# PyGithub Documentation
This documentation provides comprehensive coverage of the PyGithub library, focusing on the most commonly used objects and operations for GitHub automation.
## Documentation Structure
├── README.md # This file
├── api/ # API documentation
│ ├── index.md # API overview and navigation
│ └── objects/ # Object-specific documentation
│ ├── core/ # Core GitHub objects
│ │ ├── Repository.md
│ │ └── Branch.md
│ ├── issues/ # Issue tracking
│ │ ├── Issue.md
│ │ └── Milestone.md
│ ├── projects/ # Project management
│ │ └── Project.md
│ └── pulls/ # Code review
│ └── PullRequest.md
## Getting Started
### Installation
pip install PyGithub
### Basic Usage
from github import Github
# Create a GitHub instance
g = Github("your-access-token")
# Get a repository
repo = g.get_repo("owner/repo")
# Perform operations
issues = repo.get_issues(state="open")
pulls = repo.get_pulls(state="open")
branches = repo.get_branches()
## Documentation Overview
### [API Documentation](api/index.md)
Comprehensive documentation of PyGithub objects and their usage:
- **Core Objects**: Repository, Branch
- **Issue Tracking**: Issue, Milestone
- **Project Management**: Project, ProjectColumn
- **Code Review**: PullRequest, PullRequestReview
Each object's documentation includes:
- Properties and methods
- Code examples
- Common patterns
- Best practices
- Error handling
### Key Features
1. **Repository Management**
- Create and configure repositories
- Manage branches and protection rules
- Handle collaborators and teams
2. **Issue Tracking**
- Create and manage issues
- Organize with labels and milestones
- Track progress and assignments
3. **Project Management**
- Create project boards
- Manage columns and cards
- Automate workflows
4. **Code Review**
- Create and manage pull requests
- Review code changes
- Handle merging and branch management
## Best Practices
### Authentication
Always use tokens over username/password:
# Using environment variable (recommended)
import os
g = Github(os.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN"))
# Using personal access token directly
g = Github("your-token")
### Error Handling
Implement proper error handling:
repo = g.get_repo("owner/repo")
except GithubException as e:
if e.status == 404:
print("Repository not found")
elif e.status == 403:
print("Permission denied")
### Rate Limiting
Monitor and handle rate limits:
def check_rate_limit():
rate = g.get_rate_limit()
if rate.core.remaining < 100:
print(f"Warning: {rate.core.remaining} calls remaining")
print(f"Reset time: {rate.core.reset}")
## Common Use Cases
### Automation Scripts
# Auto-label issues
def label_new_issues():
for issue in repo.get_issues(state="open", labels=[]):
if "bug" in issue.title.lower():
elif "feature" in issue.title.lower():
# Auto-merge pull requests
def merge_approved_pulls():
for pull in repo.get_pulls(state="open"):
reviews = pull.get_reviews()
if all(review.state == "APPROVED" for review in reviews):
### Project Management
# Create sprint board
def create_sprint_board(sprint_number):
board = repo.create_project(
f"Sprint {sprint_number}",
body="Sprint planning board"
# Create columns
todo = board.create_column("To Do")
in_progress = board.create_column("In Progress")
review = board.create_column("Review")
done = board.create_column("Done")
return board
### Code Review
# Review pull requests
def review_pull_request(pull):
files = pull.get_files()
comments = []
for file in files:
if file.filename.endswith('.py'):
'path': file.filename,
'position': file.changes,
'body': 'Please add docstring'
if comments:
body="Please address comments",
## Contributing
Contributions to this documentation are welcome! Please:
1. Follow the established format
2. Include practical examples
3. Test code snippets
4. Update relevant diagrams
5. Maintain cross-references
## Additional Resources
- [PyGithub Repository](https://github.com/PyGithub/PyGithub)
- [GitHub REST API Documentation](https://docs.github.com/en/rest)
- [GitHub GraphQL API](https://docs.github.com/en/graphql)
## License
This documentation is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.