MCP Server Linear

# mcp-server-linear This is a MCP server that defines tools for interacting with Linear via an MCP client. ## Current Tools - `linear-search-issues`: Search for issues in Linear ## Future Tools - `linear-create-issue`: Create an issue in Linear - `linear-update-issue`: Update an issue in Linear - `linear-get-issue`: Get an issue in Linear - `linear-get-project-issues`: Get all issues in a project in Linear - `linear-add-comment`: Add a comment to an issue in Linear - `linear-create-project`: Create a project in Linear - `linear-update-project`: Update a project in Linear ### Future Resources - `linear-issue:///{issueId}` - View individual issue details - `linear-project:///{projectId}` - View project details - `linear-cycle:///{cycleId}` - View cycle details (defaults to current cycle) - `linear-team:///{teamId}/issues` - View team issues - `linear-user:///{userId}/assigned` - View user's assigned issues - `linear-organization:` - View organization info ## Bun-preferred This project uses Bun and can be run directly from Bun without transpiling (which is how I use it). To run it with Bun, you can use the following command: ```bash bun run index.ts ``` That said, you can run it with Node if you prefer. To run it with Node, you can use the following command: ```bash node build/index.js ``` ## Standalone Executable Bun projects can be [compiled into standalone executable]( This allows you to run the server without having to install Bun (theoretically). To compile the project into a standalone executable, you can use the following command: ```bash bun build:standalone ``` You may need to change the build `target` depending on the machine you are building for. See Bun docs for more details. ## Adding to your MCP client via JSON To add this server to your MCP client, you can use the following JSON configuration: ### Bun Runtime ```json "linear": { "command": "bun", "args": [ "run", "/path/to/linear-mcp-server/index.ts" ], "env": { "LINEAR_API_KEY": "lin_api_ABCD" } } ``` ### Node Runtime ```json "linear": { "command": "node", "args": [ "/path/to/linear-mcp-server/build/index/js" ], "env": { "LINEAR_API_KEY": "lin_api_ABCD" } } ``` ### Standalone Executable ```json "linear": { "command": "/path/to/linear-mcp-server/standalone-linear-mcp-server", "args": [], "env": { "LINEAR_API_KEY": "lin_api_ABCD" } } ``` ## Credits This project was inspired by [jerhadf/linear-mcp-server]( [I and others had trouble getting it to work](, which prompted me to create my own implementation. The list of tools and resources seemed worth keeping. ## License MIT