/// <reference types="jest" />
// Playwrightのために必要なグローバル関数を定義
global.setImmediate = global.setImmediate || ((fn: (...args: any[]) => void, ...args: any[]) => global.setTimeout(fn, 0, ...args));
global.clearImmediate = global.clearImmediate || global.clearTimeout;
// Increase timeout for Playwright operations
// Add custom matchers if needed
toBeVisible(received) {
const pass = received && received.isVisible;
if (pass) {
return {
message: () => `expected element not to be visible`,
pass: true
} else {
return {
message: () => `expected element to be visible`,
pass: false
toHaveAttribute(received, attr: string, value?: string) {
const attributes = received && received.attributes;
const hasAttr = attributes && attributes[attr] !== undefined;
const matchesValue = value === undefined || attributes[attr] === value;
const pass = hasAttr && matchesValue;
if (pass) {
return {
message: () =>
`expected element not to have attribute ${attr}${
value !== undefined ? ` with value ${value}` : ''
pass: true
} else {
return {
message: () =>
`expected element to have attribute ${attr}${
value !== undefined ? ` with value ${value}` : ''
pass: false
declare global {
namespace jest {
interface Matchers<R> {
toBeVisible(): R;
toHaveAttribute(attr: string, value?: string): R;
export {};