Linear MCP Server

import { jest, describe, it, expect, beforeEach } from '@jest/globals'; import { LinearGraphQLClient } from '../graphql/client'; import { LinearClient } from '@linear/sdk'; import { CreateIssueInput, CreateIssueResponse, CreateIssuesResponse, UpdateIssueInput, UpdateIssuesResponse, SearchIssuesInput, SearchIssuesResponse, DeleteIssueResponse } from '../features/issues/types/issue.types'; import { ProjectInput, ProjectResponse, SearchProjectsResponse } from '../features/projects/types/project.types'; import { TeamResponse, LabelInput, LabelResponse } from '../features/teams/types/team.types'; import { UserResponse } from '../features/users/types/user.types'; jest.mock('@linear/sdk'); // Define type for GraphQL response type GraphQLResponse<T> = { data: T; }; describe('LinearGraphQLClient', () => { let graphqlClient: LinearGraphQLClient; let linearClient: LinearClient; let mockRawRequest: jest.MockedFunction<(query: string, variables?: Record<string, unknown>) => Promise<GraphQLResponse<unknown>>>; beforeEach(() => { mockRawRequest = jest.fn(); // Mock the Linear client's GraphQL client linearClient = { client: { rawRequest: mockRawRequest } } as unknown as LinearClient; // Clear mocks mockRawRequest.mockReset(); graphqlClient = new LinearGraphQLClient(linearClient); }); describe('searchIssues', () => { it('should successfully search issues', async () => { const mockResponse = { data: { issues: { pageInfo: { hasNextPage: false, endCursor: null }, nodes: [ { id: 'issue-1', identifier: 'TEST-1', title: 'Test Issue 1', url: '' } ] } } }; mockRawRequest.mockResolvedValueOnce(mockResponse); const searchInput: SearchIssuesInput = { filter: { project: { id: { eq: 'project-1' } } }, first: 1 }; const result: SearchIssuesResponse = await graphqlClient.searchIssues( searchInput.filter, searchInput.first ); expect(result).toEqual(; expect(mockRawRequest).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should handle search errors', async () => { mockRawRequest.mockRejectedValueOnce(new Error('Search failed')); const searchInput: SearchIssuesInput = { filter: { project: { id: { eq: 'project-1' } } } }; await expect( graphqlClient.searchIssues(searchInput.filter) ).rejects.toThrow('GraphQL operation failed: Search failed'); }); }); describe('createIssue', () => { it('should successfully create an issue', async () => { const mockResponse = { data: { issueCreate: { success: true, issue: { id: 'issue-1', identifier: 'TEST-1', title: 'New Issue', url: '' } } } }; mockRawRequest.mockResolvedValueOnce(mockResponse); const input: CreateIssueInput = { title: 'New Issue', description: 'Description', teamId: 'team-1' }; const result: CreateIssueResponse = await graphqlClient.createIssue(input); // Verify single mutation call with array input expect(mockRawRequest).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.any(String), expect.objectContaining({ input: [input] }) ); expect(result).toEqual(; expect(mockRawRequest).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should handle creation errors', async () => { mockRawRequest.mockRejectedValueOnce(new Error('Creation failed')); const input: CreateIssueInput = { title: 'New Issue', description: 'Description', teamId: 'team-1' }; await expect( graphqlClient.createIssue(input) ).rejects.toThrow('GraphQL operation failed: Creation failed'); }); }); describe('Project Operations', () => { describe('createProject', () => { it('should successfully create a project', async () => { const mockResponse = { data: { projectCreate: { success: true, project: { id: 'project-1', name: 'New Project', url: '' }, lastSyncId: 123 } } }; mockRawRequest.mockResolvedValueOnce(mockResponse); const projectInput: ProjectInput = { name: 'New Project', teamIds: ['team-1'] }; const result = await graphqlClient.createProject(projectInput); expect(result).toEqual(; expect(mockRawRequest).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.any(String), expect.objectContaining({ input: projectInput }) ); }); }); describe('createProjectWithIssues', () => { it('should successfully create project with issues', async () => { const projectMockResponse = { data: { projectCreate: { success: true, project: { id: 'project-1', name: 'New Project', url: '' }, lastSyncId: 123 } } }; const issueMockResponse = { data: { issueBatchCreate: { success: true, issues: [ { id: 'issue-1', identifier: 'TEST-1', title: 'Project Issue 1', url: '' } ], lastSyncId: 124 } } }; mockRawRequest .mockResolvedValueOnce(projectMockResponse) .mockResolvedValueOnce(issueMockResponse); const projectInput: ProjectInput = { name: 'New Project', teamIds: ['team-1'] }; const issueInput: CreateIssueInput = { title: 'Project Issue 1', description: 'Description 1', teamId: 'team-1' }; const result = await graphqlClient.createProjectWithIssues( projectInput, [issueInput] ); expect(result).toEqual({ projectCreate:, issueBatchCreate: }); // Verify project creation call expect(mockRawRequest).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.any(String), expect.objectContaining({ input: projectInput }) ); // Verify issue creation call expect(mockRawRequest).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.any(String), expect.objectContaining({ input: { issues: [{ ...issueInput, projectId: 'project-1' }] } }) ); }); it('should handle project creation errors', async () => { const errorResponse = { data: { projectCreate: { success: false, project: null, lastSyncId: 123 } } }; mockRawRequest.mockResolvedValueOnce(errorResponse); const projectInput: ProjectInput = { name: 'New Project', teamIds: ['team-1'] }; const issueInput: CreateIssueInput = { title: 'Project Issue 1', description: 'Description 1', teamId: 'team-1' }; await expect( graphqlClient.createProjectWithIssues(projectInput, [issueInput]) ).rejects.toThrow('Failed to create project'); }); it('should handle issue creation errors', async () => { const projectResponse = { data: { projectCreate: { success: true, project: { id: 'project-1', name: 'New Project', url: '' }, lastSyncId: 123 } } }; const errorResponse = { data: { issueBatchCreate: { success: false, issues: [], lastSyncId: 124 } } }; mockRawRequest .mockResolvedValueOnce(projectResponse) .mockResolvedValueOnce(errorResponse); const projectInput: ProjectInput = { name: 'New Project', teamIds: ['team-1'] }; const issueInput: CreateIssueInput = { title: 'Project Issue 1', description: 'Description 1', teamId: 'team-1' }; await expect( graphqlClient.createProjectWithIssues(projectInput, [issueInput]) ).rejects.toThrow('Failed to create issues'); }); }); }); describe('Bulk Operations', () => { it('should create multiple issues with a single mutation', async () => { const mockResponse = { data: { issueCreate: { success: true, issues: [ { id: 'issue-1', identifier: 'TEST-1', title: 'Issue 1', url: '' }, { id: 'issue-2', identifier: 'TEST-2', title: 'Issue 2', url: '' } ] } } }; mockRawRequest.mockResolvedValueOnce(mockResponse); const issues: CreateIssueInput[] = [ { title: 'Issue 1', description: 'Description 1', teamId: 'team-1' }, { title: 'Issue 2', description: 'Description 2', teamId: 'team-1' } ]; const result: CreateIssuesResponse = await graphqlClient.createIssues(issues); expect(result).toEqual(; // Verify single mutation call expect(mockRawRequest).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(mockRawRequest).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.any(String), expect.objectContaining({ input: issues }) ); }); it('should update multiple issues with a single mutation', async () => { const mockResponse = { data: { issueUpdate: { success: true, issues: [ { id: 'issue-1', identifier: 'TEST-1', title: 'Updated Issue 1', url: '' }, { id: 'issue-2', identifier: 'TEST-2', title: 'Updated Issue 2', url: '' } ] } } }; mockRawRequest.mockResolvedValueOnce(mockResponse); const ids = ['issue-1', 'issue-2']; const updateInput: UpdateIssueInput = { stateId: 'state-2' }; const result: UpdateIssuesResponse = await graphqlClient.updateIssues(ids, updateInput); expect(result).toEqual(; // Verify single mutation call expect(mockRawRequest).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(mockRawRequest).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.any(String), expect.objectContaining({ ids, input: updateInput }) ); }); it('should handle update errors', async () => { mockRawRequest.mockRejectedValueOnce(new Error('Update failed')); const updateInput: UpdateIssueInput = { stateId: 'state-2' }; await expect( graphqlClient.updateIssues(['issue-1'], updateInput) ).rejects.toThrow('GraphQL operation failed: Update failed'); }); it('should delete multiple issues with a single mutation', async () => { const mockResponse = { data: { issueDelete: { success: true } } }; mockRawRequest.mockResolvedValueOnce(mockResponse); const ids = ['issue-1', 'issue-2']; const result: DeleteIssueResponse = await graphqlClient.deleteIssues(ids); expect(result).toEqual(; // Verify single mutation call expect(mockRawRequest).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(mockRawRequest).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.any(String), expect.objectContaining({ ids }) ); }); }); describe('getTeams', () => { it('should successfully fetch teams', async () => { const mockResponse = { data: { teams: { nodes: [ { id: 'team-1', name: 'Team 1', key: 'TEAM1', states: [ { id: 'state-1', name: 'Todo', type: 'unstarted' } ] } ] } } }; mockRawRequest.mockResolvedValueOnce(mockResponse); const result: TeamResponse = await graphqlClient.getTeams(); expect(result).toEqual(; expect(mockRawRequest).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should handle team fetch errors', async () => { mockRawRequest.mockRejectedValueOnce(new Error('Team fetch failed')); await expect(graphqlClient.getTeams()).rejects.toThrow( 'GraphQL operation failed: Team fetch failed' ); }); }); describe('getCurrentUser', () => { it('should successfully fetch current user', async () => { const mockResponse = { data: { viewer: { id: 'user-1', name: 'Test User', email: '' } } }; mockRawRequest.mockResolvedValueOnce(mockResponse); const result: UserResponse = await graphqlClient.getCurrentUser(); expect(result).toEqual(; expect(mockRawRequest).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should handle user fetch errors', async () => { mockRawRequest.mockRejectedValueOnce(new Error('User fetch failed')); await expect(graphqlClient.getCurrentUser()).rejects.toThrow( 'GraphQL operation failed: User fetch failed' ); }); }); describe('Label Operations', () => { it('should successfully create labels', async () => { const mockResponse = { data: { labelCreate: { success: true, label: { id: 'label-1', name: 'bug' } } } }; mockRawRequest.mockResolvedValueOnce(mockResponse); const labelInput: LabelInput = { name: 'bug', color: '#FF0000', teamId: 'team-1' }; const result: LabelResponse = await graphqlClient.createIssueLabels([labelInput]); expect(result).toEqual(; expect(mockRawRequest).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should handle label creation errors', async () => { mockRawRequest.mockRejectedValueOnce(new Error('Label creation failed')); const labelInput: LabelInput = { name: 'bug', teamId: 'team-1' }; await expect( graphqlClient.createIssueLabels([labelInput]) ).rejects.toThrow('GraphQL operation failed: Label creation failed'); }); }); });