Hive MCP Server
by gluneau
- src
- tools
// Updated messaging tools implementation with fix for encryption/decryption
import { Memo, PrivateKey } from '@hiveio/dhive';
import client from '../config/client';
import config from '../config';
import { Response } from '../utils/response';
import { handleError } from '../utils/error';
import { successJson, errorResponse } from '../utils/response';
import logger from '../utils/logger';
// Helper function to get a public memo key for a Hive account
async function getMemoPublicKey(username: string): Promise<string> {
try {
const accounts = await client.database.getAccounts([username]);
if (accounts.length === 0) {
throw new Error(`User ${username} not found`);
return accounts[0].memo_key;
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(`Error fetching memo key for ${username}: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`);
// Encrypt a message
export async function encryptMessage(
params: {
message: string;
recipient: string;
): Promise<Response> {
try {
// Get credentials from environment variables
const senderPrivateKey = config.hive.memoKey;
if (!senderPrivateKey) {
return errorResponse('Error: HIVE_MEMO_KEY environment variable is not set. Encryption requires your private memo key.');
// Get recipient's public memo key
const recipientPublicKey = await getMemoPublicKey(params.recipient);
// Encrypt message - FIX: prepend # to message since Memo.encode checks for this prefix
const encryptedMessage = Memo.encode(
'#' + params.message // Add the # prefix required by Memo.encode
return successJson({
success: true,
recipient: params.recipient,
encrypted_message: encryptedMessage,
note: "This encrypted message can only be decrypted by the recipient using their private memo key."
} catch (error) {
return errorResponse(handleError(error, 'encrypt_message'));
// Decrypt a message
export async function decryptMessage(
params: {
encrypted_message: string;
sender: string;
): Promise<Response> {
try {
// Get credentials from environment variables
const recipientPrivateKey = config.hive.memoKey;
if (!recipientPrivateKey) {
return errorResponse('Error: HIVE_MEMO_KEY environment variable is not set. Decryption requires your private memo key.');
// Get sender's public memo key
const senderPublicKey = await getMemoPublicKey(params.sender);
try {
// Attempt to decrypt message
const decryptedMessage = Memo.decode(
// FIX: Remove the # prefix that Memo.decode adds to the decrypted message
const cleanMessage = decryptedMessage.startsWith('#')
? decryptedMessage.substring(1)
: decryptedMessage;
return successJson({
success: true,
sender: params.sender,
decrypted_message: cleanMessage
} catch (decryptError) {
return errorResponse(`Failed to decrypt message: ${decryptError instanceof Error ? decryptError.message : String(decryptError)}. This could be because the message was not encrypted for you, or the sender information is incorrect.`);
} catch (error) {
return errorResponse(handleError(error, 'decrypt_message'));
// Send an encrypted message (combines encryption with token sending)
export async function sendEncryptedMessage(
params: {
message: string;
recipient: string;
amount: number;
): Promise<Response> {
try {
// Get credentials from environment variables
const username = config.hive.username;
const activeKey = config.hive.activeKey;
const memoKey = config.hive.memoKey;
if (!username || !activeKey) {
return errorResponse('Error: HIVE_USERNAME or HIVE_ACTIVE_KEY environment variables are not set. Sending requires an active key.');
if (!memoKey) {
return errorResponse('Error: HIVE_MEMO_KEY environment variable is not set. Encryption requires your private memo key.');
// Get recipient's public memo key
const recipientPublicKey = await getMemoPublicKey(params.recipient);
// Encrypt message - FIX: prepend # to message since Memo.encode checks for this prefix
const encryptedMessage = Memo.encode(
'#' + params.message // Add the # prefix required by Memo.encode
// Format the amount with 3 decimal places and append HIVE
const formattedAmount = `${params.amount.toFixed(3)} HIVE`;
// Create the transfer operation
const transfer = {
from: username,
to: params.recipient,
amount: formattedAmount,
memo: encryptedMessage,
// Broadcast the transfer using active key
const result = await client.broadcast.transfer(
return successJson({
success: true,
transaction_url: `${}`,
block_num: result.block_num,
from: username,
to: params.recipient,
amount: formattedAmount,
encrypted_message: encryptedMessage,
} catch (error) {
return errorResponse(handleError(error, 'send_encrypted_message'));
// Get encrypted messages from account history
export async function getEncryptedMessages(
params: {
username?: string;
limit: number;
decrypt: boolean;
): Promise<Response> {
try {
// Use the provided username or fall back to the configured username
const username = params.username || config.hive.username;
if (!username) {
return errorResponse('Error: No username provided and HIVE_USERNAME environment variable is not set.');
// The getAccountHistory method needs a starting point (from) parameter
// We'll use -1 to get the most recent transactions
const from = -1;
// Get account history
const history = await client.database.getAccountHistory(
params.limit * 3 // Request more than needed to filter for encrypted messages
if (!history || !Array.isArray(history)) {
return successJson({
account: params.username,
messages_count: 0,
messages: [],
// Filter for transfer operations with encrypted memos
let encryptedMessages = history
.filter(([_index, operation]) => {
// Only include transfer operations
if (operation.op[0] !== 'transfer') return false;
const opData = operation.op[1];
// Check if memo starts with '#' (encrypted memos start with '#')
return opData.memo && opData.memo.startsWith('#');
.map(([index, operation]) => {
const { timestamp, trx_id } = operation;
const opData = operation.op[1];
// Determine if this is an incoming or outgoing message
const direction = === params.username ? 'received' : 'sent';
const otherParty = direction === 'received' ? opData.from :;
return {
transaction_id: trx_id,
counterparty: otherParty,
amount: opData.amount,
encrypted_message: opData.memo,
decrypted_message: null as string | null, // Will be populated later if decryption is requested
.slice(0, params.limit); // Limit to requested number of messages
// Decrypt messages if requested
if (params.decrypt && config.hive.memoKey) {
const memoPrivateKey = PrivateKey.fromString(config.hive.memoKey);
for (let i = 0; i < encryptedMessages.length; i++) {
const message = encryptedMessages[i];
try {
// Decrypt the message using our private memo key
// The memo format already contains the necessary information about the sender/recipient
const decryptedWithHash = Memo.decode(
// FIX: Remove the # prefix that Memo.decode adds to the decrypted message
message.decrypted_message = decryptedWithHash.startsWith('#')
? decryptedWithHash.substring(1)
: decryptedWithHash;
} catch (decryptError) {
logger.warn(`Failed to decrypt message ${i}: ${decryptError instanceof Error ? decryptError.message : String(decryptError)}`);
message.decrypted_message = "[Decryption failed]";
return successJson({
account: params.username,
messages_count: encryptedMessages.length,
messages: encryptedMessages,
note: params.decrypt ?
"Messages were decrypted using your private memo key" :
"Set 'decrypt' parameter to true to attempt decryption of messages"
} catch (error) {
return errorResponse(handleError(error, 'get_encrypted_messages'));