MCP Server Linear

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


This is a MCP server that defines tools for interacting with Linear via an MCP client.

Current Tools

  • linear-search-issues: Search for issues in Linear

Future Tools

  • linear-create-issue: Create an issue in Linear
  • linear-update-issue: Update an issue in Linear
  • linear-get-issue: Get an issue in Linear
  • linear-get-project-issues: Get all issues in a project in Linear
  • linear-add-comment: Add a comment to an issue in Linear
  • linear-create-project: Create a project in Linear
  • linear-update-project: Update a project in Linear

Future Resources

  • linear-issue:///{issueId} - View individual issue details
  • linear-project:///{projectId} - View project details
  • linear-cycle:///{cycleId} - View cycle details (defaults to current cycle)
  • linear-team:///{teamId}/issues - View team issues
  • linear-user:///{userId}/assigned - View user's assigned issues
  • linear-organization: - View organization info


This project uses Bun and can be run directly from Bun without transpiling (which is how I use it). To run it with Bun, you can use the following command:

bun run index.ts

That said, you can run it with Node if you prefer. To run it with Node, you can use the following command:

node build/index.js

Standalone Executable

Bun projects can be compiled into standalone executable. This allows you to run the server without having to install Bun (theoretically). To compile the project into a standalone executable, you can use the following command:

bun build:standalone

You may need to change the build target depending on the machine you are building for. See Bun docs for more details.

Adding to your MCP client via JSON

To add this server to your MCP client, you can use the following JSON configuration:

Bun Runtime

"linear": { "command": "bun", "args": [ "run", "/path/to/linear-mcp-server/index.ts" ], "env": { "LINEAR_API_KEY": "lin_api_ABCD" } }

Node Runtime

"linear": { "command": "node", "args": [ "/path/to/linear-mcp-server/build/index/js" ], "env": { "LINEAR_API_KEY": "lin_api_ABCD" } }

Standalone Executable

"linear": { "command": "/path/to/linear-mcp-server/standalone-linear-mcp-server", "args": [], "env": { "LINEAR_API_KEY": "lin_api_ABCD" } }


This project was inspired by jerhadf/linear-mcp-server. I and others had trouble getting it to work, which prompted me to create my own implementation. The list of tools and resources seemed worth keeping.



You must be authenticated.

security – no known vulnerabilities
license - permissive license
quality - confirmed to work

An MCP server that provides tools for interacting with Linear issue tracking system, currently supporting issue search with plans to expand to issue creation, updates, comments, and project management.

  1. Current Tools
    1. Future Tools
      1. Future Resources
      2. Bun-preferred
        1. Standalone Executable
          1. Adding to your MCP client via JSON
            1. Bun Runtime
              1. Node Runtime
                1. Standalone Executable
                2. Credits
                  1. License