MCP Unified Server

  • tools
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import json import logging import base64 import asyncio import tempfile from enum import Enum from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Any, Union, Tuple # Ensure compatibility with mcp server from mcp.server.fastmcp import FastMCP, Context, Image from mcp.types import Tool, TextContent, ImageContent # External MCP reference for tool registration external_mcp = None def set_external_mcp(mcp): """Set the external MCP reference for tool registration""" global external_mcp external_mcp = mcp"Playwright tools MCP reference set") class PlaywrightTools(str, Enum): """Enum of Playwright tool names""" LAUNCH_BROWSER = "playwright_launch_browser" CLOSE_BROWSER = "playwright_close_browser" NEW_PAGE = "playwright_new_page" CLOSE_PAGE = "playwright_close_page" NAVIGATE = "playwright_navigate" GET_CONTENT = "playwright_get_content" SCREENSHOT = "playwright_screenshot" CLICK = "playwright_click" FILL = "playwright_fill" TYPE = "playwright_type" SELECT_OPTION = "playwright_select_option" CHECK = "playwright_check" UNCHECK = "playwright_uncheck" EVALUATE = "playwright_evaluate" GET_TEXT = "playwright_get_text" GET_PROPERTY = "playwright_get_property" GET_ATTRIBUTE = "playwright_get_attribute" WAIT_FOR_SELECTOR = "playwright_wait_for_selector" WAIT_FOR_NAVIGATION = "playwright_wait_for_navigation" WAIT_FOR_LOAD_STATE = "playwright_wait_for_load_state" GO_BACK = "playwright_go_back" GO_FORWARD = "playwright_go_forward" RELOAD = "playwright_reload" SET_VIEWPORT_SIZE = "playwright_set_viewport_size" SET_EXTRA_HTTP_HEADERS = "playwright_set_extra_http_headers" ADD_INIT_SCRIPT = "playwright_add_init_script" EMULATE_MEDIA = "playwright_emulate_media" PDF = "playwright_pdf" LIST_BROWSERS = "playwright_list_browsers" LIST_PAGES = "playwright_list_pages" class PlaywrightService: """Service to handle Playwright browser automation operations""" def __init__(self): """Initialize the Playwright service""" # Will be populated with active browser instances self.browsers = {} self.pages = {} self.contexts = {} self.next_browser_id = 1 self.next_context_id = 1 self.next_page_id = 1 # Initialize Playwright when needed, not at instantiation self.playwright = None self.initialized = False # Create temp directory for downloads, screenshots, PDFs self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="playwright_") async def _ensure_initialized(self): """Ensure Playwright is initialized""" if not self.initialized: try: from playwright.async_api import async_playwright self.playwright_module = async_playwright # Initialize playwright self.playwright = await self.playwright_module().__aenter__() self.initialized = True"Playwright initialized successfully") except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Playwright not installed. Install with: pip install playwright") except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to initialize Playwright: {str(e)}") async def launch_browser(self, browser_type="chromium", headless=True, slow_mo=None, proxy=None, downloads_path=None, args=None): """Launch a new browser instance""" await self._ensure_initialized() try: # Select the browser type if browser_type.lower() == "chromium": browser_launcher = self.playwright.chromium elif browser_type.lower() == "firefox": browser_launcher = self.playwright.firefox elif browser_type.lower() == "webkit": browser_launcher = self.playwright.webkit else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported browser type: {browser_type}") # Prepare launch options launch_options = { "headless": headless } if slow_mo is not None: launch_options["slow_mo"] = slow_mo if proxy is not None: launch_options["proxy"] = proxy if downloads_path is not None: launch_options["downloads_path"] = downloads_path else: launch_options["downloads_path"] = os.path.join( self.temp_dir, "downloads") if args is not None: launch_options["args"] = args # Launch the browser browser = await browser_launcher.launch(**launch_options) # Generate browser ID and store browser instance browser_id = f"browser_{self.next_browser_id}" self.next_browser_id += 1 self.browsers[browser_id] = { "instance": browser, "type": browser_type, "contexts": [], "pages": [] } # Create default browser context context = await browser.new_context() context_id = f"context_{self.next_context_id}" self.next_context_id += 1 self.contexts[context_id] = { "instance": context, "browser_id": browser_id, "pages": [] } self.browsers[browser_id]["contexts"].append(context_id) # Create default page page = await context.new_page() page_id = f"page_{self.next_page_id}" self.next_page_id += 1 self.pages[page_id] = { "instance": page, "context_id": context_id, "browser_id": browser_id, "url": "about:blank", "title": "" } self.contexts[context_id]["pages"].append(page_id) self.browsers[browser_id]["pages"].append(page_id) return { "browser_id": browser_id, "context_id": context_id, "page_id": page_id, "browser_type": browser_type } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to launch browser: {str(e)}") async def close_browser(self, browser_id): """Close a browser instance and clean up resources""" if browser_id not in self.browsers: raise ValueError(f"Browser ID not found: {browser_id}") browser_info = self.browsers[browser_id] browser = browser_info["instance"] try: # Close browser which automatically closes all pages and contexts await browser.close() # Clean up tracked pages and contexts for page_id in browser_info["pages"]: if page_id in self.pages: del self.pages[page_id] for context_id in browser_info["contexts"]: if context_id in self.contexts: del self.contexts[context_id] # Remove browser record del self.browsers[browser_id] return { "success": True, "browser_id": browser_id } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to close browser: {str(e)}") async def new_page(self, browser_id=None, context_id=None): """Create a new page in an existing browser context""" # First ensure we have a valid browser and context if browser_id is None and context_id is None: # If no browser or context specified, use first available or create new if not self.browsers: # No browsers exist, launch a new one launch_result = await self.launch_browser() browser_id = launch_result["browser_id"] context_id = launch_result["context_id"] else: # Use the first available browser browser_id = next(iter(self.browsers)) # And its first context context_id = self.browsers[browser_id]["contexts"][0] elif browser_id is not None and context_id is None: # Browser specified but not context if browser_id not in self.browsers: raise ValueError(f"Browser ID not found: {browser_id}") # Use the first context of the specified browser context_id = self.browsers[browser_id]["contexts"][0] elif context_id is not None: # Context specified, verify it exists if context_id not in self.contexts: raise ValueError(f"Context ID not found: {context_id}") # Get the browser for this context browser_id = self.contexts[context_id]["browser_id"] try: # Get the context instance context = self.contexts[context_id]["instance"] # Create a new page page = await context.new_page() page_id = f"page_{self.next_page_id}" self.next_page_id += 1 # Track the new page self.pages[page_id] = { "instance": page, "context_id": context_id, "browser_id": browser_id, "url": "about:blank", "title": "" } # Update the context and browser page lists self.contexts[context_id]["pages"].append(page_id) self.browsers[browser_id]["pages"].append(page_id) return { "page_id": page_id, "context_id": context_id, "browser_id": browser_id } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to create new page: {str(e)}") async def close_page(self, page_id): """Close a specific page""" if page_id not in self.pages: raise ValueError(f"Page ID not found: {page_id}") page_info = self.pages[page_id] page = page_info["instance"] context_id = page_info["context_id"] browser_id = page_info["browser_id"] try: # Close the page await page.close() # Remove page from tracking del self.pages[page_id] # Remove page from context and browser lists if context_id in self.contexts: if page_id in self.contexts[context_id]["pages"]: self.contexts[context_id]["pages"].remove(page_id) if browser_id in self.browsers: if page_id in self.browsers[browser_id]["pages"]: self.browsers[browser_id]["pages"].remove(page_id) return { "success": True, "page_id": page_id } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to close page: {str(e)}") async def navigate(self, page_id, url, wait_until="load", timeout=30000): """Navigate to a URL""" if page_id not in self.pages: raise ValueError(f"Page ID not found: {page_id}") page = self.pages[page_id]["instance"] try: # Navigate to URL response = await page.goto(url, wait_until=wait_until, timeout=timeout) # Update page info self.pages[page_id]["url"] = page.url self.pages[page_id]["title"] = await page.title() status = response.status if response else None return { "success": True, "page_id": page_id, "url": page.url, "title": await page.title(), "status": status } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to navigate: {str(e)}") async def get_content(self, page_id): """Get the HTML content of a page""" if page_id not in self.pages: raise ValueError(f"Page ID not found: {page_id}") page = self.pages[page_id]["instance"] try: content = await page.content() return { "success": True, "page_id": page_id, "content": content } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to get content: {str(e)}") async def screenshot(self, page_id, path=None, full_page=False, selector=None): """Take a screenshot of the page or a specific element""" if page_id not in self.pages: raise ValueError(f"Page ID not found: {page_id}") page = self.pages[page_id]["instance"] try: # Determine screenshot options screenshot_options = { "full_page": full_page, "type": "png" } # If path not specified, create a temp file if path is None: path = os.path.join( self.temp_dir, f"screenshot_{page_id}_{int(asyncio.get_event_loop().time())}.png") screenshot_options["path"] = path # Take the screenshot if selector: # Screenshot of a specific element element = await page.query_selector(selector) if not element: raise ValueError( f"Element not found with selector: {selector}") screenshot_binary = await element.screenshot(**screenshot_options) else: # Screenshot of the page screenshot_binary = await page.screenshot(**screenshot_options) # Convert to base64 for returning screenshot_base64 = base64.b64encode( screenshot_binary).decode('utf-8') return { "success": True, "page_id": page_id, "path": path, "image_data": screenshot_base64 } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to take screenshot: {str(e)}") async def click(self, page_id, selector, button="left", click_count=1, delay=0, position_x=None, position_y=None, timeout=30000): """Click on an element""" if page_id not in self.pages: raise ValueError(f"Page ID not found: {page_id}") page = self.pages[page_id]["instance"] try: click_options = { "button": button, "click_count": click_count, "delay": delay, "timeout": timeout } # If specific position requested if position_x is not None and position_y is not None: click_options["position"] = {"x": position_x, "y": position_y} # Click the element await, **click_options) return { "success": True, "page_id": page_id, "selector": selector } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to click element: {str(e)}") async def fill(self, page_id, selector, value, timeout=30000): """Fill an input field with text""" if page_id not in self.pages: raise ValueError(f"Page ID not found: {page_id}") page = self.pages[page_id]["instance"] try: # Fill the form field await page.fill(selector, value, timeout=timeout) return { "success": True, "page_id": page_id, "selector": selector, "value": value } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to fill input: {str(e)}") async def type(self, page_id, selector, text, delay=0, timeout=30000): """Type text into a field with an optional delay between keystrokes""" if page_id not in self.pages: raise ValueError(f"Page ID not found: {page_id}") page = self.pages[page_id]["instance"] try: # Type into the form field await page.type(selector, text, delay=delay, timeout=timeout) return { "success": True, "page_id": page_id, "selector": selector, "text": text } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to type text: {str(e)}") async def select_option(self, page_id, selector, values, timeout=30000): """Select options in a select element""" if page_id not in self.pages: raise ValueError(f"Page ID not found: {page_id}") page = self.pages[page_id]["instance"] try: # Select options selected_values = await page.select_option(selector, values, timeout=timeout) return { "success": True, "page_id": page_id, "selector": selector, "selected_values": selected_values } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to select option: {str(e)}") async def check(self, page_id, selector, timeout=30000): """Check a checkbox or radio button""" if page_id not in self.pages: raise ValueError(f"Page ID not found: {page_id}") page = self.pages[page_id]["instance"] try: # Check the element await page.check(selector, timeout=timeout) return { "success": True, "page_id": page_id, "selector": selector } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to check element: {str(e)}") async def uncheck(self, page_id, selector, timeout=30000): """Uncheck a checkbox""" if page_id not in self.pages: raise ValueError(f"Page ID not found: {page_id}") page = self.pages[page_id]["instance"] try: # Uncheck the element await page.uncheck(selector, timeout=timeout) return { "success": True, "page_id": page_id, "selector": selector } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to uncheck element: {str(e)}") async def evaluate(self, page_id, expression, arg=None): """Evaluate JavaScript in the page context""" if page_id not in self.pages: raise ValueError(f"Page ID not found: {page_id}") page = self.pages[page_id]["instance"] try: # Evaluate JavaScript if arg is not None: result = await page.evaluate(expression, arg) else: result = await page.evaluate(expression) return { "success": True, "page_id": page_id, "result": result } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to evaluate JavaScript: {str(e)}") async def get_text(self, page_id, selector, timeout=30000): """Get text content of an element""" if page_id not in self.pages: raise ValueError(f"Page ID not found: {page_id}") page = self.pages[page_id]["instance"] try: # Wait for the selector to be visible await page.wait_for_selector(selector, state="visible", timeout=timeout) # Get text content text = await page.text_content(selector) return { "success": True, "page_id": page_id, "selector": selector, "text": text } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to get text: {str(e)}") async def get_property(self, page_id, selector, property_name, timeout=30000): """Get a property of an element""" if page_id not in self.pages: raise ValueError(f"Page ID not found: {page_id}") page = self.pages[page_id]["instance"] try: # Wait for the selector element = await page.wait_for_selector(selector, timeout=timeout) if not element: raise ValueError(f"Element not found: {selector}") # Get the property property_value = await element.get_property(property_name) # Convert to JSON serializable value json_value = await property_value.json_value() return { "success": True, "page_id": page_id, "selector": selector, "property": property_name, "value": json_value } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to get property: {str(e)}") async def get_attribute(self, page_id, selector, attribute_name, timeout=30000): """Get an attribute of an element""" if page_id not in self.pages: raise ValueError(f"Page ID not found: {page_id}") page = self.pages[page_id]["instance"] try: # Get the attribute attribute_value = await page.get_attribute(selector, attribute_name, timeout=timeout) return { "success": True, "page_id": page_id, "selector": selector, "attribute": attribute_name, "value": attribute_value } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to get attribute: {str(e)}") async def wait_for_selector(self, page_id, selector, state="visible", timeout=30000): """Wait for an element to be visible or hidden""" if page_id not in self.pages: raise ValueError(f"Page ID not found: {page_id}") page = self.pages[page_id]["instance"] try: # Wait for the selector await page.wait_for_selector(selector, state=state, timeout=timeout) return { "success": True, "page_id": page_id, "selector": selector, "state": state } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to wait for selector: {str(e)}") async def wait_for_navigation(self, page_id, url=None, wait_until="load", timeout=30000): """Wait for navigation to complete""" if page_id not in self.pages: raise ValueError(f"Page ID not found: {page_id}") page = self.pages[page_id]["instance"] try: # Create a navigation context based on URL pattern if provided if url: async with page.expect_navigation(url=url, wait_until=wait_until, timeout=timeout) as navigation_info: # Return immediately, this will wait for navigation that is triggered elsewhere response = await navigation_info.value else: async with page.expect_navigation(wait_until=wait_until, timeout=timeout) as navigation_info: # Return immediately, this will wait for navigation that is triggered elsewhere response = await navigation_info.value # Update page info self.pages[page_id]["url"] = page.url self.pages[page_id]["title"] = await page.title() status = response.status if response else None return { "success": True, "page_id": page_id, "url": page.url, "title": await page.title(), "status": status } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to wait for navigation: {str(e)}") async def wait_for_load_state(self, page_id, state="load", timeout=30000): """Wait for page load state""" if page_id not in self.pages: raise ValueError(f"Page ID not found: {page_id}") page = self.pages[page_id]["instance"] try: # Wait for load state await page.wait_for_load_state(state=state, timeout=timeout) return { "success": True, "page_id": page_id, "state": state } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to wait for load state: {str(e)}") async def go_back(self, page_id, wait_until="load", timeout=30000): """Navigate back in browser history""" if page_id not in self.pages: raise ValueError(f"Page ID not found: {page_id}") page = self.pages[page_id]["instance"] try: # Go back response = await page.go_back(wait_until=wait_until, timeout=timeout) # Update page info self.pages[page_id]["url"] = page.url self.pages[page_id]["title"] = await page.title() status = response.status if response else None return { "success": True, "page_id": page_id, "url": page.url, "title": await page.title(), "status": status } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to go back: {str(e)}") async def go_forward(self, page_id, wait_until="load", timeout=30000): """Navigate forward in browser history""" if page_id not in self.pages: raise ValueError(f"Page ID not found: {page_id}") page = self.pages[page_id]["instance"] try: # Go forward response = await page.go_forward(wait_until=wait_until, timeout=timeout) # Update page info self.pages[page_id]["url"] = page.url self.pages[page_id]["title"] = await page.title() status = response.status if response else None return { "success": True, "page_id": page_id, "url": page.url, "title": await page.title(), "status": status } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to go forward: {str(e)}") async def reload(self, page_id, wait_until="load", timeout=30000): """Reload the current page""" if page_id not in self.pages: raise ValueError(f"Page ID not found: {page_id}") page = self.pages[page_id]["instance"] try: # Reload the page response = await page.reload(wait_until=wait_until, timeout=timeout) status = response.status if response else None return { "success": True, "page_id": page_id, "url": page.url, "title": await page.title(), "status": status } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to reload page: {str(e)}") async def set_viewport_size(self, page_id, width, height): """Set the viewport size""" if page_id not in self.pages: raise ValueError(f"Page ID not found: {page_id}") page = self.pages[page_id]["instance"] try: # Set viewport size await page.set_viewport_size({"width": width, "height": height}) return { "success": True, "page_id": page_id, "width": width, "height": height } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to set viewport size: {str(e)}") async def set_extra_http_headers(self, page_id, headers): """Set extra HTTP headers for all requests""" if page_id not in self.pages: raise ValueError(f"Page ID not found: {page_id}") page = self.pages[page_id]["instance"] try: # Set headers await page.set_extra_http_headers(headers) return { "success": True, "page_id": page_id, "headers": headers } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to set HTTP headers: {str(e)}") async def add_init_script(self, page_id, script=None, script_path=None): """Add initialization script that will be run in each new page""" if page_id not in self.pages: raise ValueError(f"Page ID not found: {page_id}") page = self.pages[page_id]["instance"] try: # Add initialization script if script: await page.add_init_script(script=script) elif script_path: await page.add_init_script(path=script_path) else: raise ValueError( "Either script or script_path must be provided") return { "success": True, "page_id": page_id } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to add init script: {str(e)}") async def emulate_media(self, page_id, media=None, color_scheme=None): """Emulate media type and/or color scheme""" if page_id not in self.pages: raise ValueError(f"Page ID not found: {page_id}") page = self.pages[page_id]["instance"] try: # Set media and/or color scheme params = {} if media: params["media"] = media if color_scheme: params["color_scheme"] = color_scheme await page.emulate_media(**params) return { "success": True, "page_id": page_id, "media": media, "color_scheme": color_scheme } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to emulate media: {str(e)}") async def pdf(self, page_id, path=None, landscape=False, format=None, width=None, height=None): """Generate a PDF from the page""" if page_id not in self.pages: raise ValueError(f"Page ID not found: {page_id}") page = self.pages[page_id]["instance"] try: # Check if this browser supports PDF (only Chromium does) browser_id = self.pages[page_id]["browser_id"] if self.browsers[browser_id]["type"].lower() != "chromium": raise ValueError( "PDF generation is only supported in Chromium") # Build options pdf_options = { "landscape": landscape } if format: pdf_options["format"] = format if width and height: pdf_options["width"] = width pdf_options["height"] = height # If path not specified, create a temp file if path is None: path = os.path.join( self.temp_dir, f"pdf_{page_id}_{int(asyncio.get_event_loop().time())}.pdf") pdf_options["path"] = path # Generate PDF pdf_data = await page.pdf(**pdf_options) # Convert to base64 for returning pdf_base64 = base64.b64encode(pdf_data).decode('utf-8') return { "success": True, "page_id": page_id, "path": path, "pdf_data": pdf_base64 } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to generate PDF: {str(e)}") async def list_browsers(self): """List all active browser instances""" try: browser_list = [] for browser_id, browser_info in self.browsers.items(): browser_data = { "browser_id": browser_id, "type": browser_info["type"], "contexts": browser_info["contexts"], "pages": browser_info["pages"] } browser_list.append(browser_data) return { "success": True, "browsers": browser_list, "count": len(browser_list) } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to list browsers: {str(e)}") async def list_pages(self, browser_id=None, context_id=None): """List all active pages""" try: page_list = [] for page_id, page_info in self.pages.items(): # Filter by browser_id if provided if browser_id and page_info["browser_id"] != browser_id: continue # Filter by context_id if provided if context_id and page_info["context_id"] != context_id: continue page_data = { "page_id": page_id, "browser_id": page_info["browser_id"], "context_id": page_info["context_id"], "url": page_info["url"], "title": page_info["title"] } page_list.append(page_data) return { "success": True, "pages": page_list, "count": len(page_list) } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to list pages: {str(e)}") async def cleanup(self): """Close all browsers and clean up resources""" try: # Close all browsers browser_ids = list(self.browsers.keys()) close_results = [] for browser_id in browser_ids: try: result = await self.close_browser(browser_id) close_results.append(result) except Exception as e: close_results.append({ "success": False, "browser_id": browser_id, "error": str(e) }) # Close Playwright if self.initialized and self.playwright: await self.playwright.__aexit__(None, None, None) self.initialized = False return { "success": True, "browsers_closed": close_results, "count": len(close_results) } except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to clean up: {str(e)}") # Tool function definitions that will be registered with MCP async def playwright_launch_browser( browser_type: str = "chromium", headless: bool = True, slow_mo: Optional[int] = None, proxy: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, downloads_path: Optional[str] = None, args: Optional[List[str]] = None, ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """Launch a new browser instance. Parameters: - browser_type: Type of browser to launch ('chromium', 'firefox', or 'webkit') - headless: Whether to run browser in headless mode - slow_mo: Slow down operations by the specified amount of milliseconds - proxy: Proxy configuration, e.g. {'server': ''} - downloads_path: Directory to download files to - args: Additional arguments to pass to the browser instance Returns: - JSON string with browser information including IDs for the browser, context, and page """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await playwright.launch_browser( browser_type=browser_type, headless=headless, slow_mo=slow_mo, proxy=proxy, downloads_path=downloads_path, args=args ) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) async def playwright_close_browser( browser_id: str, ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """Close a browser instance and all its pages. Parameters: - browser_id: ID of the browser to close Returns: - JSON string with result of the operation """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await playwright.close_browser(browser_id) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) async def playwright_new_page( browser_id: Optional[str] = None, context_id: Optional[str] = None, ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """Create a new page in an existing browser context. Parameters: - browser_id: ID of the browser (optional if context_id is provided) - context_id: ID of the browser context (optional if browser_id is provided) Returns: - JSON string with page information """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await playwright.new_page(browser_id, context_id) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) async def playwright_close_page( page_id: str, ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """Close a specific page. Parameters: - page_id: ID of the page to close Returns: - JSON string with result of the operation """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await playwright.close_page(page_id) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) async def playwright_navigate( page_id: str, url: str, wait_until: str = "load", timeout: int = 30000, ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """Navigate to a URL. Parameters: - page_id: ID of the page - url: URL to navigate to - wait_until: When to consider navigation complete ('load', 'domcontentloaded', 'networkidle', 'commit') - timeout: Maximum navigation time in milliseconds Returns: - JSON string with navigation result """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await playwright.navigate(page_id, url, wait_until, timeout) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) async def playwright_get_content( page_id: str, ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """Get the HTML content of a page. Parameters: - page_id: ID of the page Returns: - JSON string with HTML content """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await playwright.get_content(page_id) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) async def playwright_screenshot( page_id: str, path: Optional[str] = None, full_page: bool = False, selector: Optional[str] = None, ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """Take a screenshot of the page or an element. Parameters: - page_id: ID of the page - path: Path to save the screenshot to (optional) - full_page: Whether to take a screenshot of the full page or just the viewport - selector: CSS selector of element to screenshot (optional) Returns: - JSON string with screenshot information """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await playwright.screenshot(page_id, path, full_page, selector) # If we have MCP context and a successful result with image data if ctx and "success" in result and "image_data" in result: img = Image(data=result["image_data"], format="png") img_resource_id = f"playwright_screenshot_{id(result)}" ctx.set_resource(img_resource_id, img) result["image_resource"] = img_resource_id # Remove base64 data to keep response smaller del result["image_data"] return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) async def playwright_click( page_id: str, selector: str, button: str = "left", click_count: int = 1, delay: int = 0, position_x: Optional[int] = None, position_y: Optional[int] = None, timeout: int = 30000, ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """Click on an element. Parameters: - page_id: ID of the page - selector: CSS selector of the element to click - button: Mouse button to use ('left', 'right', 'middle') - click_count: Number of clicks - delay: Delay between mouse down and mouse up in milliseconds - position_x: X coordinate relative to the element to click at - position_y: Y coordinate relative to the element to click at - timeout: Maximum time to wait for the element in milliseconds Returns: - JSON string with result of the operation """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await page_id, selector, button, click_count, delay, position_x, position_y, timeout ) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) async def playwright_fill( page_id: str, selector: str, value: str, timeout: int = 30000, ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """Fill an input field with text. Parameters: - page_id: ID of the page - selector: CSS selector of the input field - value: Text to fill the field with - timeout: Maximum time to wait for the element in milliseconds Returns: - JSON string with result of the operation """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await playwright.fill(page_id, selector, value, timeout) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) async def playwright_type( page_id: str, selector: str, text: str, delay: int = 0, timeout: int = 30000, ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """Type text into a field with optional delay between keystrokes. Parameters: - page_id: ID of the page - selector: CSS selector of the input field - text: Text to type - delay: Delay between keystrokes in milliseconds - timeout: Maximum time to wait for the element in milliseconds Returns: - JSON string with result of the operation """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await playwright.type(page_id, selector, text, delay, timeout) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) async def playwright_select_option( page_id: str, selector: str, values: Union[str, List[str], Dict[str, str]], timeout: int = 30000, ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """Select options in a select element. Parameters: - page_id: ID of the page - selector: CSS selector of the select element - values: Option values to select (string, list of strings, or dict with value/label/index) - timeout: Maximum time to wait for the element in milliseconds Returns: - JSON string with result of the operation """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await playwright.select_option(page_id, selector, values, timeout) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) async def playwright_check( page_id: str, selector: str, timeout: int = 30000, ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """Check a checkbox or radio button. Parameters: - page_id: ID of the page - selector: CSS selector of the element - timeout: Maximum time to wait for the element in milliseconds Returns: - JSON string with result of the operation """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await playwright.check(page_id, selector, timeout) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) async def playwright_uncheck( page_id: str, selector: str, timeout: int = 30000, ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """Uncheck a checkbox. Parameters: - page_id: ID of the page - selector: CSS selector of the checkbox - timeout: Maximum time to wait for the element in milliseconds Returns: - JSON string with result of the operation """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await playwright.uncheck(page_id, selector, timeout) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) async def playwright_evaluate( page_id: str, expression: str, arg: Any = None, ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """Evaluate JavaScript in the page context. Parameters: - page_id: ID of the page - expression: JavaScript to evaluate - arg: Argument to pass to the expression Returns: - JSON string with result of the evaluation """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await playwright.evaluate(page_id, expression, arg) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) async def playwright_get_text( page_id: str, selector: str, timeout: int = 30000, ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """Get text content of an element. Parameters: - page_id: ID of the page - selector: CSS selector of the element - timeout: Maximum time to wait for the element in milliseconds Returns: - JSON string with the element's text content """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await playwright.get_text(page_id, selector, timeout) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) async def playwright_get_property( page_id: str, selector: str, property_name: str, timeout: int = 30000, ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """Get a property of an element. Parameters: - page_id: ID of the page - selector: CSS selector of the element - property_name: Name of the property to get - timeout: Maximum time to wait for the element in milliseconds Returns: - JSON string with the property value """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await playwright.get_property(page_id, selector, property_name, timeout) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) async def playwright_get_attribute( page_id: str, selector: str, attribute_name: str, timeout: int = 30000, ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """Get an attribute of an element. Parameters: - page_id: ID of the page - selector: CSS selector of the element - attribute_name: Name of the attribute to get - timeout: Maximum time to wait for the element in milliseconds Returns: - JSON string with the attribute value """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await playwright.get_attribute(page_id, selector, attribute_name, timeout) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) async def playwright_wait_for_selector( page_id: str, selector: str, state: str = "visible", timeout: int = 30000, ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """Wait for an element to be visible, hidden, attached, or detached. Parameters: - page_id: ID of the page - selector: CSS selector of the element - state: State to wait for ('visible', 'hidden', 'attached', 'detached') - timeout: Maximum time to wait in milliseconds Returns: - JSON string with result of the operation """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await playwright.wait_for_selector(page_id, selector, state, timeout) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) async def playwright_wait_for_navigation( page_id: str, url: Optional[str] = None, wait_until: str = "load", timeout: int = 30000, ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """Wait for navigation to complete. Parameters: - page_id: ID of the page - url: Optional URL or regexp pattern to wait for - wait_until: When to consider navigation complete ('load', 'domcontentloaded', 'networkidle', 'commit') - timeout: Maximum navigation time in milliseconds Returns: - JSON string with navigation result """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await playwright.wait_for_navigation(page_id, url, wait_until, timeout) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) async def playwright_wait_for_load_state( page_id: str, state: str = "load", timeout: int = 30000, ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """Wait for the page to reach a specific load state. Parameters: - page_id: ID of the page - state: Load state to wait for ('load', 'domcontentloaded', 'networkidle') - timeout: Maximum time to wait in milliseconds Returns: - JSON string with result of the operation """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await playwright.wait_for_load_state(page_id, state, timeout) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) async def playwright_go_back( page_id: str, wait_until: str = "load", timeout: int = 30000, ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """Navigate to the previous page in history. Parameters: - page_id: ID of the page - wait_until: When to consider navigation complete ('load', 'domcontentloaded', 'networkidle', 'commit') - timeout: Maximum navigation time in milliseconds Returns: - JSON string with navigation result """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await playwright.go_back(page_id, wait_until, timeout) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) async def playwright_go_forward( page_id: str, wait_until: str = "load", timeout: int = 30000, ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """Navigate to the next page in history. Parameters: - page_id: ID of the page - wait_until: When to consider navigation complete ('load', 'domcontentloaded', 'networkidle', 'commit') - timeout: Maximum navigation time in milliseconds Returns: - JSON string with navigation result """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await playwright.go_forward(page_id, wait_until, timeout) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) async def playwright_reload( page_id: str, wait_until: str = "load", timeout: int = 30000, ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """Reload the current page. Parameters: - page_id: ID of the page - wait_until: When to consider navigation complete ('load', 'domcontentloaded', 'networkidle', 'commit') - timeout: Maximum navigation time in milliseconds Returns: - JSON string with navigation result """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await playwright.reload(page_id, wait_until, timeout) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) async def playwright_set_viewport_size( page_id: str, width: int, height: int, ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """Set the viewport size. Parameters: - page_id: ID of the page - width: Viewport width in pixels - height: Viewport height in pixels Returns: - JSON string with result of the operation """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await playwright.set_viewport_size(page_id, width, height) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) async def playwright_set_extra_http_headers( page_id: str, headers: Dict[str, str], ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """Set extra HTTP headers for all requests. Parameters: - page_id: ID of the page - headers: Dictionary of HTTP headers Returns: - JSON string with result of the operation """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await playwright.set_extra_http_headers(page_id, headers) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) async def playwright_add_init_script( page_id: str, script: Optional[str] = None, script_path: Optional[str] = None, ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """Add initialization script that will be run in the page. Parameters: - page_id: ID of the page - script: JavaScript to run in the page - script_path: Path to a JavaScript file Returns: - JSON string with result of the operation """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await playwright.add_init_script(page_id, script, script_path) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) async def playwright_emulate_media( page_id: str, media: Optional[str] = None, color_scheme: Optional[str] = None, ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """Emulate media type and/or color scheme. Parameters: - page_id: ID of the page - media: Media type to emulate ('screen', 'print', 'null') - color_scheme: Color scheme to emulate ('light', 'dark', 'no-preference', 'null') Returns: - JSON string with result of the operation """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await playwright.emulate_media(page_id, media, color_scheme) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) async def playwright_pdf( page_id: str, path: Optional[str] = None, landscape: bool = False, format: Optional[str] = None, width: Optional[str] = None, height: Optional[str] = None, ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """Generate a PDF from the page (Chromium only). Parameters: - page_id: ID of the page - path: Path to save the PDF to (optional) - landscape: Whether to use landscape orientation - format: Paper format ('Letter', 'Legal', 'Tabloid', 'A0', 'A1', 'A2', 'A3', 'A4', etc.) - width: Paper width, accepts values labeled with units ('100px', '1in', etc.) - height: Paper height, accepts values labeled with units ('100px', '1in', etc.) Returns: - JSON string with PDF information """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await playwright.pdf(page_id, path, landscape, format, width, height) # If we have MCP context and a successful result with PDF data if ctx and "success" in result and "pdf_data" in result: # Could potentially set resource here if MCP supports PDF format pass return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) async def playwright_list_browsers( ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """List all active browser instances. Returns: - JSON string with list of browser information """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await playwright.list_browsers() return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) async def playwright_list_pages( browser_id: Optional[str] = None, context_id: Optional[str] = None, ctx: Context = None ) -> str: """List all active pages. Parameters: - browser_id: ID of the browser to filter pages by (optional) - context_id: ID of the browser context to filter pages by (optional) Returns: - JSON string with list of page information """ try: playwright = _get_playwright_service() result = await playwright.list_pages(browser_id, context_id) return json.dumps(result, indent=2) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"error": str(e)}, indent=2) # Tool registration and initialization _playwright_service = None def initialize_playwright_service(): """Initialize the Playwright service""" global _playwright_service _playwright_service = PlaywrightService() return _playwright_service def _get_playwright_service(): """Get or initialize the Playwright service""" global _playwright_service if _playwright_service is None: _playwright_service = initialize_playwright_service() return _playwright_service def get_playwright_tools(): """Get a dictionary of all Playwright tools for registration with MCP""" return { PlaywrightTools.LAUNCH_BROWSER: playwright_launch_browser, PlaywrightTools.CLOSE_BROWSER: playwright_close_browser, PlaywrightTools.NEW_PAGE: playwright_new_page, PlaywrightTools.CLOSE_PAGE: playwright_close_page, PlaywrightTools.NAVIGATE: playwright_navigate, PlaywrightTools.GET_CONTENT: playwright_get_content, PlaywrightTools.SCREENSHOT: playwright_screenshot, PlaywrightTools.CLICK: playwright_click, PlaywrightTools.FILL: playwright_fill, PlaywrightTools.TYPE: playwright_type, PlaywrightTools.SELECT_OPTION: playwright_select_option, PlaywrightTools.CHECK: playwright_check, PlaywrightTools.UNCHECK: playwright_uncheck, PlaywrightTools.EVALUATE: playwright_evaluate, PlaywrightTools.GET_TEXT: playwright_get_text, PlaywrightTools.GET_PROPERTY: playwright_get_property, PlaywrightTools.GET_ATTRIBUTE: playwright_get_attribute, PlaywrightTools.WAIT_FOR_SELECTOR: playwright_wait_for_selector, PlaywrightTools.WAIT_FOR_NAVIGATION: playwright_wait_for_navigation, PlaywrightTools.WAIT_FOR_LOAD_STATE: playwright_wait_for_load_state, PlaywrightTools.GO_BACK: playwright_go_back, PlaywrightTools.GO_FORWARD: playwright_go_forward, PlaywrightTools.RELOAD: playwright_reload, PlaywrightTools.SET_VIEWPORT_SIZE: playwright_set_viewport_size, PlaywrightTools.SET_EXTRA_HTTP_HEADERS: playwright_set_extra_http_headers, PlaywrightTools.ADD_INIT_SCRIPT: playwright_add_init_script, PlaywrightTools.EMULATE_MEDIA: playwright_emulate_media, PlaywrightTools.PDF: playwright_pdf, PlaywrightTools.LIST_BROWSERS: playwright_list_browsers, PlaywrightTools.LIST_PAGES: playwright_list_pages } # This function will be called by the unified server to initialize the module def initialize(mcp=None): """Initialize the Playwright module with MCP reference""" if mcp: set_external_mcp(mcp) # Initialize the service service = initialize_playwright_service() # Import playwright to check if it's installed try: import playwright # Get version using importlib.metadata instead of __version__ try: import importlib.metadata playwright_version = importlib.metadata.version('playwright') f"Playwright is installed, version: {playwright_version}") except (ImportError, importlib.metadata.PackageNotFoundError): "Playwright is installed, but version could not be determined") # Check if browsers are installed import subprocess import sys try: # Try to run playwright install command if needed subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, "-m", "playwright", "install", "--help"], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)"Playwright CLI tools are available") except subprocess.CalledProcessError: logging.warning( "Playwright CLI tools may not be properly installed") except FileNotFoundError: logging.warning("Playwright CLI tools not found") return True except ImportError: logging.error( "Playwright not installed. Please install with: pip install playwright") return False if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) print("Playwright service module - use with MCP Unified Server")