Workers MCP

import path from 'node:path' import os from 'node:os' import fs from 'node:fs' import chalk from 'chalk' import npmWhich from 'npm-which' export async function installClaude(claude_name: string, workers_url: string) { if (!claude_name || !workers_url) { console.error('usage: npx workers-mcp install:claude <claude_name> <workers_url>') process.exit(1) } const claudeConfigPath = path.join( os.homedir(), 'Library', 'Application Support', 'Claude', 'claude_desktop_config.json', ) const mcpConfig = { command: npmWhich(process.cwd()).sync('workers-mcp'), args: ['run', claude_name, workers_url, process.cwd()], env: process.env.NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS ? { NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS: process.env.NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS } : {}, } console.log(`Looking for existing config in: ${chalk.yellow(path.dirname(claudeConfigPath))}`) const configDirExists = isDirectory(path.dirname(claudeConfigPath)) if (configDirExists) { const existingConfig = fs.existsSync(claudeConfigPath) ? JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(claudeConfigPath, 'utf8')) : { mcpServers: {} } const newConfig = { ...existingConfig, mcpServers: { ...existingConfig.mcpServers, [claude_name]: mcpConfig, }, } fs.writeFileSync(claudeConfigPath, JSON.stringify(newConfig, null, 2)) console.log(`${chalk.yellow(claude_name)} configured & added to Claude Desktop!`) console.log(`Wrote config to ${chalk.yellow(claudeConfigPath)}:`) const redactedNewConfig = { ...Object.fromEntries(Object.keys(existingConfig).map((k) => [k, '...'])), mcpServers: { ...Object.fromEntries(Object.keys(existingConfig.mcpServers).map((k) => [k, '...'])), [claude_name]: mcpConfig, }, } console.log(chalk.gray(JSON.stringify(redactedNewConfig, null, 2))) } else { const fullConfig = { mcpServers: { [claude_name]: mcpConfig } } console.log( `Couldn't detect Claude Desktop config at ${claudeConfigPath}.\nTo add the Cloudflare MCP server manually, add the following config to your ${chalk.yellow('claude_desktop_configs.json')} file:\n\n${JSON.stringify(fullConfig, null, 2)}`, ) } } export function isDirectory(configPath: string) { try { return fs.statSync(configPath).isDirectory() } catch (error) { // ignore error return false } }