
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import unittest from pathlib import Path from codemcp.rules import ( find_applicable_rules, match_file_with_glob, ) from codemcp.testing import MCPEndToEndTestCase class TestCursorRulesE2E(MCPEndToEndTestCase): async def asyncSetUp(self): # Call the parent setUp to initialize git repo and environment await super().asyncSetUp() self.repo_root = Path( # Create .cursor/rules directory structure self.rules_dir = self.repo_root / ".cursor" / "rules" os.makedirs(self.rules_dir, exist_ok=True) # Create a subdirectory structure for testing self.src_dir = self.repo_root / "src" self.components_dir = self.src_dir / "components" self.utils_dir = self.src_dir / "utils" self.tests_dir = self.repo_root / "tests" os.makedirs(self.components_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(self.utils_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(self.tests_dir, exist_ok=True) # Create some test files with open(self.components_dir / "Button.jsx", "w") as f: f.write("// Button component") with open(self.components_dir / "Input.tsx", "w") as f: f.write("// Input component") with open(self.utils_dir / "helpers.js", "w") as f: f.write("// Helper functions") with open(self.utils_dir / "date.js", "w") as f: f.write("// Date utilities") with open(self.tests_dir / "test_button.js", "w") as f: f.write("// Button tests") with open(self.repo_root / "config.json", "w") as f: f.write('{"name": "test-repo"}') # Create some test rule files self._create_rule( "jsx_components.mdc", "JSX Component Rule", ["**/*.jsx", "src/components/*.jsx"], False, "## JSX Component Guidelines\n\nUse functional components with hooks.", ) self._create_rule( "js_files.mdc", "JavaScript Files Rule", ["*.js", "**/*.js"], False, "## JavaScript Guidelines\n\nUse ES6 features.", ) self._create_rule( "config_rule.mdc", "Config Files Rule", ["*.json", "*.yaml", "*.yml"], False, "## Config Files Guidelines\n\nUse consistent formatting.", ) self._create_rule( "all_files.mdc", "Global Rule", [], True, "## Global Guidelines\n\nFollow project conventions.", ) # Create nested rules directory nested_dir = self.rules_dir / "typescript" os.makedirs(nested_dir, exist_ok=True) with open(nested_dir / "tsx_rule.mdc", "w") as f: f.write("""--- description: TypeScript JSX Rule globs: *.tsx, **/*.tsx alwaysApply: false --- ## TypeScript JSX Guidelines Use interfaces for props.""") # Add all files to git so they're tracked await self.git_run(["add", "."]) await self.git_run(["commit", "-m", "Add test files and rules"]) def _create_rule(self, file_name, description, globs, always_apply, content): """Helper to create a rule file""" globs_str = ", ".join(globs) always_apply_str = "true" if always_apply else "false" with open(self.rules_dir / file_name, "w") as f: f.write(f"""--- description: {description} globs: {globs_str} alwaysApply: {always_apply_str} --- {content}""") async def test_match_file_with_glob_patterns(self): """Test various glob patterns with the match_file_with_glob function""" # Test basic extension matching self.assertTrue(match_file_with_glob("test.js", "*.js")) self.assertTrue(match_file_with_glob("helpers.js", "*.js")) # Get relative paths for testing to ensure more consistent matching button_jsx_path = os.path.relpath( str(self.components_dir / "Button.jsx"), self.repo_root ) helpers_js_path = os.path.relpath( str(self.utils_dir / "helpers.js"), self.repo_root ) config_json_path = os.path.relpath( str(self.repo_root / "config.json"), self.repo_root ) # Test patterns with /**/ self.assertTrue(match_file_with_glob(button_jsx_path, "**/*.jsx")) self.assertTrue(match_file_with_glob(helpers_js_path, "**/*.js")) # Make sure the relative paths work as expected self.assertTrue(button_jsx_path.startswith("src/components/")) self.assertTrue(helpers_js_path.startswith("src/utils/")) # Test directory-specific patterns self.assertTrue(match_file_with_glob(button_jsx_path, "src/components/*.jsx")) self.assertFalse(match_file_with_glob(helpers_js_path, "src/components/*.js")) # Test patterns with /**/ self.assertTrue(match_file_with_glob(button_jsx_path, "src/**/*.jsx")) self.assertTrue(match_file_with_glob(helpers_js_path, "src/**/*.js")) # Test non-matching patterns self.assertFalse(match_file_with_glob(button_jsx_path, "*.js")) self.assertFalse(match_file_with_glob(helpers_js_path, "*.jsx")) # Test patterns with trailing /** self.assertTrue(match_file_with_glob(helpers_js_path, "src/**")) self.assertTrue(match_file_with_glob(button_jsx_path, "src/**")) self.assertFalse(match_file_with_glob(config_json_path, "src/**")) async def test_find_applicable_rules(self): """Test finding applicable rules based on file path""" # Test finding rules for a JSX file jsx_file_path = str(self.components_dir / "Button.jsx") applicable_rules, suggested_rules = find_applicable_rules( str(self.repo_root), jsx_file_path ) # Should find the JSX component rule and the global rule self.assertEqual(len(applicable_rules), 2) rule_descriptions = [rule.description for rule in applicable_rules] self.assertIn("JSX Component Rule", rule_descriptions) self.assertIn("Global Rule", rule_descriptions) # Test finding rules for a JavaScript file js_file_path = str(self.utils_dir / "helpers.js") applicable_rules, suggested_rules = find_applicable_rules( str(self.repo_root), js_file_path ) # Should find the JavaScript files rule and the global rule self.assertEqual(len(applicable_rules), 2) rule_descriptions = [rule.description for rule in applicable_rules] self.assertIn("JavaScript Files Rule", rule_descriptions) self.assertIn("Global Rule", rule_descriptions) # Test finding rules for a TSX file tsx_file_path = str(self.components_dir / "Input.tsx") applicable_rules, suggested_rules = find_applicable_rules( str(self.repo_root), tsx_file_path ) # Should find the TypeScript JSX rule and the global rule self.assertEqual(len(applicable_rules), 2) rule_descriptions = [rule.description for rule in applicable_rules] self.assertIn("TypeScript JSX Rule", rule_descriptions) self.assertIn("Global Rule", rule_descriptions) # Test finding rules for a config file config_file_path = str(self.repo_root / "config.json") applicable_rules, suggested_rules = find_applicable_rules( str(self.repo_root), config_file_path ) # Should find the config files rule and the global rule self.assertEqual(len(applicable_rules), 2) rule_descriptions = [rule.description for rule in applicable_rules] self.assertIn("Config Files Rule", rule_descriptions) self.assertIn("Global Rule", rule_descriptions) # Test finding rules with no file path (only always_apply rules) applicable_rules, suggested_rules = find_applicable_rules(str(self.repo_root)) # Should only find the global rule self.assertEqual(len(applicable_rules), 1) self.assertEqual(applicable_rules[0].description, "Global Rule") # Should have suggested rules for all other rule files self.assertEqual(len(suggested_rules), 4) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()