MCP Server Linear

import { LinearClient, type Project, type User, type WorkflowState } from "@linear/sdk"; import { FastMCP } from "fastmcp"; import { z } from "zod"; const server = new FastMCP({ name: "Linear MCP Server", version: "0.0.1" }); const linear = new LinearClient({ apiKey: process.env.LINEAR_API_KEY, }); server.addTool({ name: "linear-search-issues", description: "Search for issues in Linear", parameters: z.object({ query: z.string().describe("Search term"), teamId: z.string().optional().describe("Filter by team ID"), status: z.string().optional().describe("Filter by status name (e.g., 'In Progress', 'Done')"), assigneeId: z.string().optional().describe("Filter by assignee's user ID"), labels: z.array(z.string()).optional().describe("Filter by label names"), project: z.string().optional().describe("Filter by project name"), priority: z.number().optional().describe("Filter by priority (1=urgent, 2=high, 3=normal, 4=low)"), estimate: z.number().optional().describe("Filter by estimate points"), includeArchived: z.boolean().optional().describe("Include archived issues in results (default: false)"), limit: z.number().optional().describe("Max results to return (default: 10)").default(10), }), execute: async (args) => { try { const filter: any = {}; if (args.query) { filter.or = [ { title: { contains: args.query } }, { description: { contains: args.query } } ]; } if (args.teamId) { = { id: { eq: args.teamId } }; } if (args.status) { filter.state = { name: { eq: args.status } }; } if (args.assigneeId) { filter.assignee = { id: { eq: args.assigneeId } }; } if (args.labels && args.labels.length > 0) { filter.labels = { some: { name: { in: args.labels } } }; } if (args.project) { filter.project = { name: { eq: args.project } }; } if (args.priority) { filter.priority = { eq: args.priority }; } if (args.estimate) { filter.estimate = { eq: args.estimate }; } // search for issues const res = await linear.searchIssues(args.query, { filter: filter, first: args.limit, includeArchived: args.includeArchived || false, }); // map the issues to the expected format const issues = await Promise.all( => { let status: WorkflowState | null = null; if(node.state) {; status = (await node.state); } let assignee: User | null = null; if(node.assignee) { assignee = (await node.assignee); } let project: Project | null = null; if(node.project) { project = (await node.project); } return { id:, identifier: node.identifier, title: node.title, description: node.description, priority: node.priority, estimate: node.estimate, status, assignee, project, url: node.url } })); return {content: => ({type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(issue)}))}; } catch (error) { return {content: [{type: "text", text: `Error: ${error}`}]}; } } }); server.start({ transportType: "stdio", });