Bybit MCP Server

import { Tool, TextContent, CallToolResult } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js" import { CallToolRequestSchema } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js" import { z } from "zod" import { RestClientV5, APIResponseV3WithTime } from "bybit-api" import { getEnvConfig } from "../env.js" // Rate limit configuration (as per Bybit docs) const RATE_LIMIT = { maxRequestsPerSecond: 10, maxRequestsPerMinute: 120, retryAfter: 2000, // ms maxRetries: 3 } interface QueuedRequest { execute: () => Promise<any> resolve: (value: any) => void reject: (error: any) => void } export abstract class BaseToolImplementation { abstract name: string abstract toolDefinition: Tool abstract toolCall(request: z.infer<typeof CallToolRequestSchema>): Promise<CallToolResult> protected client: RestClientV5 protected isDevMode: boolean private requestQueue: QueuedRequest[] = [] private processingQueue = false private requestCount = 0 private lastRequestTime = 0 private requestHistory: number[] = [] // Timestamps of requests within the last minute private initialized = false constructor() { const config = getEnvConfig() this.isDevMode = !config.apiKey || !config.apiSecret if (this.isDevMode) { this.client = new RestClientV5({ testnet: true, }) } else { this.client = new RestClientV5({ key: config.apiKey, secret: config.apiSecret, testnet: config.useTestnet, recv_window: 5000, // 5 second receive window }) } } protected ensureInitialized() { if (!this.initialized) { if (this.isDevMode) { this.logWarning("Running in development mode with limited functionality") } this.initialized = true } } /** * Enqueues a request with rate limiting and retry logic */ protected async executeRequest<T>( operation: () => Promise<APIResponseV3WithTime<T>>, retryCount = 0 ): Promise<T> { this.ensureInitialized() return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.requestQueue.push({ execute: async () => { try { // Check rate limits if (!this.canMakeRequest()) { const waitTime = this.getWaitTime() this.logInfo(`Rate limit reached. Waiting ${waitTime}ms`) await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, waitTime)) } // Execute request with timeout const response = await Promise.race([ operation(), new Promise((_, reject) => setTimeout(() => reject(new Error("Request timeout")), 10000) ) ]) as APIResponseV3WithTime<T> // Update rate limit tracking this.updateRequestHistory() // Handle Bybit API errors if (response.retCode !== 0) { throw this.createBybitError(response.retCode, response.retMsg) } return response.result } catch (error) { // Retry logic for specific errors if ( retryCount < RATE_LIMIT.maxRetries && this.shouldRetry(error) ) { this.logWarning(`Retrying request (attempt ${retryCount + 1})`) await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, RATE_LIMIT.retryAfter) ) return this.executeRequest(operation, retryCount + 1) } throw error } }, resolve, reject }) if (!this.processingQueue) { this.processQueue() } }) } private async processQueue() { if (this.requestQueue.length === 0) { this.processingQueue = false return } this.processingQueue = true const request = this.requestQueue.shift() if (request) { try { const result = await request.execute() request.resolve(result) } catch (error) { request.reject(error) } } // Process next request setImmediate(() => this.processQueue()) } private canMakeRequest(): boolean { const now = // Clean up old requests this.requestHistory = this.requestHistory.filter( time => now - time < 60000 ) return ( this.requestHistory.length < RATE_LIMIT.maxRequestsPerMinute && now - this.lastRequestTime >= (1000 / RATE_LIMIT.maxRequestsPerSecond) ) } private getWaitTime(): number { const now = const timeToWaitForSecondLimit = Math.max( 0, this.lastRequestTime + (1000 / RATE_LIMIT.maxRequestsPerSecond) - now ) if (this.requestHistory.length >= RATE_LIMIT.maxRequestsPerMinute) { const timeToWaitForMinuteLimit = Math.max( 0, this.requestHistory[0] + 60000 - now ) return Math.max(timeToWaitForSecondLimit, timeToWaitForMinuteLimit) } return timeToWaitForSecondLimit } private updateRequestHistory() { const now = this.requestHistory.push(now) this.lastRequestTime = now } private shouldRetry(error: any): boolean { // Retry on network errors or specific Bybit error codes return ( === "NetworkError" || error.code === 10002 || // Rate limit error.code === 10006 || // System busy error.code === -1 // Unknown error ) } private createBybitError(code: number, message: string): Error { const errorMap: Record<number, string> = { 10001: "Parameter error", 10002: "Rate limit exceeded", 10003: "Invalid API key", 10004: "Invalid sign", 10005: "Permission denied", 10006: "System busy", 10009: "Order not found", 10010: "Insufficient balance", } const error = new Error( `Bybit API Error ${code}: ${errorMap[code] || message}` ) ; (error as any).code = code return error } protected handleError(error: any): CallToolResult { const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error) console.error(JSON.stringify({ jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "notify", params: { level: "error", message: `${} tool error: ${errorMessage}` } })) const content: TextContent = { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify({ tool:, error: errorMessage, code: error.code, status: error.status, timestamp: new Date().toISOString() }, null, 2), annotations: { audience: ["assistant", "user"], priority: 1 } } return { content: [content], isError: true } } protected formatResponse(data: any): CallToolResult { this.ensureInitialized() const content: TextContent = { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(data, null, 2), annotations: { audience: ["assistant", "user"], priority: 1 } } return { content: [content] } } protected logInfo(message: string) {{ jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "notify", params: { level: "info", message: `${}: ${message}` } })) } protected logWarning(message: string) { console.warn(JSON.stringify({ jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "notify", params: { level: "warning", message: `${}: ${message}` } })) } }