Linear MCP Server

import { jest, describe, it, expect, beforeEach } from '@jest/globals'; import { LinearAuth } from '../auth'; import { McpError, ErrorCode } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js'; // Mock fetch const mockFetch = jest.fn() as jest.MockedFunction<typeof fetch>; global.fetch = mockFetch; beforeEach(() => { mockFetch.mockClear(); }); describe('LinearAuth', () => { let auth: LinearAuth; beforeEach(() => { auth = new LinearAuth(); }); describe('initialize', () => { it('should initialize with valid OAuth credentials', () => { expect(() => { auth.initialize({ type: 'oauth', clientId: 'test-client-id', clientSecret: 'test-client-secret', redirectUri: 'http://localhost:3000/callback' }); }).not.toThrow(); }); it('should initialize with valid Personal Access Token', () => { expect(() => { auth.initialize({ type: 'pat', accessToken: 'test-access-token' }); }).not.toThrow(); expect(auth.isAuthenticated()).toBe(true); expect(auth.needsTokenRefresh()).toBe(false); }); it('should throw error when missing required OAuth parameters', () => { expect(() => { auth.initialize({ type: 'oauth', clientId: 'test-client-id', // Missing clientSecret and redirectUri } as any); }).toThrow(); }); }); describe('getAuthorizationUrl', () => { it('should return valid authorization URL with OAuth config', () => { auth.initialize({ type: 'oauth', clientId: 'test-client-id', clientSecret: 'test-client-secret', redirectUri: 'http://localhost:3000/callback' }); const url = auth.getAuthorizationUrl(); expect(url).toContain(''); expect(url).toContain('client_id=test-client-id'); expect(url).toContain('redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A3000%2Fcallback'); }); it('should throw error when called with PAT config', () => { auth.initialize({ type: 'pat', accessToken: 'test-access-token' }); expect(() => { auth.getAuthorizationUrl(); }).toThrow(); }); it('should throw error when called before initialization', () => { expect(() => { auth.getAuthorizationUrl(); }).toThrow(); }); }); describe('handleCallback', () => { it('should handle valid authorization code with OAuth config', async () => { auth.initialize({ type: 'oauth', clientId: 'test-client-id', clientSecret: 'test-client-secret', redirectUri: 'http://localhost:3000/callback' }); // Mock the token exchange mockFetch.mockResolvedValueOnce(new Response( JSON.stringify({ access_token: 'test-access-token', refresh_token: 'test-refresh-token', expires_in: 3600 }), { status: 200 } )); await expect(auth.handleCallback('valid-code')).resolves.not.toThrow(); expect(auth.isAuthenticated()).toBe(true); }); it('should throw error when called with PAT config', async () => { auth.initialize({ type: 'pat', accessToken: 'test-access-token' }); await expect(auth.handleCallback('valid-code')).rejects.toThrow(); }); it('should throw error for invalid authorization code', async () => { auth.initialize({ type: 'oauth', clientId: 'test-client-id', clientSecret: 'test-client-secret', redirectUri: 'http://localhost:3000/callback' }); // Mock failed token exchange mockFetch.mockResolvedValueOnce(new Response( JSON.stringify({ error: 'invalid_grant' }), { status: 400 } )); await expect(auth.handleCallback('invalid-code')).rejects.toThrow(); }); }); describe('needsTokenRefresh', () => { it('should return true when OAuth token is expired', () => { auth.initialize({ type: 'oauth', clientId: 'test-client-id', clientSecret: 'test-client-secret', redirectUri: 'http://localhost:3000/callback' }); // Set expired token auth.setTokenData({ accessToken: 'test-access-token', refreshToken: 'test-refresh-token', expiresAt: - 1000 }); expect(auth.needsTokenRefresh()).toBe(true); }); it('should return false for valid OAuth token', () => { auth.initialize({ type: 'oauth', clientId: 'test-client-id', clientSecret: 'test-client-secret', redirectUri: 'http://localhost:3000/callback' }); // Set valid token auth.setTokenData({ accessToken: 'test-access-token', refreshToken: 'test-refresh-token', expiresAt: + 3600000 // 1 hour from now }); expect(auth.needsTokenRefresh()).toBe(false); }); it('should return false for PAT', () => { auth.initialize({ type: 'pat', accessToken: 'test-access-token' }); expect(auth.needsTokenRefresh()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('refreshAccessToken', () => { it('should successfully refresh OAuth token', async () => { auth.initialize({ type: 'oauth', clientId: 'test-client-id', clientSecret: 'test-client-secret', redirectUri: 'http://localhost:3000/callback' }); // Set initial token data auth.setTokenData({ accessToken: 'test-access-token', refreshToken: 'test-refresh-token', expiresAt: - 1000 // Expired }); // Mock successful token refresh mockFetch.mockResolvedValueOnce(new Response( JSON.stringify({ access_token: 'new-access-token', refresh_token: 'new-refresh-token', expires_in: 3600 }), { status: 200 } )); await expect(auth.refreshAccessToken()).resolves.not.toThrow(); }); it('should throw error when refresh fails', async () => { auth.initialize({ type: 'oauth', clientId: 'test-client-id', clientSecret: 'test-client-secret', redirectUri: 'http://localhost:3000/callback' }); // Set initial token data auth.setTokenData({ accessToken: 'test-access-token', refreshToken: 'test-refresh-token', expiresAt: - 1000 // Expired }); // Mock failed token refresh mockFetch.mockResolvedValueOnce(new Response( JSON.stringify({ error: 'invalid_grant' }), { status: 400 } )); await expect(auth.refreshAccessToken()).rejects.toThrow(); }); it('should throw error when called with PAT config', async () => { auth.initialize({ type: 'pat', accessToken: 'test-access-token' }); await expect(auth.refreshAccessToken()).rejects.toThrow(); }); }); });