
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """End-to-end tests for the rm tool.""" import os import unittest from codemcp.testing import MCPEndToEndTestCase class RMTest(MCPEndToEndTestCase): """Test the RM subtool functionality.""" async def test_rm_file(self): """Test removing a file using the RM subtool.""" # Create a test file test_file_path = os.path.join(, "file_to_remove.txt") with open(test_file_path, "w") as f: f.write("This file will be removed") # Add the file using git await self.git_run(["add", "file_to_remove.txt"]) await self.git_run(["commit", "-m", "Add file that will be removed"]) # Initial count of commits initial_log = await self.git_run( ["log", "--oneline"], capture_output=True, text=True ) initial_commit_count = len(initial_log.strip().split("\n")) async with self.create_client_session() as session: # Get a valid chat_id chat_id = await self.get_chat_id(session) # For debugging, print some path information print(f"DEBUG - Test file path: {test_file_path}") # Check if file exists print(f"DEBUG - File exists before RM: {os.path.exists(test_file_path)}") # Call the RM tool with the chat_id - use absolute path result = await self.call_tool_assert_success( session, "codemcp", { "subtool": "RM", "path": test_file_path, # Use absolute path "description": "Test file removal", "chat_id": chat_id, }, ) # Print the result for debugging print(f"DEBUG - RM result: {result}") # Check that the file no longer exists print(f"DEBUG - File exists after RM: {os.path.exists(test_file_path)}") self.assertFalse( os.path.exists(test_file_path), "File should have been removed" ) # Verify the output message indicates success self.assertIn("Successfully removed file", result) # Verify a commit was created for the removal final_log = await self.git_run( ["log", "--oneline"], capture_output=True, text=True ) final_commit_count = len(final_log.strip().split("\n")) self.assertEqual( final_commit_count, initial_commit_count + 1, "Should have one more commit", ) # Verify the commit message contains the description latest_commit_msg = await self.git_run( ["log", "-1", "--pretty=%B"], capture_output=True, text=True ) self.assertIn("Remove file_to_remove.txt", latest_commit_msg) self.assertIn("Test file removal", latest_commit_msg) async def test_rm_file_does_not_exist(self): """Test attempting to remove a non-existent file.""" async with self.create_client_session() as session: # Get a valid chat_id chat_id = await self.get_chat_id(session) # Attempt to remove a file that doesn't exist - should fail result = await self.call_tool_assert_error( session, "codemcp", { "subtool": "RM", "path": "non_existent_file.txt", "description": "Remove non-existent file", "chat_id": chat_id, }, ) # Verify the operation failed with proper error message self.assertIn("File does not exist", result) async def test_rm_outside_repo(self): """Test attempting to remove a file outside the repository.""" # Create a file outside the repository outside_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(, "outside_repo") os.makedirs(outside_dir, exist_ok=True) outside_file = os.path.join(outside_dir, "outside_file.txt") with open(outside_file, "w") as f: f.write("This file is outside the repository") async with self.create_client_session() as session: # Get a valid chat_id chat_id = await self.get_chat_id(session) # Attempt to remove the file (using absolute path) - should fail result = await self.call_tool_assert_error( session, "codemcp", { "subtool": "RM", "path": outside_file, "description": "Remove file outside repo", "chat_id": chat_id, }, ) # Verify the operation failed with proper error message # Could be either form of the git error message self.assertTrue( "fatal: not a git repository" in result or "not a git repository" in result, f"Expected git repository error not found in: {result}", ) # Ensure the file still exists self.assertTrue( os.path.exists(outside_file), "Outside file should still exist" ) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()