Hive MCP Server

by gluneau
// Cryptography tools implementation import { PrivateKey, PublicKey, Signature, cryptoUtils } from '@hiveio/dhive'; import config from '../config'; import { Response } from '../utils/response'; import { handleError } from '../utils/error'; import { successJson, errorResponse } from '../utils/response'; // Sign a message using a private key export async function signMessage( params: { message: string; key_type: 'posting' | 'active' | 'memo' | 'owner'; } ): Promise<Response> { try { // Get the private key from environment variables let keyEnvVar: string | undefined; switch (params.key_type) { case 'posting': keyEnvVar = config.hive.postingKey; break; case 'active': keyEnvVar = config.hive.activeKey; break; case 'memo': keyEnvVar = config.hive.memoKey; break; case 'owner': keyEnvVar = config.hive.ownerKey; break; default: return errorResponse(`Error: Invalid key_type: ${params.key_type}`); } // Check if the key is available if (!keyEnvVar) { return errorResponse(`Error: HIVE_${params.key_type.toUpperCase()}_KEY environment variable is not set`); } // Create PrivateKey object let privateKey: PrivateKey; try { privateKey = PrivateKey.fromString(keyEnvVar); } catch (error) { return errorResponse(`Error: Invalid ${params.key_type} key format`); } // Hash the message with sha256 before signing const messageHash = cryptoUtils.sha256(params.message); // Sign the message hash let signature: string; try { signature = privateKey.sign(messageHash).toString(); } catch (error) { return errorResponse(`Error signing message: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`); } // Get the public key const publicKey = privateKey.createPublic().toString(); return successJson({ success: true, message_hash: messageHash.toString('hex'), signature, public_key: publicKey, }); } catch (error) { return errorResponse(handleError(error, 'sign_message')); } } // Verify a message signature export async function verifySignature( params: { message_hash: string; signature: string; public_key: string; } ): Promise<Response> { try { // Parse the public key (handling keys with or without the STM prefix) let publicKey; try { publicKey = params.public_key.startsWith('STM') ? params.public_key : `STM${params.public_key}`; publicKey = PublicKey.fromString(publicKey); } catch (error) { return errorResponse('Error: Invalid public key format'); } // Parse the signature let signatureObj; try { signatureObj = Signature.fromString(params.signature); } catch (error) { return errorResponse('Error: Invalid signature format'); } // Validate and parse the message hash let messageHashBuffer; try { if (!/^[0-9a-fA-F]{64}$/.test(params.message_hash)) { throw new Error('Message hash must be a 64-character hex string'); } messageHashBuffer = Buffer.from(params.message_hash, 'hex'); } catch (error) { return errorResponse('Error: Invalid message hash format - must be a 64-character hex string'); } // Verify the signature against the hash const isValid = publicKey.verify(messageHashBuffer, signatureObj); return successJson({ success: true, is_valid: isValid, message_hash: params.message_hash, public_key: publicKey.toString(), }); } catch (error) { return errorResponse(handleError(error, 'verify_signature')); } }