MCP Unified Server
by getfounded
- tools
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import json
import logging
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Any, Union
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
# Ensure compatibility with mcp server
from mcp.server.fastmcp import FastMCP, Context
# External MCP reference for tool registration
external_mcp = None
def set_external_mcp(mcp):
"""Set the external MCP reference for tool registration"""
global external_mcp
external_mcp = mcp"YFinance tools MCP reference set")
class YFinanceTools(str, Enum):
"""Enum of YFinance tool names"""
GET_TICKER_INFO = "yfinance_get_ticker_info"
GET_HISTORICAL_DATA = "yfinance_get_historical_data"
GET_FINANCIALS = "yfinance_get_financials"
GET_BALANCE_SHEET = "yfinance_get_balance_sheet"
GET_CASHFLOW = "yfinance_get_cashflow"
GET_EARNINGS = "yfinance_get_earnings"
GET_MAJOR_HOLDERS = "yfinance_get_major_holders"
GET_INSTITUTIONAL_HOLDERS = "yfinance_get_institutional_holders"
GET_RECOMMENDATIONS = "yfinance_get_recommendations"
GET_CALENDAR = "yfinance_get_calendar"
GET_OPTIONS = "yfinance_get_options"
GET_NEWS = "yfinance_get_news"
SEARCH_TICKER = "yfinance_search_ticker"
DOWNLOAD_DATA = "yfinance_download_data"
class YFinanceService:
"""Service to handle YFinance operations"""
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize the YFinance service"""
import yfinance as yf
self.yf = yf
self.initialized = True
except ImportError:
"yfinance library not installed. Please install with 'pip install yfinance'")
self.initialized = False
self.yf = None
def _is_initialized(self):
"""Check if the service is properly initialized"""
if not self.initialized:
raise ValueError(
"YFinance service not properly initialized. Check if yfinance library is installed.")
return True
def _sanitize_data(self, data):
"""Convert data to JSON-serializable format"""
if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
# Reset index if it's a date or complex object
if not isinstance(data.index, pd.RangeIndex):
data = data.reset_index()
# Handle NaN values
return json.loads(data.replace({np.nan: None}).to_json(orient='records', date_format='iso'))
elif isinstance(data, pd.Series):
return json.loads(data.replace({np.nan: None}).to_json())
elif isinstance(data, dict):
# Recursively convert each value
return {k: self._sanitize_data(v) for k, v in data.items()}
elif isinstance(data, list):
return [self._sanitize_data(item) for item in data]
elif isinstance(data, (np.integer, np.floating)):
return int(data) if isinstance(data, np.integer) else float(data)
elif isinstance(data, (datetime, np.datetime64)):
return data.isoformat()
elif pd.isna(data):
return None
return data
async def get_ticker_info(self, ticker_symbol):
"""Get basic information about a ticker"""
ticker = self.yf.Ticker(ticker_symbol)
info =
# Clean up data for JSON serialization
cleaned_info = self._sanitize_data(info)
return {
"symbol": ticker_symbol,
"info": cleaned_info
except Exception as e:
return {"error": f"Error retrieving ticker info: {str(e)}"}
async def get_historical_data(self, ticker_symbol, period="1mo", interval="1d", start=None, end=None):
"""Get historical market data for a ticker"""
ticker = self.yf.Ticker(ticker_symbol)
# If start and end dates are provided, use them instead of period
if start and end:
history = ticker.history(
start=start, end=end, interval=interval)
history = ticker.history(period=period, interval=interval)
# Clean up data for JSON serialization
cleaned_history = self._sanitize_data(history)
return {
"symbol": ticker_symbol,
"period": period if not (start and end) else f"{start} to {end}",
"interval": interval,
"data": cleaned_history
except Exception as e:
return {"error": f"Error retrieving historical data: {str(e)}"}
async def get_financials(self, ticker_symbol, quarterly=False):
"""Get income statement data for a ticker"""
ticker = self.yf.Ticker(ticker_symbol)
if quarterly:
financials = ticker.quarterly_financials
financials = ticker.financials
# Clean up data for JSON serialization
cleaned_financials = self._sanitize_data(financials)
return {
"symbol": ticker_symbol,
"period": "quarterly" if quarterly else "annual",
"financials": cleaned_financials
except Exception as e:
return {"error": f"Error retrieving financials: {str(e)}"}
async def get_balance_sheet(self, ticker_symbol, quarterly=False):
"""Get balance sheet data for a ticker"""
ticker = self.yf.Ticker(ticker_symbol)
if quarterly:
balance_sheet = ticker.quarterly_balance_sheet
balance_sheet = ticker.balance_sheet
# Clean up data for JSON serialization
cleaned_balance_sheet = self._sanitize_data(balance_sheet)
return {
"symbol": ticker_symbol,
"period": "quarterly" if quarterly else "annual",
"balance_sheet": cleaned_balance_sheet
except Exception as e:
return {"error": f"Error retrieving balance sheet: {str(e)}"}
async def get_cashflow(self, ticker_symbol, quarterly=False):
"""Get cash flow data for a ticker"""
ticker = self.yf.Ticker(ticker_symbol)
if quarterly:
cashflow = ticker.quarterly_cashflow
cashflow = ticker.cashflow
# Clean up data for JSON serialization
cleaned_cashflow = self._sanitize_data(cashflow)
return {
"symbol": ticker_symbol,
"period": "quarterly" if quarterly else "annual",
"cashflow": cleaned_cashflow
except Exception as e:
return {"error": f"Error retrieving cashflow: {str(e)}"}
async def get_earnings(self, ticker_symbol, quarterly=False):
"""Get earnings data for a ticker"""
ticker = self.yf.Ticker(ticker_symbol)
if quarterly:
earnings = ticker.quarterly_earnings
earnings = ticker.earnings
# Clean up data for JSON serialization
cleaned_earnings = self._sanitize_data(earnings)
return {
"symbol": ticker_symbol,
"period": "quarterly" if quarterly else "annual",
"earnings": cleaned_earnings
except Exception as e:
return {"error": f"Error retrieving earnings: {str(e)}"}
async def get_major_holders(self, ticker_symbol):
"""Get major shareholders for a ticker"""
ticker = self.yf.Ticker(ticker_symbol)
major_holders = ticker.major_holders
# Clean up data for JSON serialization
cleaned_holders = self._sanitize_data(major_holders)
return {
"symbol": ticker_symbol,
"major_holders": cleaned_holders
except Exception as e:
return {"error": f"Error retrieving major holders: {str(e)}"}
async def get_institutional_holders(self, ticker_symbol):
"""Get institutional shareholders for a ticker"""
ticker = self.yf.Ticker(ticker_symbol)
institutional_holders = ticker.institutional_holders
# Clean up data for JSON serialization
cleaned_holders = self._sanitize_data(institutional_holders)
return {
"symbol": ticker_symbol,
"institutional_holders": cleaned_holders
except Exception as e:
return {"error": f"Error retrieving institutional holders: {str(e)}"}
async def get_recommendations(self, ticker_symbol):
"""Get analyst recommendations for a ticker"""
ticker = self.yf.Ticker(ticker_symbol)
recommendations = ticker.recommendations
# Clean up data for JSON serialization
cleaned_recommendations = self._sanitize_data(recommendations)
return {
"symbol": ticker_symbol,
"recommendations": cleaned_recommendations
except Exception as e:
return {"error": f"Error retrieving recommendations: {str(e)}"}
async def get_calendar(self, ticker_symbol):
"""Get earnings calendar for a ticker"""
ticker = self.yf.Ticker(ticker_symbol)
calendar = ticker.calendar
# Clean up data for JSON serialization
cleaned_calendar = self._sanitize_data(calendar)
return {
"symbol": ticker_symbol,
"calendar": cleaned_calendar
except Exception as e:
return {"error": f"Error retrieving calendar: {str(e)}"}
async def get_options(self, ticker_symbol, date=None):
"""Get options chain data for a ticker"""
ticker = self.yf.Ticker(ticker_symbol)
# Get available expiration dates if no date specified
expiration_dates = ticker.options
if not expiration_dates:
return {
"symbol": ticker_symbol,
"error": "No options data available for this ticker"
# Use the first available date if none specified
selected_date = date if date and date in expiration_dates else expiration_dates[
# Get options chain for the selected date
calls = ticker.option_chain(selected_date).calls
puts = ticker.option_chain(selected_date).puts
# Clean up data for JSON serialization
cleaned_calls = self._sanitize_data(calls)
cleaned_puts = self._sanitize_data(puts)
return {
"symbol": ticker_symbol,
"expiration_date": selected_date,
"available_dates": expiration_dates,
"calls": cleaned_calls,
"puts": cleaned_puts
except Exception as e:
return {"error": f"Error retrieving options data: {str(e)}"}
async def get_news(self, ticker_symbol):
"""Get recent news about a ticker"""
ticker = self.yf.Ticker(ticker_symbol)
# Some versions of yfinance have news, others don't
if hasattr(ticker, 'news'):
news =
# Clean up data for JSON serialization
cleaned_news = self._sanitize_data(news)
return {
"symbol": ticker_symbol,
"news": cleaned_news
return {
"symbol": ticker_symbol,
"error": "News not available in this version of yfinance"
except Exception as e:
return {"error": f"Error retrieving news: {str(e)}"}
async def search_ticker(self, query):
"""Search for ticker symbols matching a query"""
# yfinance doesn't have a built-in search function, but we can use Ticker to get summary
# This is a simple placeholder implementation
ticker = self.yf.Ticker(query)
if 'symbol' in
# This is a valid ticker
return {
"query": query,
"results": [
"name":'longName', ''),
"exchange":'exchange', '')
return {"query": query, "results": []}
return {"query": query, "results": []}
except Exception as e:
return {"error": f"Error searching ticker: {str(e)}"}
async def download_data(self, tickers, period="1mo", interval="1d", start=None, end=None, group_by="ticker", threads=True):
"""Download historical market data for multiple tickers"""
# Convert single ticker to list if needed
if isinstance(tickers, str):
tickers = [tickers]
# If start and end dates are provided, use them instead of period
if start and end:
data =
data =
# Clean up data for JSON serialization
cleaned_data = self._sanitize_data(data)
return {
"tickers": tickers,
"period": period if not (start and end) else f"{start} to {end}",
"interval": interval,
"data": cleaned_data
except Exception as e:
return {"error": f"Error downloading data: {str(e)}"}
# Tool function definitions that will be registered with MCP
async def yfinance_get_ticker_info(ticker_symbol: str, ctx: Context = None) -> str:
"""Get basic information about a ticker symbol
- ticker_symbol: The stock ticker symbol (e.g., 'AAPL' for Apple)
- JSON string containing the ticker's basic information
yfinance = _get_yfinance_service()
if not yfinance:
return "YFinance service not properly initialized. Check if yfinance library is installed."
result = await yfinance.get_ticker_info(ticker_symbol)
return json.dumps(result, indent=2)
except Exception as e:
return f"Error retrieving ticker info: {str(e)}"
async def yfinance_get_historical_data(
ticker_symbol: str,
period: str = "1mo",
interval: str = "1d",
start: str = None,
end: str = None,
ctx: Context = None
) -> str:
"""Get historical market data for a ticker symbol
- ticker_symbol: The stock ticker symbol (e.g., 'AAPL' for Apple)
- period: Data period to download (1d, 5d, 1mo, 3mo, 6mo, 1y, 2y, 5y, 10y, ytd, max)
- interval: Data interval (1m, 2m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 60m, 90m, 1h, 1d, 5d, 1wk, 1mo, 3mo)
- start: Start date string (YYYY-MM-DD) - if provided with end, overrides period
- end: End date string (YYYY-MM-DD) - if provided with start, overrides period
- JSON string containing historical price data
yfinance = _get_yfinance_service()
if not yfinance:
return "YFinance service not properly initialized. Check if yfinance library is installed."
result = await yfinance.get_historical_data(ticker_symbol, period, interval, start, end)
return json.dumps(result, indent=2)
except Exception as e:
return f"Error retrieving historical data: {str(e)}"
async def yfinance_get_financials(
ticker_symbol: str,
quarterly: bool = False,
ctx: Context = None
) -> str:
"""Get income statement data for a ticker symbol
- ticker_symbol: The stock ticker symbol (e.g., 'AAPL' for Apple)
- quarterly: If True, get quarterly data instead of annual
- JSON string containing financial data
yfinance = _get_yfinance_service()
if not yfinance:
return "YFinance service not properly initialized. Check if yfinance library is installed."
result = await yfinance.get_financials(ticker_symbol, quarterly)
return json.dumps(result, indent=2)
except Exception as e:
return f"Error retrieving financials: {str(e)}"
async def yfinance_get_balance_sheet(
ticker_symbol: str,
quarterly: bool = False,
ctx: Context = None
) -> str:
"""Get balance sheet data for a ticker symbol
- ticker_symbol: The stock ticker symbol (e.g., 'AAPL' for Apple)
- quarterly: If True, get quarterly data instead of annual
- JSON string containing balance sheet data
yfinance = _get_yfinance_service()
if not yfinance:
return "YFinance service not properly initialized. Check if yfinance library is installed."
result = await yfinance.get_balance_sheet(ticker_symbol, quarterly)
return json.dumps(result, indent=2)
except Exception as e:
return f"Error retrieving balance sheet: {str(e)}"
async def yfinance_get_cashflow(
ticker_symbol: str,
quarterly: bool = False,
ctx: Context = None
) -> str:
"""Get cash flow data for a ticker symbol
- ticker_symbol: The stock ticker symbol (e.g., 'AAPL' for Apple)
- quarterly: If True, get quarterly data instead of annual
- JSON string containing cash flow data
yfinance = _get_yfinance_service()
if not yfinance:
return "YFinance service not properly initialized. Check if yfinance library is installed."
result = await yfinance.get_cashflow(ticker_symbol, quarterly)
return json.dumps(result, indent=2)
except Exception as e:
return f"Error retrieving cashflow: {str(e)}"
async def yfinance_get_earnings(
ticker_symbol: str,
quarterly: bool = False,
ctx: Context = None
) -> str:
"""Get earnings data for a ticker symbol
- ticker_symbol: The stock ticker symbol (e.g., 'AAPL' for Apple)
- quarterly: If True, get quarterly data instead of annual
- JSON string containing earnings data
yfinance = _get_yfinance_service()
if not yfinance:
return "YFinance service not properly initialized. Check if yfinance library is installed."
result = await yfinance.get_earnings(ticker_symbol, quarterly)
return json.dumps(result, indent=2)
except Exception as e:
return f"Error retrieving earnings: {str(e)}"
async def yfinance_get_major_holders(
ticker_symbol: str,
ctx: Context = None
) -> str:
"""Get major shareholders for a ticker symbol
- ticker_symbol: The stock ticker symbol (e.g., 'AAPL' for Apple)
- JSON string containing major shareholders data
yfinance = _get_yfinance_service()
if not yfinance:
return "YFinance service not properly initialized. Check if yfinance library is installed."
result = await yfinance.get_major_holders(ticker_symbol)
return json.dumps(result, indent=2)
except Exception as e:
return f"Error retrieving major holders: {str(e)}"
async def yfinance_get_institutional_holders(
ticker_symbol: str,
ctx: Context = None
) -> str:
"""Get institutional shareholders for a ticker symbol
- ticker_symbol: The stock ticker symbol (e.g., 'AAPL' for Apple)
- JSON string containing institutional shareholders data
yfinance = _get_yfinance_service()
if not yfinance:
return "YFinance service not properly initialized. Check if yfinance library is installed."
result = await yfinance.get_institutional_holders(ticker_symbol)
return json.dumps(result, indent=2)
except Exception as e:
return f"Error retrieving institutional holders: {str(e)}"
async def yfinance_get_recommendations(
ticker_symbol: str,
ctx: Context = None
) -> str:
"""Get analyst recommendations for a ticker symbol
- ticker_symbol: The stock ticker symbol (e.g., 'AAPL' for Apple)
- JSON string containing analyst recommendations
yfinance = _get_yfinance_service()
if not yfinance:
return "YFinance service not properly initialized. Check if yfinance library is installed."
result = await yfinance.get_recommendations(ticker_symbol)
return json.dumps(result, indent=2)
except Exception as e:
return f"Error retrieving recommendations: {str(e)}"
async def yfinance_get_calendar(
ticker_symbol: str,
ctx: Context = None
) -> str:
"""Get earnings calendar for a ticker symbol
- ticker_symbol: The stock ticker symbol (e.g., 'AAPL' for Apple)
- JSON string containing earnings calendar data
yfinance = _get_yfinance_service()
if not yfinance:
return "YFinance service not properly initialized. Check if yfinance library is installed."
result = await yfinance.get_calendar(ticker_symbol)
return json.dumps(result, indent=2)
except Exception as e:
return f"Error retrieving calendar: {str(e)}"
async def yfinance_get_options(
ticker_symbol: str,
date: str = None,
ctx: Context = None
) -> str:
"""Get options chain data for a ticker symbol
- ticker_symbol: The stock ticker symbol (e.g., 'AAPL' for Apple)
- date: Options expiration date (format: YYYY-MM-DD). If none, uses first available date.
- JSON string containing options chain data
yfinance = _get_yfinance_service()
if not yfinance:
return "YFinance service not properly initialized. Check if yfinance library is installed."
result = await yfinance.get_options(ticker_symbol, date)
return json.dumps(result, indent=2)
except Exception as e:
return f"Error retrieving options data: {str(e)}"
async def yfinance_get_news(
ticker_symbol: str,
ctx: Context = None
) -> str:
"""Get recent news about a ticker symbol
- ticker_symbol: The stock ticker symbol (e.g., 'AAPL' for Apple)
- JSON string containing news articles
yfinance = _get_yfinance_service()
if not yfinance:
return "YFinance service not properly initialized. Check if yfinance library is installed."
result = await yfinance.get_news(ticker_symbol)
return json.dumps(result, indent=2)
except Exception as e:
return f"Error retrieving news: {str(e)}"
async def yfinance_search_ticker(
query: str,
ctx: Context = None
) -> str:
"""Search for ticker symbols matching a query
- query: Search query string
- JSON string containing search results
yfinance = _get_yfinance_service()
if not yfinance:
return "YFinance service not properly initialized. Check if yfinance library is installed."
result = await yfinance.search_ticker(query)
return json.dumps(result, indent=2)
except Exception as e:
return f"Error searching ticker: {str(e)}"
async def yfinance_download_data(
tickers: Union[str, List[str]],
period: str = "1mo",
interval: str = "1d",
start: str = None,
end: str = None,
group_by: str = "ticker",
threads: bool = True,
ctx: Context = None
) -> str:
"""Download historical market data for multiple tickers
- tickers: Single ticker string or list of ticker symbols
- period: Data period to download (1d, 5d, 1mo, 3mo, 6mo, 1y, 2y, 5y, 10y, ytd, max)
- interval: Data interval (1m, 2m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 60m, 90m, 1h, 1d, 5d, 1wk, 1mo, 3mo)
- start: Start date string (YYYY-MM-DD) - if provided with end, overrides period
- end: End date string (YYYY-MM-DD) - if provided with start, overrides period
- group_by: How to group the data ('ticker' or 'column')
- threads: Whether to use multi-threading for faster downloads
- JSON string containing downloaded data
yfinance = _get_yfinance_service()
if not yfinance:
return "YFinance service not properly initialized. Check if yfinance library is installed."
result = await yfinance.download_data(tickers, period, interval, start, end, group_by, threads)
return json.dumps(result, indent=2)
except Exception as e:
return f"Error downloading data: {str(e)}"
# Tool registration and initialization
_yfinance_service = None
def initialize_yfinance_service():
"""Initialize the YFinance service"""
global _yfinance_service
_yfinance_service = YFinanceService()
return _yfinance_service
def _get_yfinance_service():
"""Get or initialize the YFinance service"""
global _yfinance_service
if _yfinance_service is None:
_yfinance_service = initialize_yfinance_service()
return _yfinance_service
def get_yfinance_tools():
"""Get a dictionary of all YFinance tools for registration with MCP"""
return {
YFinanceTools.GET_TICKER_INFO: yfinance_get_ticker_info,
YFinanceTools.GET_HISTORICAL_DATA: yfinance_get_historical_data,
YFinanceTools.GET_FINANCIALS: yfinance_get_financials,
YFinanceTools.GET_BALANCE_SHEET: yfinance_get_balance_sheet,
YFinanceTools.GET_CASHFLOW: yfinance_get_cashflow,
YFinanceTools.GET_EARNINGS: yfinance_get_earnings,
YFinanceTools.GET_MAJOR_HOLDERS: yfinance_get_major_holders,
YFinanceTools.GET_INSTITUTIONAL_HOLDERS: yfinance_get_institutional_holders,
YFinanceTools.GET_RECOMMENDATIONS: yfinance_get_recommendations,
YFinanceTools.GET_CALENDAR: yfinance_get_calendar,
YFinanceTools.GET_OPTIONS: yfinance_get_options,
YFinanceTools.GET_NEWS: yfinance_get_news,
YFinanceTools.SEARCH_TICKER: yfinance_search_ticker,
YFinanceTools.DOWNLOAD_DATA: yfinance_download_data
# This function will be called by the unified server to initialize the module
def initialize(mcp=None):
"""Initialize the YFinance module with MCP reference"""
if mcp:
# Initialize the service
service = initialize_yfinance_service()
# Check if the initialization was successful
if service and service.initialized:"YFinance service initialized successfully")
return True
"Failed to initialize YFinance service. Please ensure yfinance is installed.")
return False
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("YFinance service module - use with MCP Unified Server")