by RyanCardin15
- src
- Services
import { AzureDevOpsConfig } from "../Interfaces/AzureDevOps";
import { AzureDevOpsService } from "./AzureDevOpsService";
import {
} from "../Interfaces/AIAssisted";
export class AIAssistedDevelopmentService extends AzureDevOpsService {
constructor(config: AzureDevOpsConfig) {
async getAICodeReview(params: GetAICodeReviewParams) {
// This would contain actual implementation
// For now, we're returning a mock response
return {
pullRequestId: params.pullRequestId,
repositoryId: params.repositoryId,
suggestions: [
{ file: "src/main.ts", line: 45, issue: "Potential null reference", recommendation: "Add null check before accessing properties" },
{ file: "src/utils/helper.ts", line: 23, issue: "Inefficient loop", recommendation: "Consider using map() instead of forEach()" }
analysisDate: new Date().toISOString(),
async suggestCodeOptimization(params: SuggestCodeOptimizationParams) {
return {
repositoryId: params.repositoryId,
filePath: params.filePath,
lineRange: `${params.lineStart || 1}-${params.lineEnd || 100}`,
optimizationType: params.optimizationType || "all",
suggestions: [
{ line: params.lineStart || 10, issue: "Memory leak", recommendation: "Dispose resources properly", code: "resource.dispose();" },
{ line: params.lineEnd || 50, issue: "Performance bottleneck", recommendation: "Cache expensive operation", code: "const cachedResult = memoize(expensiveOperation);" }
async identifyCodeSmells(params: IdentifyCodeSmellsParams) {
return {
repositoryId: params.repositoryId,
branch: params.branch || "main",
codeSmells: [
{ file: params.filePath || "src/components/App.tsx", line: 120, smell: "Long method", severity: "high", recommendation: "Extract logic into smaller methods" },
{ file: params.filePath || "src/services/DataService.ts", line: 45, smell: "Duplicate code", severity: "medium", recommendation: "Create a shared utility function" },
{ file: params.filePath || "src/utils/helpers.ts", line: 78, smell: "God class", severity: "high", recommendation: "Split into multiple focused classes" }
severity: params.severity || "all",
async getPredictiveBugAnalysis(params: GetPredictiveBugAnalysisParams) {
return {
repositoryId: params.repositoryId,
pullRequestId: params.pullRequestId,
branch: params.branch || "main",
potentialIssues: [
{ file: params.filePath || "src/controllers/UserController.ts", line: 58, risk: "high", issue: "Race condition in concurrent user updates", confidence: 0.85 },
{ file: params.filePath || "src/services/AuthService.ts", line: 124, risk: "medium", issue: "Token validation could be bypassed", confidence: 0.72 }
analysisDate: new Date().toISOString(),
async getDeveloperProductivity(params: GetDeveloperProductivityParams) {
return {
userId: params.userId || "current-user",
teamId: params.teamId,
timeRange: params.timeRange || "30d",
metrics: {
codeCommitted: { lines: 2450, commits: 48, pullRequests: 15 },
workItemsCompleted: 28,
codeReviewsPerformed: 32,
averageReviewTime: "1.5h",
buildSuccessRate: 94.2,
testCoverage: 78.5
trends: {
productivity: [82, 85, 89, 87, 92],
qualityScore: [76, 78, 81, 80, 83]
async getPredictiveEffortEstimation(params: GetPredictiveEffortEstimationParams) {
return {
workItemIds: params.workItemIds || [1001, 1002, 1003],
estimations: [
{ workItemId: 1001, title: "Implement login page", predictedHours: 12.5, confidenceScore: 0.85, similarWorkItems: [845, 921] },
{ workItemId: 1002, title: "Fix navigation bug", predictedHours: 4.2, confidenceScore: 0.92, similarWorkItems: [678, 782] },
{ workItemId: 1003, title: "Add unit tests", predictedHours: 8.0, confidenceScore: 0.78, similarWorkItems: [512, 634] }
modelFactors: ["historical completion time", "complexity", "developer experience", "similar work items"],
async getCodeQualityTrends(params: GetCodeQualityTrendsParams) {
return {
repositoryId: params.repositoryId,
branch: params.branch || "main",
timeRange: params.timeRange || "90d",
metrics: params.metrics || ["complexity", "duplication", "test_coverage", "code_smells"],
trends: {
complexity: [24, 26, 23, 21, 20, 18],
duplication: [12.5, 11.8, 10.5, 9.8, 8.5, 8.2],
testCoverage: [68.2, 72.5, 75.8, 76.4, 78.2, 81.5],
codeSmells: [45, 42, 38, 35, 30, 28]
timePoints: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun"],
async suggestWorkItemRefinements(params: SuggestWorkItemRefinementsParams) {
return {
workItemId: params.workItemId || 1234,
workItemType: params.workItemType || "User Story",
suggestions: [
{ field: "Title", issue: "Too vague", recommendation: "Specify the user role and action in the title" },
{ field: "Description", issue: "Missing acceptance criteria", recommendation: "Add clear acceptance criteria with examples" },
{ field: "Effort", issue: "Estimate may be too low", recommendation: "Consider increasing estimate based on similar completed stories" },
{ field: "Tags", issue: "Missing relevant tags", recommendation: "Add 'frontend', 'ux' tags for better categorization" }
similarWorkItems: [5678, 5912, 6023],
async suggestAutomationOpportunities(params: SuggestAutomationOpportunitiesParams) {
return {
projectId: params.projectId,
scopeType: params.scopeType || "all",
opportunities: [
type: "build",
area: "Continuous Integration",
description: "Automate build verification tests",
benefit: "Reduce failed builds by 35%",
complexity: "medium",
implementation: "Add BVT step to pipeline yaml"
type: "release",
area: "Deployment",
description: "Implement blue-green deployments",
benefit: "Reduce downtime by 90%",
complexity: "high",
implementation: "Configure traffic manager and deployment slots"
type: "tests",
area: "Regression Testing",
description: "Implement test impact analysis",
benefit: "Reduce test execution time by 45%",
complexity: "medium",
implementation: "Configure TIA plugin in test tasks"
async createIntelligentAlerts(params: CreateIntelligentAlertsParams) {
return {
alertId: "alert-" +,
alertName: params.alertName,
alertType: params.alertType,
conditions: params.conditions,
actions: params.actions || { notificationType: "email" },
status: "created",
createdDate: new Date().toISOString(),
async predictBuildFailures(params: PredictBuildFailuresParams) {
return {
buildDefinitionId: params.buildDefinitionId,
lookbackPeriod: params.lookbackPeriod || "30d",
prediction: {
failureRisk: 0.35,
confidenceScore: 0.82,
potentialIssues: [
{ area: "Dependencies", risk: "high", description: "Outdated NuGet packages may cause conflicts" },
{ area: "Test Coverage", risk: "medium", description: "Recent code changes have low test coverage" },
{ area: "Build Configuration", risk: "low", description: "Build agent pool has capacity issues during peak hours" }
recommendedActions: [
"Update NuGet packages to latest compatible versions",
"Add tests for the authentication module",
"Schedule builds during off-peak hours"
async optimizeTestSelection(params: OptimizeTestSelectionParams) {
return {
buildId: params.buildId,
changedFiles: params.changedFiles || ["src/services/authentication.ts", "src/components/login.tsx"],
selectedTests: [
{ testId: "test-001", name: "AuthenticationTests", priority: "high", reason: "Direct dependency on changed files" },
{ testId: "test-002", name: "LoginComponentTests", priority: "high", reason: "Direct dependency on changed files" },
{ testId: "test-003", name: "UserSessionTests", priority: "medium", reason: "Indirect dependency on authentication" },
{ testId: "test-004", name: "NavigationTests", priority: "low", reason: "Previously failed with similar changes" }
excludedTests: params.maxTestCount ? 120 : 0,
estimatedTimeReduction: "45%",