Bybit MCP Server

import { Tool } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js" import { CallToolRequestSchema } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js" import { z } from "zod" import { BaseToolImplementation } from "./BaseTool.js" import { AccountTypeV5, APIResponseV3WithTime, WalletBalanceV5 } from "bybit-api" // Zod schema for input validation const inputSchema = z.object({ accountType: z.enum(["UNIFIED", "CONTRACT", "SPOT"]), coin: z.string().optional() }) type ToolArguments = z.infer<typeof inputSchema> // Type for the formatted response interface FormattedWalletResponse { accountType: AccountTypeV5 coin?: string data: { list: WalletBalanceV5[] } timestamp: string meta: { requestId: string } } export class GetWalletBalance extends BaseToolImplementation { name = "get_wallet_balance" toolDefinition: Tool = { name:, description: "Get wallet balance information for the authenticated user", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { accountType: { type: "string", description: "Account type", enum: ["UNIFIED", "CONTRACT", "SPOT"], }, coin: { type: "string", description: "Cryptocurrency symbol, e.g., BTC, ETH, USDT. If not specified, returns all coins.", }, }, required: ["accountType"], }, } private async getWalletData( accountType: AccountTypeV5, coin?: string ): Promise<APIResponseV3WithTime<{ list: WalletBalanceV5[] }>> { this.logInfo(`Fetching wallet balance for account type: ${accountType}${coin ? `, coin: ${coin}` : ''}`) return await this.client.getWalletBalance({ accountType, coin, }) } async toolCall(request: z.infer<typeof CallToolRequestSchema>) { try { this.logInfo("Starting get_wallet_balance tool call") if (this.isDevMode) { throw new Error("Cannot get wallet balance in development mode - API credentials required") } // Parse and validate input const validationResult = inputSchema.safeParse(request.params.arguments) if (!validationResult.success) { throw new Error(`Invalid input: ${validationResult.error.message}`) } const { accountType, coin } = this.logInfo(`Validated arguments - accountType: ${accountType}${coin ? `, coin: ${coin}` : ''}`) // Execute API request with rate limiting and retry logic const response = await this.executeRequest(async () => { return await this.getWalletData(accountType, coin) }) // Format response const result: FormattedWalletResponse = { accountType, coin, data: { list: response.list }, timestamp: new Date().toISOString(), meta: { requestId: crypto.randomUUID() } } this.logInfo(`Successfully retrieved wallet balance for ${accountType}${coin ? ` (${coin})` : ''}`) return this.formatResponse(result) } catch (error) { this.logInfo(`Error in get_wallet_balance: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`) return this.handleError(error) } } } export default GetWalletBalance