig } from '../Interfaces/AzureDevOps'; import { ListRepositoriesParams, GetRepositoryParams, CreateRepositoryParams, ListBranchesParams, SearchCodeParams, BrowseRepositoryParams, GetFileContentParams, GetCommitHistoryParams, ListPullRequestsParams, CreatePullRequestParams, GetPullRequestParams, GetPullRequestCommentsParams, ApprovePullRequestParams, MergePullRequestParams, GetCommitsParams, GetPullRequestsParams, CompletePullRequestParams } from '../Interfaces/CodeAndRepositories'; export class GitService { private connection: azdev.WebApi; private config: AzureDevOpsConfig; constructor(config: AzureDevOpsConfig) { this.config = config; this.connection = new azdev.WebApi( config.orgUrl, azdev.getPersonalAccessTokenHandler(config.personalAccessToken) ); } /** * Get the Git API client */ private async getGitApi(): Promise<GitApi> { return await this.connection.getGitApi(); } /** * List all repositories */ public async listRepositories(params: ListRepositoriesParams): Promise<any> { try { const gitApi = await this.getGitApi(); const repositories = await gitApi.getRepositories( params.projectId || this.config.project, params.includeHidden, params.includeAllUrls ); return repositories; } catch (error) { console.error('Error listing repositories:', error); throw error; } } /** * Get repository details */ public async getRepository(params: GetRepositoryParams): Promise<any> { try { const gitApi = await this.getGitApi(); const repository = await gitApi.getRepository( params.repositoryId, params.projectId || this.config.project ); return repository; } catch (error) { console.error(`Error getting repository ${params.repositoryId}:`, error); throw error; } } /** * Create a repository */ public async createRepository(params: CreateRepositoryParams): Promise<any> { try { const gitApi = await this.getGitApi(); const repository = await gitApi.createRepository({ name:, project: { id: params.projectId || this.config.project } }, params.projectId || this.config.project); return repository; } catch (error) { console.error(`Error creating repository ${}:`, error); throw error; } } /** * List branches */ public async listBranches(params: ListBranchesParams): Promise<any> { try { const gitApi = await this.getGitApi(); const branches = await gitApi.getBranches( params.repositoryId, params.filter ); if ( && branches.length > { return branches.slice(0,; } return branches; } catch (error) { console.error(`Error listing branches for repository ${params.repositoryId}:`, error); throw error; } } /** * Search code (Note: This uses a simplified approach as the full-text search API * might require additional setup) */ public async searchCode(params: SearchCodeParams): Promise<any> { try { const gitApi = await this.getGitApi(); // This is a simplified implementation using item search // For more comprehensive code search, you'd use the Search API const items = await gitApi.getItems( params.repositoryId || "", undefined, undefined, undefined, true, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined ); // Simple filter based on the search text and file extension let filteredItems = items; if (params.searchText) { filteredItems = filteredItems.filter(item => item.path && item.path.toLowerCase().includes(params.searchText.toLowerCase()) ); } if (params.fileExtension) { filteredItems = filteredItems.filter(item => item.path && item.path.endsWith(params.fileExtension || "") ); } // Limit results if top is specified if ( && filteredItems.length > { filteredItems = filteredItems.slice(0,; } return filteredItems; } catch (error) { console.error(`Error searching code in repository ${params.repositoryId}:`, error); throw error; } } /** * Browse repository */ public async browseRepository(params: BrowseRepositoryParams): Promise<any> { try { const gitApi = await this.getGitApi(); const items = await gitApi.getItems( params.repositoryId, undefined, params.path, undefined, true, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined ); return items; } catch (error) { console.error(`Error browsing repository ${params.repositoryId}:`, error); throw error; } } /** * Get file content */ public async getFileContent(params: GetFileContentParams): Promise<any> { try { const gitApi = await this.getGitApi(); // Get the file content as a stream const content = await gitApi.getItemContent( params.repositoryId, params.path, undefined, undefined ); // Convert content to string let fileContent = ''; // Handle different content types if (Buffer.isBuffer(content)) { fileContent = content.toString('utf8'); } else if (typeof content === 'string') { fileContent = content; } else { // If it's a stream or other type, return a placeholder fileContent = "[Content not available in this format]"; } return { content: fileContent }; } catch (error) { console.error(`Error getting file content for ${params.path}:`, error); throw error; } } /** * Get commit history */ public async getCommitHistory(params: GetCommitHistoryParams): Promise<any> { try { const gitApi = await this.getGitApi(); // Get commits without search criteria const commits = await gitApi.getCommits( params.repositoryId, {} // Empty search criteria ); // Filter by path if provided let filteredCommits = commits; if (params.itemPath) { filteredCommits = commits.filter(commit => commit.comment && commit.comment.includes(params.itemPath || "") ); } // Apply pagination if specified if (params.skip && params.skip > 0) { filteredCommits = filteredCommits.slice(params.skip); } if ( && > 0) { filteredCommits = filteredCommits.slice(0,; } return filteredCommits; } catch (error) { console.error(`Error getting commit history for repository ${params.repositoryId}:`, error); throw error; } } /** * Get commits */ public async getCommits(params: GetCommitsParams): Promise<any> { try { const gitApi = await this.getGitApi(); // Get commits without search criteria const commits = await gitApi.getCommits( params.repositoryId, {} // Empty search criteria ); // Filter by path if provided let filteredCommits = commits; if (params.path) { filteredCommits = commits.filter(commit => commit.comment && commit.comment.includes(params.path || "") ); } return filteredCommits; } catch (error) { console.error(`Error getting commits for repository ${params.repositoryId}:`, error); throw error; } } /** * Get pull requests */ public async getPullRequests(params: GetPullRequestsParams): Promise<any> { try { const gitApi = await this.getGitApi(); // Create search criteria with proper types const searchCriteria: any = { repositoryId: params.repositoryId, creatorId: params.creatorId, reviewerId: params.reviewerId, sourceRefName: params.sourceRefName, targetRefName: params.targetRefName }; // Convert string status to number if provided if (params.status) { if (params.status === 'active') searchCriteria.status = 1; else if (params.status === 'abandoned') searchCriteria.status = 2; else if (params.status === 'completed') searchCriteria.status = 3; else if (params.status === 'notSet') searchCriteria.status = 0; // 'all' doesn't need to be set } const pullRequests = await gitApi.getPullRequests( params.repositoryId, searchCriteria ); return pullRequests; } catch (error) { console.error(`Error getting pull requests for repository ${params.repositoryId}:`, error); throw error; } } /** * Create pull request */ public async createPullRequest(params: CreatePullRequestParams): Promise<any> { try { const gitApi = await this.getGitApi(); const pullRequest = { sourceRefName: params.sourceRefName, targetRefName: params.targetRefName, title: params.title, description: params.description, reviewers: params.reviewers ? => ({ id })) : undefined }; const createdPullRequest = await gitApi.createPullRequest( pullRequest, params.repositoryId, this.config.project ); return createdPullRequest; } catch (error) { console.error('Error creating pull request:', error); throw error; } } /** * Get pull request by ID */ public async getPullRequest(params: GetPullRequestParams): Promise<any> { try { const gitApi = await this.getGitApi(); const pullRequest = await gitApi.getPullRequest( params.repositoryId, params.pullRequestId, this.config.project ); return pullRequest; } catch (error) { console.error(`Error getting pull request ${params.pullRequestId}:`, error); throw error; } } /** * Get pull request comments */ public async getPullRequestComments(params: GetPullRequestCommentsParams): Promise<any> { try { const gitApi = await this.getGitApi(); if (params.threadId) { const thread = await gitApi.getPullRequestThread( params.repositoryId, params.pullRequestId, params.threadId, this.config.project ); return thread; } else { const threads = await gitApi.getThreads( params.repositoryId, params.pullRequestId, this.config.project ); return threads; } } catch (error) { console.error(`Error getting comments for pull request ${params.pullRequestId}:`, error); throw error; } } /** * Approve pull request */ public async approvePullRequest(params: ApprovePullRequestParams): Promise<any> { try { const gitApi = await this.getGitApi(); const vote = { vote: 10 }; const result = await gitApi.createPullRequestReviewer( vote, params.repositoryId, params.pullRequestId, "me", this.config.project ); return result; } catch (error) { console.error(`Error approving pull request ${params.pullRequestId}:`, error); throw error; } } /** * Merge pull request */ public async mergePullRequest(params: MergePullRequestParams): Promise<any> { try { const gitApi = await this.getGitApi(); // Convert string merge strategy to number let mergeStrategy = 1; // Default to noFastForward if (params.mergeStrategy === 'rebase') mergeStrategy = 2; else if (params.mergeStrategy === 'rebaseMerge') mergeStrategy = 3; else if (params.mergeStrategy === 'squash') mergeStrategy = 4; const result = await gitApi.updatePullRequest( { status: 3, // 3 = completed in PullRequestStatus enum completionOptions: { mergeStrategy: mergeStrategy } }, params.repositoryId, params.pullRequestId, this.config.project ); return result; } catch (error) { console.error(`Error merging pull request ${params.pullRequestId}:`, error); throw error; } } /** * Complete pull request */ public async completePullRequest(params: CompletePullRequestParams): Promise<any> { try { const gitApi = await this.getGitApi(); // Get the current pull request const pullRequest = await gitApi.getPullRequestById(params.pullRequestId); // Convert string merge strategy to number let mergeStrategy = 1; // Default to noFastForward if (params.mergeStrategy === 'rebase') mergeStrategy = 2; else if (params.mergeStrategy === 'rebaseMerge') mergeStrategy = 3; else if (params.mergeStrategy === 'squash') mergeStrategy = 4; // Update the pull request to completed status const updatedPullRequest = await gitApi.updatePullRequest( { status: 3, // 3 = completed in PullRequestStatus enum completionOptions: { mergeStrategy: mergeStrategy, deleteSourceBranch: params.deleteSourceBranch } }, params.repositoryId, params.pullRequestId ); return updatedPullRequest; } catch (error) { console.error(`Error completing pull request ${params.pullRequestId}:`, error); throw error; } } }