Sentry MCP Server


List replays from a Sentry organization. Monitor user sessions, interactions, errors, and experience issues.

Input Schema

cursorNoOptional cursor for pagination
endNoOptional end of time range (UTC ISO8601 or epoch seconds). Use with 'start' instead of 'stats_period'
environmentNoOptional environment to filter replays by
formatNoOutput format (default: markdown)markdown
organization_slugYesThe slug of the organization to list replays from
per_pageNoOptional limit on number of results to return
project_idsNoOptional array of project IDs to filter replays by
queryNoOptional structured query string to filter results
sortNoOptional field to sort results by
startNoOptional start of time range (UTC ISO8601 or epoch seconds). Use with 'end' instead of 'stats_period'
stats_periodNoOptional time range in format <number><unit> (e.g., '1d' for one day). Units: m (minutes), h (hours), d (days), w (weeks)
viewNoView type (default: detailed)detailed

Input Schema (JSON Schema)

{ "$schema": "", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "cursor": { "description": "Optional cursor for pagination", "type": "string" }, "end": { "description": "Optional end of time range (UTC ISO8601 or epoch seconds). Use with 'start' instead of 'stats_period'", "type": "string" }, "environment": { "description": "Optional environment to filter replays by", "type": "string" }, "format": { "default": "markdown", "description": "Output format (default: markdown)", "enum": [ "plain", "markdown" ], "type": "string" }, "organization_slug": { "description": "The slug of the organization to list replays from", "type": "string" }, "per_page": { "description": "Optional limit on number of results to return", "type": "number" }, "project_ids": { "description": "Optional array of project IDs to filter replays by", "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" }, "query": { "description": "Optional structured query string to filter results", "type": "string" }, "sort": { "description": "Optional field to sort results by", "type": "string" }, "start": { "description": "Optional start of time range (UTC ISO8601 or epoch seconds). Use with 'end' instead of 'stats_period'", "type": "string" }, "stats_period": { "description": "Optional time range in format <number><unit> (e.g., '1d' for one day). Units: m (minutes), h (hours), d (days), w (weeks)", "type": "string" }, "view": { "default": "detailed", "description": "View type (default: detailed)", "enum": [ "summary", "detailed" ], "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "organization_slug" ], "type": "object" }