Bybit MCP Server

import { Tool, CallToolResult } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js" import { CallToolRequestSchema } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js" import { z } from "zod" import { BaseToolImplementation } from "./BaseTool.js" import { CONSTANTS } from "../constants.js" import { // CategoryV5, GetTickersParamsV5, TickerSpotV5, TickerLinearInverseV5, APIResponseV3WithTime, CategoryListV5 } from "bybit-api" // Zod schema for input validation const inputSchema = z.object({ symbol: z.string() .min(1, "Symbol is required") .regex(/^[A-Z0-9]+$/, "Symbol must contain only uppercase letters and numbers"), category: z.enum(["spot", "linear", "inverse"]).optional() }) type SupportedCategory = z.infer<typeof inputSchema>["category"] type ToolArguments = z.infer<typeof inputSchema> class GetTicker extends BaseToolImplementation { name = "get_ticker" toolDefinition: Tool = { name:, description: "Get real-time ticker information for a trading pair", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { symbol: { type: "string", description: "Trading pair symbol (e.g., 'BTCUSDT')", pattern: "^[A-Z0-9]+$", annotations: { priority: 1 // Required parameter } }, category: { type: "string", description: "Category of the instrument (spot, linear, inverse)", enum: ["spot", "linear", "inverse"], annotations: { priority: 0 // Optional parameter } } }, required: ["symbol"] } } private async getTickerData( symbol: string, category: "spot" | "linear" | "inverse" ): Promise<APIResponseV3WithTime<CategoryListV5<TickerSpotV5[] | TickerLinearInverseV5[], typeof category>>> { if (category === "spot") { const params: GetTickersParamsV5<"spot"> = { category: "spot", symbol } return await this.client.getTickers(params) } else { const params: GetTickersParamsV5<"linear" | "inverse"> = { category: category, symbol } return await this.client.getTickers(params) } } async toolCall(request: z.infer<typeof CallToolRequestSchema>): Promise<CallToolResult> { try { this.logInfo("Starting get_ticker tool call") // Parse and validate input const validationResult = inputSchema.safeParse(request.params.arguments) if (!validationResult.success) { throw new Error(`Invalid input: ${JSON.stringify(validationResult.error.errors)}`) } const { symbol, category = CONSTANTS.DEFAULT_CATEGORY as "spot" | "linear" | "inverse" } = this.logInfo(`Validated arguments - symbol: ${symbol}, category: ${category}`) // Execute API request with rate limiting and retry logic const response = await this.executeRequest(async () => { return await this.getTickerData(symbol, category) }) // Extract the first ticker from the list const ticker = response.list[0] if (!ticker) { throw new Error(`No ticker data found for ${symbol}`) } // Format response with lastPrice at root level const baseResult = { timestamp: new Date().toISOString(), meta: { requestId: crypto.randomUUID() }, symbol, category, lastPrice: ticker.lastPrice, price24hPcnt: ticker.price24hPcnt, highPrice24h: ticker.highPrice24h, lowPrice24h: ticker.lowPrice24h, prevPrice24h: ticker.prevPrice24h, volume24h: ticker.volume24h, turnover24h: ticker.turnover24h, bid1Price: ticker.bid1Price, bid1Size: ticker.bid1Size, ask1Price: ticker.ask1Price, ask1Size: ticker.ask1Size } // Add spot-specific fields if applicable if (category === "spot" && "usdIndexPrice" in ticker) { return this.formatResponse({ ...baseResult, usdIndexPrice: ticker.usdIndexPrice }) } this.logInfo(`Successfully retrieved ticker data for ${symbol}`) return this.formatResponse(baseResult) } catch (error) { this.logInfo(`Error in get_ticker: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`) return this.handleError(error) } } } export default GetTicker