Workers MCP

import { confirm, intro, isCancel, log, outro, select, text } from '@clack/prompts' import chalk from 'chalk' import fs from 'fs-extra' import path from 'path' import { generateSecret, readSharedSecret, SECRET_PATH, uploadSecret } from './secret' import { EXAMPLE_JS, EXAMPLE_TS, runCommand } from './utils' import { generateDocs } from './generate-docs' import { scheduler } from 'node:timers/promises' import { installClaude } from './install-claude' const DELAY = 200 export async function guidedInstallation() { console.log(`\nπŸ’ͺ Congratulations on installing ${'workers-mcp')} 😎\n`) intro(`Let's get started...`) await scheduler.wait(DELAY) try { const index_script = await determineIndexScript() await scheduler.wait(DELAY) const script_name = await addDocgen(index_script) await scheduler.wait(DELAY) await generateAndUploadSecret() await scheduler.wait(DELAY) await replaceSource(index_script) const url = await doDeploy(index_script, script_name) await scheduler.wait(DELAY) await install(url) outro(`πŸ€™ All done!`) } catch (e) { log.error('ERROR') + ' ' + (e as Error).message) process.exit(1) } } async function determineIndexScript() { // TODO: use wrangler config to find this const paths = ['src/index.ts', 'src/index.js'] const index_script = paths.find(fs.pathExistsSync) if (!index_script) { throw new Error(`Could not find a valid worker entrypoint file. Checked ${paths.join(',')}`) } return index_script } async function addDocgen(index_script: string) { `${chalk.bold('Step 1')}: adding ${chalk.yellow(`'workers-mcp docgen ${index_script}'`)} as part of your ${chalk.yellow('wrangler deploy')} step`, ) const package_json_path = path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'package.json') if (!fs.existsSync(package_json_path)) { throw new Error(`Could not find ${chalk.yellow(package_json_path)}. Are you running in the right directory?`) } const package_json: { scripts: Record<string, string> } = await fs.readJSON(package_json_path) const { scripts = {} } = package_json const auto_choice = Object.entries(scripts).find( ([key, val]) => key.match(/deploy|publish|release/) && val.match(/wrangler deploy/), ) if (auto_choice) { const [key, value] = auto_choice if (value.match(/workers-mcp docgen/)) { log.success( `NPM script ${} already contains ${chalk.yellow(`'workers-mcp docgen'`)}.\nKeeping existing value:\n\n ${chalk.grey(`"${key}": "${value}"`)}`, ) return } const new_value = `workers-mcp docgen ${index_script} && ${value}` log.step( [ `Found NPM script key ${} that contains ${chalk.yellow(`'wrangler deploy'`)}. Applying update:`, '',`--- "${key}": "${value}"`),`+++ "${key}": "${new_value}"`), ].join('\n'), ) const confirmed = await confirm({ message: 'Proceed?' }) if (isCancel(confirmed)) throw new Error(`Cancelled.`) if (confirmed) { scripts[key] = new_value await fs.writeJSON(package_json_path, package_json, { spaces: 2 }) log.success(`Updated package.json!`) return key } else { log.warn(`Skipping! You should add ${chalk.yellow(`'workers-mcp docgen ${index_script}`)} yourself manually.`) } } else { log.step(`Found the following NPM scripts:\n${chalk.grey(JSON.stringify(scripts, null, 2))}`) const choice = await select({ message: `Which script would you like to prepend with ${chalk.yellow(`workers-mcp docgen ${index_script} &&`)}?`, options: Object.keys(scripts) .map((key) => ({ value: key, label: `"${key}"` })) .concat({ value: '', label: '<skip>' }), }) if (isCancel(choice)) throw new Error(`Cancelled.`) if (choice === '') { log.warn(`Skipping! You should add ${chalk.yellow(`'workers-mcp docgen ${index_script}'`)} yourself manually.`) } else { const value = scripts[choice] const new_value = `workers-mcp docgen ${index_script} && ${value}` log.step( [ `Applying update:`,`--- "${choice}": "${value}"`),`+++ "${choice}": "${new_value}"`), ].join('\n'), ) scripts[choice] = new_value await fs.writeJSON(package_json_path, package_json, { spaces: 2 }) log.success(`Updated package.json!`) return choice } } } async function generateAndUploadSecret() {`${chalk.bold('Step 2')}: generating and uploading a shared secret`) let do_upload = true let secret: string | null = null const dev_vars_exists = await fs.pathExists(SECRET_PATH) if (dev_vars_exists) { const existing_secret = readSharedSecret() if (existing_secret?.length === 64) { log.success(`SHARED_SECRET already present in ${chalk.yellow(SECRET_PATH)}. It may already be uploaded.`) log.warn(`To reupload it, run ${chalk.yellow('npx workers-mcp secret upload')} manually.`) secret = existing_secret const confirmed = await confirm({ message: `Do you want to rerun ${chalk.yellow('wrangler secret put')} just in case?`, initialValue: false, }) if (isCancel(confirmed)) throw new Error(`Cancelled.`) do_upload = confirmed } else { log.warn(`SHARED_SECRET present in ${chalk.yellow(SECRET_PATH)} but appears invalid.`) const confirmed = await confirm({ message: `Do you want to regenerate it?`, }) if (isCancel(confirmed)) throw new Error(`Cancelled.`) if (confirmed) { secret = generateSecret() log.success(`Generated and stored SHARED_SECRET in .dev.vars`) } else { log.warn( `Ok, skipping secret generation & upload!\nRun ${chalk.yellow('npx workers-mcp secret upload')} manually if required.`, ) do_upload = false } } } else { secret = generateSecret() log.success(`Generated and stored SHARED_SECRET in ${chalk.yellow('.dev.vars')}`) } if (do_upload && secret) { log.step(`Uploading shared secret using ${chalk.yellow('wrangler secret put')}:`) await uploadSecret(secret) console.log('\n') if (await fs.pathExists('worker-configuration.d.ts')) { log.step(`Secret uploaded! Regenerating ${chalk.yellow('worker-configuration.d.ts')}:`) await runCommand('npx', ['wrangler', 'types']) } log.success(`Done!`) } } async function replaceSource(index_script: string) { [ `${chalk.bold('Step 3')}: applying changes to ${chalk.yellow(index_script)}`, chalk.gray( `${chalk.yellow('workers-mcp')} requires exporting a WorkerEntrypoint with a ${chalk.yellow('ProxyToSelf')} or ${chalk.yellow('ProxyToDO')} helper with each method annotated using JSDoc.`, ), ].join('\n'), ) const example_script = index_script.endsWith(`.ts`) ? EXAMPLE_TS : EXAMPLE_JS log.step(`For example, a "hello world" MCP Worker looks like\n${chalk.gray(example_script)}`) const source = fs.readFileSync(index_script, 'utf8') // TODO: do something far more sophisticated here to detect if this has already applied: const imports_a_proxy_method = source.match(/import.*Proxy.*workers-mcp/) const exports_an_entrypoint = source.match(/export default.*extends WorkerEntrypoint/) if (imports_a_proxy_method && exports_an_entrypoint) { log.success(`Your ${chalk.yellow(index_script)} seems to be already set up! Skipping...`) } else { const confirmed = await confirm({ message: `Would you like to replace the contents of ${chalk.yellow(index_script)} with the above example code?`, }) if (isCancel(confirmed)) throw new Error(`Cancelled.`) if (confirmed) { await fs.writeFile(index_script, example_script) log.success(`Success! ${chalk.yellow(index_script)} written.`) } } } async function doDeploy(index_script: string, script_name?: string) {[`${chalk.bold('Step 4')}: deploying your code!`].join('\n')) const stdout = await (script_name ? runCommand('npm', ['run', script_name]) : generateDocs(index_script).then(() => runCommand('npx', ['wrangler', 'deploy']))) const url = stdout .split('\n') .map((line) => line.match(/(https:\/\/.*)/)) .find(Boolean)?.[1] if (!url) { throw new Error( `Unable to determine which URL your worker was deployed to.\nPlease run ${chalk.yellow('npx workers-mcp install:claude <name-within-claude> <url-to-your-hosted-worker>')} manually.`, ) } log.success(`Success! Worker deployed to ${chalk.yellow(url)}`) return url } async function install(url: string) {`${chalk.bold('Step 5')}: installing on Claude Desktop`) const claude_name = await text({ message: 'What name should we use for this worker within Claude?', initialValue: path.basename(process.cwd()), }) if (isCancel(claude_name)) throw new Error(`Cancelled.`) if (claude_name === '') { log.warn( `Skipping! Please run ${chalk.yellow('npx workers-mcp install:claude <name-within-claude> <url-to-your-hosted-worker>')} manually.`, ) } else { await installClaude(claude_name, url) } }