Sentry MCP Server


Retrieve a specific Sentry event from an issue. Requires issue ID/URL and event ID.

Input Schema

event_idYesThe specific event ID to retrieve
formatNoOutput format (default: markdown)markdown
issue_id_or_urlYesEither a full Sentry issue URL or just the numeric issue ID
organization_slugYesThe slug of the organization the issue belongs to
viewNoView type (default: detailed)detailed

Input Schema (JSON Schema)

{ "$schema": "", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "event_id": { "description": "The specific event ID to retrieve", "type": "string" }, "format": { "default": "markdown", "description": "Output format (default: markdown)", "enum": [ "plain", "markdown" ], "type": "string" }, "issue_id_or_url": { "description": "Either a full Sentry issue URL or just the numeric issue ID", "type": "string" }, "organization_slug": { "description": "The slug of the organization the issue belongs to", "type": "string" }, "view": { "default": "detailed", "description": "View type (default: detailed)", "enum": [ "summary", "detailed" ], "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "issue_id_or_url", "event_id", "organization_slug" ], "type": "object" }