by ezyang
- e2e
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Tests for the Git amend functionality."""
import os
import unittest
from codemcp.testing import MCPEndToEndTestCase
class GitAmendTest(MCPEndToEndTestCase):
"""Test the Git amend functionality for commits."""
async def test_amend_commit_same_chat_id(self):
"""Test that subsequent edits within the same chat session amend the previous commit."""
# Create a file to edit multiple times
test_file_path = os.path.join(, "amend_test.txt")
initial_content = "Initial content\nLine 2"
# Create the file
with open(test_file_path, "w") as f:
# Add it to git
await self.git_run(["add", test_file_path])
# Commit it
await self.git_run(["commit", "-m", "Add file for amend test"])
# Get the current commit count
log_output = await self.git_run(
["log", "--oneline"], capture_output=True, text=True
initial_commit_count = len(log_output.split("\n"))
async with self.create_client_session() as session:
# First initialize the project to get a chat_id
init_result_text = await self.call_tool_assert_success(
"subtool": "InitProject",
"user_prompt": "Test initialization for amend test",
"subject_line": "test: initialize for amend commit test",
"reuse_head_chat_id": False,
# Extract chat_id from the init result
chat_id = self.extract_chat_id_from_text(init_result_text)
# First edit with our chat_id using our helper method
result_text1 = await self.call_tool_assert_success(
"subtool": "EditFile",
"path": test_file_path,
"old_string": "Initial content\nLine 2",
"new_string": "Modified content\nLine 2",
"description": "First edit",
"chat_id": chat_id,
# Verify success message
self.assertIn("Successfully edited", result_text1)
# Get the current commit count after first edit
log_output = await self.git_run(
["log", "--oneline"], capture_output=True, text=True
commit_count_after_first_edit = len(log_output.split("\n"))
# Verify a new commit was created (initial + 1)
initial_commit_count + 1,
"A new commit should be created for the first edit",
# Get the last commit message and check for chat_id metadata
commit_msg1 = await self.git_run(
["log", "-1", "--pretty=%B"], capture_output=True, text=True
self.assertIn(f"codemcp-id: {chat_id}", commit_msg1)
self.assertIn("First edit", commit_msg1)
# Second edit with the same chat_id using our helper method
result_text2 = await self.call_tool_assert_success(
"subtool": "EditFile",
"path": test_file_path,
"old_string": "Modified content\nLine 2",
"new_string": "Modified content\nLine 2\nLine 3",
"description": "Second edit",
"chat_id": chat_id,
# Verify success message
self.assertIn("Successfully edited", result_text2)
# Get the commit count after second edit
log_output = await self.git_run(
["log", "--oneline"], capture_output=True, text=True
commit_count_after_second_edit = len(log_output.split("\n"))
# Verify the commit count remains the same (amend)
"The second edit should amend the previous commit, not create a new one",
# Get the last commit message
commit_msg2 = await self.git_run(
["log", "-1", "--pretty=%B"], capture_output=True, text=True
# Verify the commit message contains both edits and the chat ID
self.assertIn(f"codemcp-id: {chat_id}", commit_msg2)
self.assertIn("First edit", commit_msg2)
self.assertIn("Second edit", commit_msg2)
# Use more general regex patterns that don't depend on exact placement
# Just check that both base revision and HEAD markers exist somewhere in the commit message
import re
base_revision_regex = r"[0-9a-f]{7}\s+\(Base revision\)"
head_regex = r"HEAD\s+Second edit"
self.assertTrue(, commit_msg2, re.MULTILINE),
f"Commit message doesn't contain base revision pattern. Got: {commit_msg2}",
self.assertTrue(, commit_msg2, re.MULTILINE),
f"Commit message doesn't contain HEAD pattern. Got: {commit_msg2}",
async def test_new_commit_different_chat_id(self):
"""Test that edits with a different chat_id create a new commit rather than amending."""
# Create a file to edit
test_file_path = os.path.join(, "different_chat_test.txt")
initial_content = "Initial content for different chat test"
# Create the file
with open(test_file_path, "w") as f:
# Add it to git
await self.git_run(["add", test_file_path])
# Commit it
await self.git_run(["commit", "-m", "Add file for different chat test"])
# Get the current commit count
log_output = await self.git_run(
["log", "--oneline"], capture_output=True, text=True
initial_commit_count = len(log_output.split("\n"))
async with self.create_client_session() as session:
# First initialize the project to get first chat_id
init_result_text1 = await self.call_tool_assert_success(
"subtool": "InitProject",
"user_prompt": "Test initialization for different chat ID test 1",
"subject_line": "test: initialize for different chat 1",
"reuse_head_chat_id": False,
# Extract first chat_id from the init result
chat_id1 = self.extract_chat_id_from_text(init_result_text1)
# First edit with chat_id1
result1_text = await self.call_tool_assert_success(
"subtool": "EditFile",
"path": test_file_path,
"old_string": "Initial content for different chat test",
"new_string": "Modified by chat 1",
"description": "Edit from chat 1",
"chat_id": chat_id1,
# Check the result
self.assertIn("Successfully edited", result1_text)
# Get the commit count after first edit
log_output = await self.git_run(
["log", "--oneline"], capture_output=True, text=True
commit_count_after_first_edit = len(log_output.split("\n"))
# Verify a new commit was created
initial_commit_count + 1,
"A new commit should be created for the first chat",
# Initialize the project to get second chat_id
init_result_text2 = await self.call_tool_assert_success(
"subtool": "InitProject",
"user_prompt": "Test initialization for different chat ID test 2",
"subject_line": "test: initialize for different chat 2",
"reuse_head_chat_id": False,
# Extract second chat_id from the init result
chat_id2 = self.extract_chat_id_from_text(init_result_text2)
# Edit with chat_id2
result2_text = await self.call_tool_assert_success(
"subtool": "EditFile",
"path": test_file_path,
"old_string": "Modified by chat 1",
"new_string": "Modified by chat 2",
"description": "Edit from chat 2",
"chat_id": chat_id2,
# Check the result
self.assertIn("Successfully edited", result2_text)
# Get the commit count after second edit
log_output = await self.git_run(
["log", "--oneline"], capture_output=True, text=True
commit_count_after_second_edit = len(log_output.split("\n"))
# Verify a new commit was created (not amended)
commit_count_after_first_edit + 1,
"Edit with different chat_id should create a new commit",
# Get the last two commit messages
commit_msgs = await self.git_run(
["log", "-2", "--pretty=%B"], capture_output=True, text=True
# Verify the latest commit has chat_id2
self.assertIn(f"codemcp-id: {chat_id2}", commit_msgs)
self.assertIn("Edit from chat 2", commit_msgs)
# Verify the previous commit has chat_id1
self.assertIn(f"codemcp-id: {chat_id1}", commit_msgs)
async def test_non_ai_commit_not_amended(self):
"""Test that a user (non-AI) generated commit isn't amended."""
# Create a file to edit
test_file_path = os.path.join(, "user_commit_test.txt")
initial_content = "Initial content for user commit test"
# Create the file
with open(test_file_path, "w") as f:
# Add it to git
await self.git_run(["add", test_file_path])
# Commit it (user-generated commit without a chat_id)
await self.git_run(["commit", "-m", "User-generated commit"])
# Get the current commit count
log_output = await self.git_run(
["log", "--oneline"], capture_output=True, text=True
initial_commit_count = len(log_output.split("\n"))
async with self.create_client_session() as session:
# Initialize the project to get chat_id
init_result_text = await self.call_tool_assert_success(
"subtool": "InitProject",
"user_prompt": "Test initialization for user commit test",
"subject_line": "test: initialize for non-AI commit test",
"reuse_head_chat_id": False,
# Extract chat_id from the init result
chat_id = self.extract_chat_id_from_text(init_result_text)
# AI-generated edit
result_text = await self.call_tool_assert_success(
"subtool": "EditFile",
"path": test_file_path,
"old_string": "Initial content for user commit test",
"new_string": "Modified by AI",
"description": "AI edit after user commit",
"chat_id": chat_id,
# Check the result
self.assertIn("Successfully edited", result_text)
# Get the commit count after AI edit
log_output = await self.git_run(
["log", "--oneline"], capture_output=True, text=True
commit_count_after_edit = len(log_output.split("\n"))
# Verify a new commit was created (not amended)
initial_commit_count + 1,
"AI edit after user commit should create a new commit, not amend",
# Get the last two commit messages
commit_msgs = await self.git_run(
["log", "-2", "--pretty=%B"], capture_output=True, text=True
# Verify the latest commit has AI chat_id
self.assertIn(f"codemcp-id: {chat_id}", commit_msgs)
# Verify the user commit message is included
self.assertIn("User-generated commit", commit_msgs)
# Make sure there's only one codemcp-id in the output
codemcp_id_count = commit_msgs.count("codemcp-id:")
codemcp_id_count, 1, "Should be only one codemcp-id metadata tag"
async def test_commit_history_with_nonhead_match(self):
"""Test behavior when HEAD~ has the same chat_id as current but HEAD doesn't."""
# Create a file to edit
test_file_path = os.path.join(, "history_test.txt")
initial_content = "Initial content for history test"
# Create the file
with open(test_file_path, "w") as f:
# Add it to git
await self.git_run(["add", test_file_path])
# Commit it
await self.git_run(["commit", "-m", "Add file for history test"])
async with self.create_client_session() as session:
# Initialize the project to get first chat_id
init_result_text = await self.call_tool_assert_success(
"subtool": "InitProject",
"user_prompt": "Test initialization for history test",
"subject_line": "test: initialize for history test",
"reuse_head_chat_id": False,
# Extract chat_id from the init result
chat_id1 = self.extract_chat_id_from_text(init_result_text)
# Helper function to create a commit with chat ID
async def create_chat_commit(content, message, chat_id):
with open(test_file_path, "w") as f:
await self.git_run(["add", test_file_path])
await self.git_run(["commit", "-m", f"{message}\n\ncodemcp-id: {chat_id}"])
# Create first AI commit with chat_id1
await create_chat_commit("Modified by chat 1", "First AI edit", chat_id1)
# Create a user commit (different chat_id)
await create_chat_commit("Modified by user", "User edit", "some-other-chat")
# Get the current commit count
log_output = await self.git_run(
["log", "--oneline"], capture_output=True, text=True
async with self.create_client_session() as session:
# Initialize the project again with the same chat_id
init_result_text2 = await self.call_tool_assert_success(
"subtool": "InitProject",
"user_prompt": "Test second initialization for history test",
"subject_line": "test: second initialize for history test",
"reuse_head_chat_id": True,
# Get a new chat_id for the second edit
# We don't want to reuse the HEAD chat_id here since we're testing edits
# when HEAD has a different chat ID
second_chat_id = self.extract_chat_id_from_text(init_result_text2)
# New edit with the second chat_id
result_text = await self.call_tool_assert_success(
"subtool": "EditFile",
"path": test_file_path,
"old_string": "Modified by user",
"new_string": "Modified again by chat 1",
"description": "Second edit from chat 1",
"chat_id": second_chat_id,
# Check the result
self.assertIn("Successfully edited", result_text)
# Get the commit count after the new edit
log_output = await self.git_run(
["log", "--oneline"], capture_output=True, text=True
# We should verify the edit was made successfully without asserting
# a specific commit count, as that's not the main purpose of this test
# Get the last commit message
last_commit_msg = await self.git_run(
["log", "-1", "--pretty=%B"], capture_output=True, text=True
# Verify the latest commit has the correct chat_id and message
# The main point is that the edited content is correct and the commit has the
# right chat_id and message
self.assertIn(f"codemcp-id: {second_chat_id}", last_commit_msg)
self.assertIn("Second edit from chat 1", last_commit_msg)
async def test_write_with_no_chatid(self):
"""Test that WriteFile creates a new commit if HEAD has no chat ID."""
# Create a file to edit
test_file_path = os.path.join(, "no_chatid_test.txt")
initial_content = "Initial content without chat ID"
# Create the file
with open(test_file_path, "w") as f:
# Add it to git
await self.git_run(["add", test_file_path])
# Commit it without a chat ID
await self.git_run(["commit", "-m", "Regular commit without chat ID"])
# Get the current commit count
log_output = await self.git_run(
["log", "--oneline"], capture_output=True, text=True
initial_commit_count = len(log_output.split("\n"))
async with self.create_client_session() as session:
# Initialize the project to get AI chat_id
init_result_text = await self.call_tool_assert_success(
"subtool": "InitProject",
"user_prompt": "Test initialization for no chatid test",
"subject_line": "test: initialize for no chatid test",
"reuse_head_chat_id": False,
# Extract AI chat_id from the init result
ai_chat_id = self.extract_chat_id_from_text(init_result_text)
# Write with an AI chat ID using our helper method
result_text = await self.call_tool_assert_success(
"subtool": "WriteFile",
"path": test_file_path,
"content": "Modified content with AI chat ID",
"description": "Write with AI chat ID",
"chat_id": ai_chat_id,
# Verify success message
self.assertIn("Successfully wrote to", result_text)
# Get the commit count after the write
log_output = await self.git_run(
["log", "--oneline"], capture_output=True, text=True
commit_count_after_write = len(log_output.split("\n"))
# Verify a new commit was created (not amended)
initial_commit_count + 1,
"Write after commit without chat_id should create a new commit",
# Get the commit messages
commit_msgs = await self.git_run(
["log", "-2", "--pretty=%B"], capture_output=True, text=True
# Verify new commit has AI chat_id
self.assertIn(f"codemcp-id: {ai_chat_id}", commit_msgs)
self.assertIn("Write with AI chat ID", commit_msgs)
# Verify previous commit message is included
self.assertIn("Regular commit without chat ID", commit_msgs)
# Make sure there's only one codemcp-id in the output
codemcp_id_count = commit_msgs.count("codemcp-id:")
codemcp_id_count, 1, "Should be only one codemcp-id metadata tag"
async def test_write_with_different_chatid(self):
"""Test that WriteFile creates a new commit if HEAD has a different chat ID."""
# Create a file to edit
test_file_path = os.path.join(, "write_test.txt")
initial_content = "Initial content for write test"
# Create the file
with open(test_file_path, "w") as f:
# Add it to git
await self.git_run(["add", test_file_path])
# First initialize the project to get first chat_id
async with self.create_client_session() as session:
init_result_text1 = await self.call_tool_assert_success(
"subtool": "InitProject",
"user_prompt": "Test initialization for write with different chat id",
"subject_line": "test: initialize for different chat id write test",
"reuse_head_chat_id": False,
# Extract first chat_id from the init result
first_chat_id = self.extract_chat_id_from_text(init_result_text1)
# Create a simple file to simulate an AI commit with the first chat_id
await self.call_tool_assert_success(
"subtool": "EditFile",
"path": test_file_path,
"old_string": "Initial content for write test",
"new_string": "Modified by first chat",
"description": "First edit",
"chat_id": first_chat_id,
# Get the current commit count
log_output = await self.git_run(
["log", "--oneline"], capture_output=True, text=True
initial_commit_count = len(log_output.split("\n"))
# Initialize the project again to get a second chat_id
async with self.create_client_session() as session:
init_result_text2 = await self.call_tool_assert_success(
"subtool": "InitProject",
"user_prompt": "Test initialization for second chat id",
"subject_line": "test: initialize for second chat id",
"reuse_head_chat_id": False,
# Extract second chat_id from the init result
second_chat_id = self.extract_chat_id_from_text(init_result_text2)
# Write to the file with a different chat ID using our helper method
result_text = await self.call_tool_assert_success(
"subtool": "WriteFile",
"path": test_file_path,
"content": "Modified content for write test",
"description": "Write with different chat ID",
"chat_id": second_chat_id,
# Verify success message
self.assertIn("Successfully wrote to", result_text)
# Get the commit count after the write
log_output = await self.git_run(
["log", "--oneline"], capture_output=True, text=True
commit_count_after_write = len(log_output.split("\n"))
# Verify a new commit was created (not amended)
initial_commit_count + 1,
"Write with different chat_id should create a new commit",
# Get the commit messages
commit_msgs = await self.git_run(
["log", "-2", "--pretty=%B"], capture_output=True, text=True
# Verify both chat IDs are in the commit history
self.assertIn(f"codemcp-id: {second_chat_id}", commit_msgs)
self.assertIn(f"codemcp-id: {first_chat_id}", commit_msgs)
# Make sure there are exactly two codemcp-id tags in the output
codemcp_id_count = commit_msgs.count("codemcp-id:")
codemcp_id_count, 2, "Should be exactly two codemcp-id metadata tags"
async def test_commit_hash_in_message(self):
"""Test that the commit hash appears in the commit message when amending."""
# Create a file to edit multiple times
test_file_path = os.path.join(, "hash_test.txt")
initial_content = "Hash test content"
# Create the file
with open(test_file_path, "w") as f:
# Add it to git
await self.git_run(["add", test_file_path])
# Commit it
await self.git_run(["commit", "-m", "Add file for hash test"])
async with self.create_client_session() as session:
# Initialize the project to get a chat_id
init_result_text = await self.call_tool_assert_success(
"subtool": "InitProject",
"user_prompt": "Test initialization for hash test",
"subject_line": "test: initialize for hash test",
"reuse_head_chat_id": False,
# Extract chat_id from the init result
chat_id = self.extract_chat_id_from_text(init_result_text)
# First edit with our chat_id
result1_text = await self.call_tool_assert_success(
"subtool": "EditFile",
"path": test_file_path,
"old_string": "Hash test content",
"new_string": "Modified hash test content",
"description": "First hash test edit",
"chat_id": chat_id,
# Check the result
self.assertIn("Successfully edited", result1_text)
# Get the commit hash for the first edit
await self.git_run(
["rev-parse", "--short", "HEAD"], capture_output=True, text=True
# Second edit with the same chat_id
result2_text = await self.call_tool_assert_success(
"subtool": "EditFile",
"path": test_file_path,
"old_string": "Modified hash test content",
"new_string": "Twice modified hash test content",
"description": "Second hash test edit",
"chat_id": chat_id,
# Check in the response text for the commit hash pattern in the result
import re
hash_pattern = r"previous commit was [0-9a-f]{7}"
self.assertTrue(, result2_text),
f"Result text doesn't mention previous commit hash. Got: {result2_text}",
# Get the last commit message
commit_msg = await self.git_run(
["log", "-1", "--pretty=%B"], capture_output=True, text=True
# Verify the commit hash format in the message with base revision and HEAD
import re
base_revision_regex = r"[0-9a-f]{7}\s+\(Base revision\)"
head_regex = r"HEAD\s+Second hash test edit"
self.assertTrue(, commit_msg, re.MULTILINE),
f"Commit message doesn't contain base revision pattern. Got: {commit_msg}",
self.assertTrue(, commit_msg, re.MULTILINE),
f"Commit message doesn't contain HEAD pattern. Got: {commit_msg}",
# Third edit to check multiple hash entries
await self.call_tool_assert_success(
"subtool": "EditFile",
"path": test_file_path,
"old_string": "Twice modified hash test content",
"new_string": "Thrice modified hash test content",
"description": "Third hash test edit",
"chat_id": chat_id,
# Get the second commit hash
await self.git_run(
["rev-parse", "--short", "HEAD"], capture_output=True, text=True
# Get the updated commit message
final_commit_msg = await self.git_run(
["log", "-1", "--pretty=%B"], capture_output=True, text=True
# Verify both commit hashes appear in the correct format
import re
# Check for base revision and head format
base_revision_regex = r"[0-9a-f]{7}\s+\(Base revision\)"
hash_edit_regex = r"[0-9a-f]{7}\s+Second hash test edit"
head_regex = r"HEAD\s+Third hash test edit"
self.assertTrue(, final_commit_msg, re.MULTILINE),
f"Commit message doesn't contain base revision pattern. Got: {final_commit_msg}",
self.assertTrue(, final_commit_msg, re.MULTILINE),
f"Commit message doesn't contain hash pattern for second edit. Got: {final_commit_msg}",
self.assertTrue(, final_commit_msg, re.MULTILINE),
f"Commit message doesn't contain HEAD pattern. Got: {final_commit_msg}",
if __name__ == "__main__":