zendesk-mcp-serverreminia-securityAlicense-qualityThis server provides a comprehensive integration with Zendesk. Retrieving and managing tickets and comments. Ticket analyzes and response drafting. Access to help center articles as knowledge base.2PythonApache 2.0
Notion MCP Serversuekou-securityAlicense-qualityMCP Server for the Notion API, enabling Claude to interact with Notion workspaces.110JavaScriptMIT License
Notion MCPdanhilse-securityAlicense-qualityA simple Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that integrates with Notion's API to manage my personal todo list through Claude.89PythonMIT License
GitLab MCP ServermodelcontextprotocolAsecurityAlicenseAqualityMCP Server for the GitLab API, enabling project management, file operations, and more.912010,010JavaScriptMIT License
GitHub MCP ServermodelcontextprotocolAsecurityAlicenseAqualityMCP Server for the GitHub API, enabling file operations, repository management, search functionality, and more.172,04110,010JavaScriptMIT License