Hive MCP Server

by gluneau
// Transaction-related tools implementation import { PrivateKey } from '@hiveio/dhive'; import client from '../config/client'; import config from '../config'; import { Response } from '../utils/response'; import { handleError } from '../utils/error'; import { successJson, errorResponse } from '../utils/response'; // Vote on a post export async function voteOnPost( params: { author: string; permlink: string; weight: number; } ): Promise<Response> { try { // Get credentials from environment variables const username = config.hive.username; const privateKey = config.hive.postingKey; if (!username || !privateKey) { return errorResponse('Error: HIVE_USERNAME or HIVE_POSTING_KEY environment variables are not set'); } // Create the vote operation const vote = { voter: username, author:, permlink: params.permlink, weight: params.weight, }; // Create the broadcast instance and broadcast the vote const result = await vote, PrivateKey.fromString(privateKey) ); return successJson({ success: true, transaction_id:, transaction_url: `${}`, block_num: result.block_num, voter: username, author:, permlink: params.permlink, weight: params.weight, }); } catch (error) { return errorResponse(handleError(error, 'vote_on_post')); } } // Send HIVE or HBD to another account export async function sendToken( params: { to: string; amount: number; currency: string; memo?: string; } ): Promise<Response> { try { // Get credentials from environment variables const username = config.hive.username; const activeKey = config.hive.activeKey; if (!username || !activeKey) { return errorResponse('Error: HIVE_USERNAME or HIVE_ACTIVE_KEY environment variables are not set. Note that transfers require an active key, not a posting key.'); } // Format the amount with 3 decimal places and append the currency const formattedAmount = `${params.amount.toFixed(3)} ${params.currency}`; // Create the transfer operation const transfer = { from: username, to:, amount: formattedAmount, memo: params.memo || '', }; // Broadcast the transfer using active key (required for transfers) const result = await client.broadcast.transfer( transfer, PrivateKey.fromString(activeKey) ); return successJson({ success: true, transaction_id:, transaction_url: `${}`, block_num: result.block_num, from: username, to:, amount: formattedAmount, memo: params.memo || '(no memo)', }); } catch (error) { return errorResponse(handleError(error, 'send_token')); } }