MCP Unified Server
by getfounded
- tools
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import logging
from newsapi import NewsApiClient
# Ensure compatibility with mcp server
from mcp.server.fastmcp import FastMCP, Context
# External MCP reference for tool registration
external_mcp = None
def set_external_mcp(mcp):
"""Set the external MCP reference for tool registration"""
global external_mcp
external_mcp = mcp"News API tools MCP reference set")
class NewsAPIService:
"""Service to handle NewsAPI operations"""
def __init__(self, api_key):
self.api_key = api_key
self.client = NewsApiClient(api_key=api_key)
def get_top_headlines(self, **kwargs):
"""Get top headlines"""
return self.client.get_top_headlines(**kwargs)
except Exception as e:
return {"error": str(e)}
def get_everything(self, **kwargs):
"""Search for news articles"""
return self.client.get_everything(**kwargs)
except Exception as e:
return {"error": str(e)}
def get_sources(self, **kwargs):
"""Get news sources"""
return self.client.get_sources(**kwargs)
except Exception as e:
return {"error": str(e)}
def format_articles(self, articles):
"""Format articles into a readable string"""
if not articles or len(articles) == 0:
return "No articles found."
formatted = []
for article in articles:
source = article.get("source", {}).get("name", "Unknown Source")
title = article.get("title", "No Title")
description = article.get("description", "No Description")
url = article.get("url", "")
published_at = article.get("publishedAt", "")
formatted.append(f"""Source: {source}
Title: {title}
Published: {published_at}
Description: {description}
URL: {url}
return "\n---\n".join(formatted)
# Tool function definitions that will be registered with MCP
def news_top_headlines(
country: str = None,
category: str = None,
sources: str = None,
q: str = None,
page_size: int = 5,
page: int = 1,
ctx: Context = None
) -> str:
"""Get top headlines from NewsAPI.
Returns the latest headlines from sources, countries, or categories.
- country: The 2-letter ISO 3166-1 code of the country (e.g., 'us', 'gb')
- category: The category to get headlines for (e.g., 'business', 'technology')
- sources: Comma-separated string of source IDs
- q: Keywords or phrases to search for
- page_size: Number of results per page (max 100)
- page: Page number to fetch
Note: 'sources' cannot be mixed with 'country' or 'category' parameters.
news_api = _get_news_api_service()
if not news_api:
return "NewsAPI key not configured. Please set the NEWS_API_KEY environment variable."
# Build params dict, excluding None values
params = {}
if country:
params['country'] = country
if category:
params['category'] = category
if sources:
params['sources'] = sources
if q:
params['q'] = q
if page_size:
params['page_size'] = min(page_size, 100)
if page:
params['page'] = page
# Get headlines
response = news_api.get_top_headlines(**params)
if "error" in response:
return f"Error: {response['error']}"
# Format articles
articles = response.get("articles", [])
total_results = response.get("totalResults", 0)
formatted = news_api.format_articles(articles)
return f"Found {total_results} articles. Showing {len(articles)} results.\n\n{formatted}"
def news_search(
q: str,
sources: str = None,
domains: str = None,
from_param: str = None,
to: str = None,
language: str = "en",
sort_by: str = "publishedAt",
page_size: int = 5,
page: int = 1,
ctx: Context = None
) -> str:
"""Search for news articles using NewsAPI.
Search through millions of articles from over 80,000 large and small news sources and blogs.
- q: Keywords or phrases to search for in the article title and body
- sources: Comma-separated string of source IDs
- domains: Comma-separated string of domains to restrict the search to
- from_param: A date in ISO 8601 format (e.g., '2023-12-01') to get articles from
- to: A date in ISO 8601 format (e.g., '2023-12-31') to get articles until
- language: The 2-letter ISO-639-1 code of the language (default: 'en')
- sort_by: The order to sort articles ('relevancy', 'popularity', 'publishedAt')
- page_size: Number of results per page (max 100)
- page: Page number to fetch
news_api = _get_news_api_service()
if not news_api:
return "NewsAPI key not configured. Please set the NEWS_API_KEY environment variable."
# Build params dict, excluding None values
params = {'q': q}
if sources:
params['sources'] = sources
if domains:
params['domains'] = domains
if from_param:
params['from_param'] = from_param
if to:
params['to'] = to
if language:
params['language'] = language
if sort_by:
params['sort_by'] = sort_by
if page_size:
params['page_size'] = min(page_size, 100)
if page:
params['page'] = page
# Get articles
response = news_api.get_everything(**params)
if "error" in response:
return f"Error: {response['error']}"
# Format articles
articles = response.get("articles", [])
total_results = response.get("totalResults", 0)
formatted = news_api.format_articles(articles)
return f"Found {total_results} articles. Showing {len(articles)} results.\n\n{formatted}"
def news_sources(
category: str = None,
language: str = None,
country: str = None,
ctx: Context = None
) -> str:
"""Get available news sources from NewsAPI.
Returns the subset of news publishers that are available through NewsAPI.
- category: Find sources that display news of this category (e.g., 'business', 'technology')
- language: Find sources that display news in a specific language (e.g., 'en', 'fr')
- country: Find sources that display news in a specific country (e.g., 'us', 'gb')
news_api = _get_news_api_service()
if not news_api:
return "NewsAPI key not configured. Please set the NEWS_API_KEY environment variable."
# Build params dict, excluding None values
params = {}
if category:
params['category'] = category
if language:
params['language'] = language
if country:
params['country'] = country
# Get sources
response = news_api.get_sources(**params)
if "error" in response:
return f"Error: {response['error']}"
# Format sources
sources = response.get("sources", [])
if not sources:
return "No sources found matching the criteria."
formatted = []
for source in sources:
formatted.append(f"""ID: {source.get('id', 'No ID')}
Name: {source.get('name', 'No Name')}
Description: {source.get('description', 'No Description')}
Category: {source.get('category', 'None')}
Language: {source.get('language', 'None')}
Country: {source.get('country', 'None')}
URL: {source.get('url', 'No URL')}
return f"Found {len(sources)} sources:\n\n" + "\n---\n".join(formatted)
# Tool registration and initialization
_news_api_service = None
def initialize_news_api_service(api_key=None):
"""Initialize the NewsAPI service"""
global _news_api_service
if api_key is None:
api_key = os.environ.get("NEWS_API_KEY")
if not api_key:
"NewsAPI key not configured. Please set the NEWS_API_KEY environment variable.")
return None
_news_api_service = NewsAPIService(api_key=api_key)
return _news_api_service
def _get_news_api_service():
"""Get or initialize the NewsAPI service"""
global _news_api_service
if _news_api_service is None:
_news_api_service = initialize_news_api_service()
return _news_api_service
def get_news_api_tools():
"""Get a dictionary of all NewsAPI tools for registration with MCP"""
return {
"news_top_headlines": news_top_headlines,
"news_search": news_search,
"news_sources": news_sources