ProtoLinkAI MCP Server

Server Configuration

Describes the environment variables required to run the server.

RUN_AGENTNoFlag to indicate whether to run the agent.
ELIZA_PATHNoThe path to Eliza integration files.
SEARXNG_URLNoThe URL of the searxng serverhttp://localhost:8080
PUBMED_EMAILYesYour email address (required by NCBI)
TWITTER_EMAILNoYour Twitter email for managing Twitter interactions via the Node.js client
PUBMED_API_KEYNoOptional API key for higher rate limits
TWITTER_API_KEYNoYour Twitter API key for Tweepy (Twitter API v2)
TWITTER_PASSWORDNoYour Twitter password for managing Twitter interactions via the Node.js client
TWITTER_USERNAMENoYour Twitter username for managing Twitter interactions via the Node.js client and Tweepy
ANTHROPIC_API_KEYNoYour key for accessing the Anthropic API.
TWITTER_CLIENT_IDNoYour Twitter client ID for Tweepy (Twitter API v2)
PERSONALITY_CONFIGNoPath to the personality configuration file.
TWITTER_API_SECRETNoYour Twitter API secret for Tweepy (Twitter API v2)
TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKENNoYour Twitter access token for Tweepy (Twitter API v2)
TWITTER_BEARER_TOKENNoYour Twitter bearer token for Tweepy (Twitter API v2)
TWITTER_ACCESS_SECRETNoYour Twitter access secret for Tweepy (Twitter API v2)
TWITTER_CLIENT_SECRETNoYour Twitter client secret for Tweepy (Twitter API v2)



Interactive templates invoked by user choice


No prompts


Contextual data attached and managed by the client


No resources


Functions exposed to the LLM to take actions


No tools