Linear MCP Server

import { describe, it, expect, beforeAll } from '@jest/globals'; import { LinearAuth } from '../auth'; import { LinearClient } from '@linear/sdk'; // Skip tests if no credentials are configured const hasPatCredentials = process.env.LINEAR_ACCESS_TOKEN; const hasOAuthCredentials = process.env.LINEAR_CLIENT_ID && process.env.LINEAR_CLIENT_SECRET && process.env.LINEAR_REDIRECT_URI; // Only run integration tests when credentials are available (hasPatCredentials || hasOAuthCredentials ? describe : describe.skip)('LinearAuth Integration', () => { // PAT Authentication Tests (hasPatCredentials ? describe : describe.skip)('Personal Access Token Authentication', () => { let auth: LinearAuth; beforeAll(() => { auth = new LinearAuth(); auth.initialize({ type: 'pat', accessToken: process.env.LINEAR_ACCESS_TOKEN! }); }); it('should authenticate with PAT', () => { expect(auth.isAuthenticated()).toBe(true); expect(auth.needsTokenRefresh()).toBe(false); }); it('should make authenticated requests with PAT', async () => { const client = auth.getClient(); expect(client).toBeInstanceOf(LinearClient); // Try to fetch viewer info to verify token works const viewer = await client.viewer; expect(viewer).toBeDefined(); expect(; }); }); // OAuth Authentication Tests (hasOAuthCredentials ? describe : describe.skip)('OAuth Flow', () => { let auth: LinearAuth; beforeAll(() => { auth = new LinearAuth(); auth.initialize({ type: 'oauth', clientId: process.env.LINEAR_CLIENT_ID!, clientSecret: process.env.LINEAR_CLIENT_SECRET!, redirectUri: process.env.LINEAR_REDIRECT_URI! }); }); it('should generate valid authorization URL', () => { const url = auth.getAuthorizationUrl(); expect(url).toContain(''); expect(url).toContain(`client_id=${process.env.LINEAR_CLIENT_ID}`); expect(url).toContain(`redirect_uri=${encodeURIComponent(process.env.LINEAR_REDIRECT_URI!)}`); expect(url).toContain('response_type=code'); expect(url).toContain('scope=read%2Cwrite%2Cissues%3Acreate%2Coffline_access'); expect(url).toContain('actor=application'); expect(url).toContain('state='); }); // Skip token tests if we don't have auth code and refresh token const hasTokens = process.env.LINEAR_AUTH_CODE && process.env.LINEAR_REFRESH_TOKEN; (hasTokens ? it : it.skip)('should exchange auth code for tokens', async () => { const authCode = process.env.LINEAR_AUTH_CODE; if (!authCode) { throw new Error('LINEAR_AUTH_CODE environment variable is required'); } await auth.handleCallback(authCode); expect(auth.isAuthenticated()).toBe(true); }); (hasTokens ? it : it.skip)('should make authenticated requests with OAuth token', async () => { // Set initial token data (requires valid refresh token) const refreshToken = process.env.LINEAR_REFRESH_TOKEN; if (!refreshToken) { throw new Error('LINEAR_REFRESH_TOKEN environment variable is required'); } auth.setTokenData({ accessToken: 'expired-token', refreshToken, expiresAt: - 1000 // Expired }); await auth.refreshAccessToken(); expect(auth.isAuthenticated()).toBe(true); const client = auth.getClient(); expect(client).toBeInstanceOf(LinearClient); // Try to fetch viewer info to verify token works const viewer = await client.viewer; expect(viewer).toBeDefined(); expect(; }); }); });