GitLab MCP Server

  • Version Control
security – no known vulnerabilities (report Issue)
license - permissive license (MIT)
quality - confirmed to work

MCP Server for the GitLab API, enabling project management, file operations, and more.

  1. Tools
  2. Prompts
  3. Resources
  4. Server Configuration


Interactive templates invoked by user choice


No prompts


Contextual data attached and managed by the client


No resources


Functions exposed to the LLM to take actions

create_or_update_fileCreate or update a single file in a GitLab project
search_repositoriesSearch for GitLab projects
create_repositoryCreate a new GitLab project
get_file_contentsGet the contents of a file or directory from a GitLab project
push_filesPush multiple files to a GitLab project in a single commit
create_issueCreate a new issue in a GitLab project
create_merge_requestCreate a new merge request in a GitLab project
fork_repositoryFork a GitLab project to your account or specified namespace
create_branchCreate a new branch in a GitLab project

Server Configuration

Describes the environment variables required to run the server.

GITLAB_API_URLNoBase URL for GitLab API (optional, defaults to
GITLAB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKENYesYour GitLab personal access token

GitLab MCP Server

MCP Server for the GitLab API, enabling project management, file operations, and more.


  • Automatic Branch Creation: When creating/updating files or pushing changes, branches are automatically created if they don't exist
  • Comprehensive Error Handling: Clear error messages for common issues
  • Git History Preservation: Operations maintain proper Git history without force pushing
  • Batch Operations: Support for both single-file and multi-file operations


  1. create_or_update_file
    • Create or update a single file in a project
    • Inputs:
      • project_id (string): Project ID or URL-encoded path
      • file_path (string): Path where to create/update the file
      • content (string): Content of the file
      • commit_message (string): Commit message
      • branch (string): Branch to create/update the file in
      • previous_path (optional string): Path of the file to move/rename
    • Returns: File content and commit details
  2. push_files
    • Push multiple files in a single commit
    • Inputs:
      • project_id (string): Project ID or URL-encoded path
      • branch (string): Branch to push to
      • files (array): Files to push, each with file_path and content
      • commit_message (string): Commit message
    • Returns: Updated branch reference
  3. search_repositories
    • Search for GitLab projects
    • Inputs:
      • search (string): Search query
      • page (optional number): Page number for pagination
      • per_page (optional number): Results per page (default 20)
    • Returns: Project search results
  4. create_repository
    • Create a new GitLab project
    • Inputs:
      • name (string): Project name
      • description (optional string): Project description
      • visibility (optional string): 'private', 'internal', or 'public'
      • initialize_with_readme (optional boolean): Initialize with README
    • Returns: Created project details
  5. get_file_contents
    • Get contents of a file or directory
    • Inputs:
      • project_id (string): Project ID or URL-encoded path
      • file_path (string): Path to file/directory
      • ref (optional string): Branch/tag/commit to get contents from
    • Returns: File/directory contents
  6. create_issue
    • Create a new issue
    • Inputs:
      • project_id (string): Project ID or URL-encoded path
      • title (string): Issue title
      • description (optional string): Issue description
      • assignee_ids (optional number[]): User IDs to assign
      • labels (optional string[]): Labels to add
      • milestone_id (optional number): Milestone ID
    • Returns: Created issue details
  7. create_merge_request
    • Create a new merge request
    • Inputs:
      • project_id (string): Project ID or URL-encoded path
      • title (string): MR title
      • description (optional string): MR description
      • source_branch (string): Branch containing changes
      • target_branch (string): Branch to merge into
      • draft (optional boolean): Create as draft MR
      • allow_collaboration (optional boolean): Allow commits from upstream members
    • Returns: Created merge request details
  8. fork_repository
    • Fork a project
    • Inputs:
      • project_id (string): Project ID or URL-encoded path
      • namespace (optional string): Namespace to fork to
    • Returns: Forked project details
  9. create_branch
    • Create a new branch
    • Inputs:
      • project_id (string): Project ID or URL-encoded path
      • branch (string): Name for new branch
      • ref (optional string): Source branch/commit for new branch
    • Returns: Created branch reference


Personal Access Token

Create a GitLab Personal Access Token with appropriate permissions:

  • Go to User Settings > Access Tokens in GitLab
  • Select the required scopes:
    • api for full API access
    • read_api for read-only access
    • read_repository and write_repository for repository operations
  • Create the token and save it securely

Usage with Claude Desktop

Add the following to your claude_desktop_config.json:

{ "gitlab": { "command": "npx", "args": ["-y", "@modelcontextprotocol/server-gitlab"], "env": { "GITLAB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN": "<YOUR_TOKEN>", "GITLAB_API_URL": "" // Optional, for self-hosted instances } } }

Environment Variables

  • GITLAB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN: Your GitLab personal access token (required)
  • GITLAB_API_URL: Base URL for GitLab API (optional, defaults to


This MCP server is licensed under the MIT License. This means you are free to use, modify, and distribute the software, subject to the terms and conditions of the MIT License. For more details, please see the LICENSE file in the project repository.

GitHub Badge

Glama performs regular codebase and documentation scans to:

  • Confirm that the MCP server is working as expected.
  • Confirm that there are no obvious security issues with dependencies of the server.
  • Extract server characteristics such as tools, resources, prompts, and required parameters.

Our directory badge helps users to quickly asses that the MCP server is safe, server capabilities, and instructions for installing the server.

Copy the following code to your file:

Alternative MCP servers

  • -
    Provides comprehensive tools for managing GitHub projects, milestones, tasks, and sprints. This server integrates deeply with GitHub Projects V2, offering features like automated kanban workflows, sprint planning, and custom field management.
  • -
    Tools for executing JQL queries. Tools for creating, editing, and deleting Jira tickets. Tools for listing Jira projects and statuses
    • Apple
  • A
    A Model Context Protocol server that provides read and write access to Airtable databases. This server enables LLMs to inspect database schemas, then read and write records.
  • -
    A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server implementation for interacting with Phabricator API. This server allows LLMs to interact with Phabricator through a standardized interface.