
by madarco
POSTGRES_URL="postgresql://johndoe:randompassword@localhost:5432/mydb?schema=public" POSTGRES_URL_NON_POOLING="${POSTGRES_URL}" # To test the Vercel Postgres DB (Neon) from the local machine: #VERCEL=true #POSTGRES_URL="postgres://default:...@...-pooler.us-east-1.aws.neon.tech/verceldb?sslmode=require" #POSTGRES_URL_NON_POOLING="postgres://default:...@....us-east-1.aws.neon.tech/verceldb?sslmode=require" # Use npx auth secret to generate: AUTH_SECRET="secret" # Usefult on dev if you do next build & start to allow auth.js to work from localhost: AUTH_TRUST_HOST="locahost" # Set to allow simple username/password login: AUTH_USERNAME="admin" AUTH_PASSWORD="changeme" # Used to trigger indexing jobs: TRIGGER_SECRET_KEY="secret" # If present, enable GitHub auth: GITHUB_ID="1234567890" GITHUB_SECRET="1234567890" # If present, enable Google auth: GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID="1234567890" GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET="1234567890" # If present, enable magic links and Resend email sending: RESEND_AUTH=true RESEND_API_KEY="1234567890" # Allow only this email to sign up: #RESEND_ALLOWED_EMAILS="test@test.com,foo@bar.com" # If present, simulate email sending on dev: SIMULATE_EMAILS=true # Optional: LOG_LEVEL="debug" # Pick one of the following: openai, groq, anthropic LLM_MODEL="openai" # OpenAI API key: OPENAI_API_KEY="sk-proj-***" # Anthropic API key (Set also also to use Shortest) ANTHROPIC_API_KEY="sk-ant-api03-***" # Groq API key GROQ_API_KEY="gsk_**" # Pick one of the following, changing needs to reset the db with the new vector dimensions: openai, baai, xenova EMBEDDING_MODEL="openai" # xAI: #OPENAI_API_BASE_URL="https://api.x.ai/v1" #OPENAI_API_KEY="sk-xai-***" # Enable agent mode switch: AGENT_MODE=true