Workers MCP

import fs from 'fs-extra' import tsBlankSpace from 'ts-blank-space' // @ts-ignore import jsdoc from 'jsdoc-api' import { EntrypointDoc, Param, Returns, StaticProperty } from './types' import path from 'node:path' import chalk from 'chalk' import filter from 'just-filter-object' type JSDocPoint = { comment: string meta: { range: [number, number] filename: string lineno: number columno: number path: string code: { id: string name: string type: 'FunctionExpression' | 'ClassDeclaration' | 'MethodDefinition' | 'ClassProperty' | 'Literal' paramnames: string[] } } undocumented: boolean classdesc?: string description: string name: string longname: string kind: 'function' | 'member' | 'class' memberof?: string scope: 'global' | 'static' | 'instance' async?: boolean params?: Array<{ type: { names: string[] }; description: string; name: string; optional?: boolean }> returns?: Array<{ type: { names: string[] }; description: string }> examples?: string[] ignore?: boolean tags?: Array<{ title: string; originalTitle: string; text: string; value: string }> access?: 'private' } export async function generateDocs(filename: string) { if (!filename) throw new Error(`Missing filename`) const source = tsBlankSpace(fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8')) const data = ((await jsdoc.explain({ source: source, cache: true })) as Array<JSDocPoint>) // Pretend ignored points don't exist .filter((point) => !point.ignore) /* SEARCH FOR EXPORTED CLASSES */ const exported_classes: Record<string, EntrypointDoc> = {} let default_export: { class_name: string; range: [number, number] } | undefined for (const point of data) { // console.dir(point, { depth: null }) // if (point.meta) console.log(source.substring(...point.meta.range)) if (point.kind === 'class' && point.meta?.code?.type === 'ClassDeclaration') { let exported_as = undefined let name = if (name.startsWith('exports.')) { name = name.slice('exports.'.length) exported_as = name } else if (name === 'module.exports') { const raw = source.substring(...point.meta.range) const match = raw.match(/class (\w+) (extends|{)/) name = match ? match[1] : 'default' exported_as = 'default' default_export = { class_name: name, range: point.meta.range } } const proxy = point.tags?.find(({ title }) => title.startsWith(`do-proxy-`)) // console.dir(point, { depth: null }) exported_classes[name] = Object.assign( exported_classes[name] || {}, filter( { exported_as, description: point.classdesc! || null, methods: [], statics: {}, proxy: proxy ? { entrypoint: proxy.value, strategy: proxy.title.slice('do-proxy-'.length) } : undefined, }, (_, v) => v !== undefined, ), ) // console.log(exported_classes) } } /* SEARCH FOR CLASS METHODS OR STATICS */ for (const point of data) { // If it's a named export, we get `.memberof`. If it's a default export, we have to get creative const memberof = point.memberof === 'module.exports' || (!point.memberof && default_export && rangeWithin(point.meta?.range, default_export.range)) ? default_export?.class_name : point.memberof /* CLASS METHODS */ if (point.kind === 'function' && point.meta?.code?.type === 'MethodDefinition' && memberof) { const ex = exported_classes[memberof] if (!ex) { throw new Error( `Missing memberof ${memberof}. Got ${JSON.stringify(point)}, had ${JSON.stringify(Object.keys(exported_classes))}`, ) } if (point.access === 'private') continue let returns: Returns = null if (point.returns) { const [ret,] = point.returns if (!ret || rest.length > 0 || ret.type?.names.length !== 1) { console.log(`WARN: unexpected returns value for ${JSON.stringify(point)}`) } returns = { description: ret.description, type: ret.type.names[0] } } const params: Param[] = (point.params || []) .map(({ description, type, name, optional }) => { if (type.names.length !== 1) { console.log(`WARN: unexpected params value for ${JSON.stringify(point)}`) return null } return { description, name, type: type.names[0], optional } }) .filter((p) => p !== null) ex.methods.push({ name:, description: point.description, params, returns, ...(point.examples ? { examples: point.examples } : {}), }) } /* STATICS */ if ( point.kind === 'member' && point.meta?.code?.type === 'ClassProperty' && memberof && point.meta?.range && source.substring(...point.meta.range).match(/^\s*static\s/) ) { // console.dir(point, { depth: null }) const ex = exported_classes[memberof] if (!ex) { throw new Error( `Missing memberof ${memberof}. Got ${JSON.stringify(point)}, had ${JSON.stringify(Object.keys(exported_classes))}`, ) } const members: StaticProperty[] = [] // Sadly jsdoc-api doesn't give us any reference between the members of this static property and the // static property itself. So we need to search the list of points for any that exist within the parent // property's range. I don't love having to do a nested loop (algorithmic complexity O(honey)) but this // is a POC and we're likely to replace jsdoc-api anyway get all the way off my back please. for (const subpoint of data) { if (subpoint.meta?.code?.id !== point.meta?.code?.id && rangeWithin(subpoint.meta?.range, point.meta.range)) { // console.dir(subpoint, { depth: null }) const type = subpoint.meta?.code.type === 'Literal' ? 'string' : subpoint.returns?.[0]?.type?.names?.[0] members.push({ name:, description: subpoint.description, type, }) } } ex.statics[] = members } } /* SEARCH FOR EXPORT RENAMES */ for (const point of data) { if (point.kind === 'member' && point.scope === 'global' && point.meta?.code?.name?.startsWith('exports.')) { let name = const renamed = source.substring(...point.meta.range).match(/(\w+) as \w+/) if (renamed) { name = renamed[1] } if (exported_classes[name]) { exported_classes[name].exported_as = } else { console.log(`WARN: couldn't find which class to export for ${JSON.stringify(point)}`) } } } /* SEARCH FOR @do-proxy classes */ for (const [name, cls] of Object.entries(exported_classes)) { if (cls.proxy) { const target = exported_classes[cls.proxy.entrypoint] if (!target) console.log(`WARN: couldn't find which class to proxy for ${name}. Looking for ${cls.proxy.entrypoint}`) for (const method of target.methods) { cls.methods.push({ ...method, ...(cls.proxy.strategy === 'prepend-session-id' ? { params: [ { type: 'string', name: 'sessionID', description: 'A unique identifier to be used for all tool calls during this conversation. Unless the user specifies explicitly which "session identifier" to use, the system should generate a completely random string of at least 8 characters.', }, ...method.params, ], } : {}), }) } // console.log(target.methods) delete cls.proxy } } await fs.ensureDir('dist') await fs.writeFile(path.join('dist', 'docs.json'), JSON.stringify(exported_classes, null, 2)) console.log(`Generated docs for ${} in ${chalk.yellow('dist/docs.json')}`) console.log( chalk.gray( Object.entries(exported_classes) .flatMap(([k, v]) => [ `• ${} exported as ${}`, (m) => ` - ${chalk.yellow(}(${ => `${chalk.white(}: ${p.type || '?'}`).join(', ')}): ${m.returns?.type || '?'}`, ), ]) .join('\n'), ), ) } function rangeWithin(inner: [number, number] | undefined, outer: [number, number]) { if (!inner) return false const [a, b] = inner const [x, y] = outer return a >= x && b <= y }