
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Tests for the EditFile subtool.""" import os import subprocess import unittest from codemcp.testing import MCPEndToEndTestCase class EditFileTest(MCPEndToEndTestCase): """Test the EditFile subtool.""" async def test_edit_file(self): """Test the EditFile subtool, which edits a file and automatically commits the changes.""" # Create a test file with multiple lines for good context test_file_path = os.path.join(, "edit_file.txt") original_content = "Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3\nLine 4\nLine 5\n" with open(test_file_path, "w") as f: f.write(original_content) # Add the file to git and commit it await self.git_run(["add", "edit_file.txt"], check=False) await self.git_run(["commit", "-m", "Add file for editing"], check=False) # Edit the file using the EditFile subtool with proper context old_string = "Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3\n" new_string = "Line 1\nModified Line 2\nLine 3\n" async with self.create_client_session() as session: # First initialize project to get chat_id init_result_text = await self.call_tool_assert_success( session, "codemcp", { "subtool": "InitProject", "path":, "user_prompt": "Test initialization for edit file test", "subject_line": "test: initialize for edit file test", "reuse_head_chat_id": False, }, ) # Extract chat_id from the init result chat_id = self.extract_chat_id_from_text(init_result_text) # Call the EditFile tool with chat_id using our new helper method result_text = await self.call_tool_assert_success( session, "codemcp", { "subtool": "EditFile", "path": test_file_path, "old_string": old_string, "new_string": new_string, "description": "Modify line 2", "chat_id": chat_id, }, ) # Verify the success message self.assertIn("Successfully edited", result_text) # Verify the file was edited correctly with open(test_file_path) as f: file_content = expected_content = "Line 1\nModified Line 2\nLine 3\nLine 4\nLine 5\n" self.assertEqual(file_content, expected_content) # Verify git state shows file was committed status = await self.git_run(["status"], capture_output=True, text=True) # Use expect test to verify git status - should show as clean working tree # since EditFile automatically commits changes self.assertExpectedInline( status, """\ On branch main nothing to commit, working tree clean""", ) async def test_edit_untracked_file(self): """Test that codemcp properly handles editing files that aren't tracked by git.""" # Create a file but don't commit it to git untracked_file_path = os.path.join(, "untracked.txt") original_content = "Untracked file content" with open(untracked_file_path, "w") as f: f.write(original_content) # Verify the file exists but is not tracked status = await self.git_run(["status"], capture_output=True, text=True) await self.git_run( ["ls-files", untracked_file_path], capture_output=True, text=True, check=False, ) self.assertIn("Untracked files:", status) self.assertIn("untracked.txt", status) # Save the original modification time to check if file was modified os.path.getmtime(untracked_file_path) async with self.create_client_session() as session: # First initialize project to get chat_id init_result_text = await self.call_tool_assert_success( session, "codemcp", { "subtool": "InitProject", "path":, "user_prompt": "Test initialization for untracked file test", "subject_line": "test: initialize for untracked file test", "reuse_head_chat_id": False, }, ) # Extract chat_id from the init result chat_id = self.extract_chat_id_from_text(init_result_text) # Try to edit the untracked file new_content = "Modified untracked content" await self.call_tool_assert_error( session, "codemcp", { "subtool": "EditFile", "path": untracked_file_path, "old_string": "Untracked file content", "new_string": new_content, "description": "Attempt to modify untracked file", "chat_id": chat_id, }, ) # Check file after the operation if os.path.exists(untracked_file_path): with open(untracked_file_path) as f: actual_content = os.path.getmtime(untracked_file_path) else:"File doesn't exist anymore!") # With new policy, we expect the edit to fail since the file is not tracked edit_succeeded = actual_content == new_content self.assertFalse( edit_succeeded, "POLICY ERROR: Editing untracked files should be rejected", ) async def test_create_file_with_edit_file_in_untracked_dir(self): """Test that codemcp properly handles creating new files with EditFile in untracked directories.""" # Create an untracked subdirectory within the Git repository untracked_dir = os.path.join(, "untracked_subdir") os.makedirs(untracked_dir, exist_ok=True) # Path to a new file in the untracked directory new_file_path = os.path.join(untracked_dir, "new_file.txt") async with self.create_client_session() as session: # First initialize project to get chat_id init_result_text = await self.call_tool_assert_success( session, "codemcp", { "subtool": "InitProject", "path":, "user_prompt": "Test initialization for untracked directory test", "subject_line": "test: initialize for untracked directory test", "reuse_head_chat_id": False, }, ) # Extract chat_id from the init result chat_id = self.extract_chat_id_from_text(init_result_text) # Try to create a new file using EditFile with empty old_string # Using call_tool_assert_success since we expect this to succeed result_text = await self.call_tool_assert_success( session, "codemcp", { "subtool": "EditFile", "path": new_file_path, "old_string": "", "new_string": "This file in untracked dir", "description": "Attempt to create file in untracked dir with EditFile", "chat_id": chat_id, }, ) # Since we've changed the behavior, we now expect this to succeed self.assertIn("Successfully created", result_text) # Check the file was created self.assertTrue( os.path.exists(new_file_path), "File was not created even though operation reported success", ) # Read the content to verify it was written correctly with open(new_file_path) as f: content = self.assertEqual(content, "This file in untracked dir") # For this test, we'll manually add and commit the file # This is a change in the test expectation since we don't need automatic git tracking # for files in untracked directories - we just want file creation to work await self.git_run( ["add", new_file_path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=False, ) await self.git_run( ["commit", "-m", "Add test file"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=False, ) # Now check if the file is tracked ls_files_output = await self.git_run( ["ls-files", new_file_path], capture_output=True, text=True, check=False ) # Verify the file is tracked by git after our manual commit self.assertTrue( ls_files_output, "Failed to add file to git even after manual commit", ) async def test_edit_after_git_rm(self): """Test that codemcp properly handles editing files that have been removed with git rm.""" # Create a tracked file tracked_file_path = os.path.join(, "tracked.txt") with open(tracked_file_path, "w") as f: f.write("Tracked file content") # Add and commit the file await self.git_run(["add", "tracked.txt"]) await self.git_run(["commit", "-m", "Add tracked file"]) # Remove the file with git rm await self.git_run(["rm", "tracked.txt"]) # Verify file was removed self.assertFalse( os.path.exists(tracked_file_path), "File should be physically removed", ) async with self.create_client_session() as session: # First initialize project to get chat_id init_result_text = await self.call_tool_assert_success( session, "codemcp", { "subtool": "InitProject", "path":, "user_prompt": "Test initialization for git-removed file test", "subject_line": "test: initialize for git-removed file test", "reuse_head_chat_id": False, }, ) # Extract chat_id from the init result chat_id = self.extract_chat_id_from_text(init_result_text) # Try to write to the removed file # Using call_tool_assert_success as we expect this to succeed result_text = await self.call_tool_assert_success( session, "codemcp", { "subtool": "WriteFile", "path": tracked_file_path, "content": "Attempt to write to git-removed file", "description": "Attempt to modify git-removed file", "chat_id": chat_id, }, ) # Check the actual behavior if "Successfully wrote to" in result_text: # The operation succeeded - check if the file was recreated and added to git self.assertTrue( os.path.exists(tracked_file_path), "File was not recreated even though operation reported success", ) # SECURITY CHECK: Read file content to confirm it was written correctly with open(tracked_file_path) as f: content = self.assertEqual(content, "Attempt to write to git-removed file") # Check if the recreated file is tracked in git status_after = await self.git_run( ["status"], capture_output=True, text=True ) # If the file is untracked or deleted, we have a problem self.assertNotIn( "deleted:", status_after, "SECURITY VULNERABILITY: File still shows as deleted in git", ) self.assertNotIn( "tracked.txt", status_after, "SECURITY VULNERABILITY: Recreated file is not properly tracked", ) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()