Pushover MCP

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Used to install and run the MCP server globally or as a project dependency through npx commands.

  • Used for package management in the development of the MCP server, handling dependencies and providing build and test commands.

  • Used to define the schema for the notification tool, providing type definitions for the parameters accepted by the Pushover service.

Pushover MCP

A Model Context Protocol implementation for sending notifications via Pushover.net.


This MCP enables AI agents to send notifications through Pushover.net. It implements the MCP specification, allowing seamless integration with MCP-compatible AI systems.


You'll need:

  1. An application token from Pushover.net
  2. Your user key from Pushover.net

Get these from your Pushover.net dashboard.

Tool Schema

The MCP provides a single tool:


Sends a notification via Pushover.

{ message: string; // Required: The message to send title?: string; // Optional: Message title priority?: number; // Optional: -2 to 2 (-2: lowest, 2: emergency) sound?: string; // Optional: Notification sound url?: string; // Optional: URL to include url_title?: string; // Optional: Title for the URL device?: string; // Optional: Target specific device }

Example MCP Tool Call

{ "name": "send", "params": { "message": "Hello from AI", "title": "AI Notification", "priority": 1 } }


Using with Cursor

Method 1: Install Globally

Run the MCP server using npx:

npx -y pushover-mcp@latest start --token YOUR_TOKEN --user YOUR_USER

In your Cursor IDE

  1. Go to Cursor Settings > MCP
  2. Click + Add New MCP Server
  3. Fill in the form:
    • Name: Pushover Notification (or any name you prefer)
    • Type: command
    • Command: npx -y pushover-mcp@latest start --token YOUR_TOKEN --user YOUR_USER

Method 2: Project-specific Configuration

Add an .cursor/mcp.json file to your project:

{ "mcpServers": { "pushover": { "command": "npx", "args": [ "-y", "pushover-mcp@latest", "start", "--token", "YOUR_TOKEN", "--user", "YOUR_USER" ] } } }

Using the Tool

Once configured, the Pushover notification tool will be automatically available to the Cursor AI Agent. You can:

  1. The tool will be listed under Available Tools in MCP settings
  2. Agent will automatically use it when relevant
  3. You can explicitly ask Agent to send notifications

By default, Agent will ask for approval before sending notifications. Enable "Yolo mode" in settings to allow automatic sending.

Using with Roo Code

Access the MCP settings by clicking “Edit MCP Settings” in Roo Code settings or using the “Roo Code: Open MCP Config” command in VS Code's command palette.

{ "mcpServers": { "pushover": { "command": "npx", "args": [ "-y", "pushover-mcp@latest", "start", "--token", "YOUR_TOKEN", "--user", "YOUR_USER" ] } } }
  1. The Pushover notification tool will be available to Roo Code's AI agents

Note: Replace YOUR_TOKEN & YOUR_USER with your Pushover credentials.

Installing via Smithery

To install Pushover Notification for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery:

npx -y @smithery/cli install @AshikNesin/pushover-mcp --client claude


# Install dependencies pnpm install # Build pnpm build # Run tests pnpm test



security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

A Model Context Protocol implementation that enables AI agents to send notifications through Pushover.net, supporting message customization with various parameters like priority, sound, and URL.

  1. Overview
    1. Configuration
      1. Tool Schema
        1. send
          1. Example MCP Tool Call
          2. Installing
            1. Using with Cursor
              1. Method 1: Install Globally
                1. Method 2: Project-specific Configuration
                  1. Using the Tool
                  2. Using with Roo Code
                    1. Installing via Smithery
                      1. Development
                        1. License