PyGithub MCP Server

- » - [Reference]( » - Main class: Github - [View page source]( * * * # Main class: Github [¶](\#main-class-github "Permalink to this headline") _class_ `github.MainClass.` `Github`( _login\_or\_token: str \| None = None_, _password: str \| None = None_, _jwt: str \| None = None_, _app\_auth: AppAuthentication \| None = None_, _base\_url: str = ''_, _timeout: int = 15_, _user\_agent: str = 'PyGithub/Python'_, _per\_page: int = 30_, _verify: bool \| str = True_, _retry: int \| Retry \| None = GithubRetry(total=10_, _connect=None_, _read=None_, _redirect=None_, _status=None)_, _pool\_size: int \| None = None_, _seconds\_between\_requests: float \| None = 0.25_, _seconds\_between\_writes: float \| None = 1.0_, _auth: github.Auth.Auth \| None = None_, _lazy: bool = False_) [¶]( "Permalink to this definition") This is the main class you instantiate to access the Github API v3. Optional parameters allow different authentication methods. Parameters - **login\_or\_token** – string deprecated, use auth=github.Auth.Login(…) or auth=github.Auth.Token(…) instead - **password** – string deprecated, use auth=github.Auth.Login(…) instead - **jwt** – string deprecated, use auth=github.Auth.AppAuth(…) or auth=github.Auth.AppAuthToken(…) instead - **app\_auth** – github.AppAuthentication deprecated, use auth=github.Auth.AppInstallationAuth(…) instead - **base\_url** – string - **timeout** – integer - **user\_agent** – string - **per\_page** – int - **verify** – boolean or string - **retry** – int or urllib3.util.retry.Retry object, defaults to github.Github.default\_retry, set to None to disable retries - **pool\_size** – int - **seconds\_between\_requests** – float - **seconds\_between\_writes** – float - **auth** – authentication method - **lazy** – completable objects created from this instance are lazy, as well as completable objects created from those, and so on `withLazy`( _lazy: bool_) → github.MainClass.Github [¶]( "Permalink to this definition") Create a Github instance with identical configuration but the given lazy setting. Parameters **lazy** – completable objects created from this instance are lazy, as well as completable objects created from those, and so on Returns new Github instance `close`() → None [¶]( "Permalink to this definition") Close connections to the server. Alternatively, use the Github object as a context manager: ``` with github.Github(...) as gh: # do something ``` _property_ `requester` [¶]( "Permalink to this definition") Return my Requester object. For example, to make requests to API endpoints not yet supported by PyGitHub. _property_ `rate_limiting` [¶]( "Permalink to this definition") First value is requests remaining, second value is request limit. _property_ `rate_limiting_resettime` [¶]( "Permalink to this definition") Unix timestamp indicating when rate limiting will reset. `get_rate_limit`() → github.RateLimit.RateLimit [¶]( "Permalink to this definition") Rate limit status for different resources (core/search/graphql). [:calls:\`GET /rate\_limit <>\`\_]( _property_ `oauth_scopes` [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Type list of string `get_license`( _key: Opt\[str\] = NotSet_) → License [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /license/{license}]( `get_licenses`() → PaginatedList\[License\] [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /licenses]( `get_events`() → PaginatedList\[Event\] [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /events]( `get_user`( _login: Opt\[str\] = NotSet_) → NamedUser \| AuthenticatedUser [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /users/{user}]( or [GET /user]( `get_user_by_id`( _user\_id: int_) → NamedUser [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /user/{id}]( Parameters **user\_id** – int Return type [`github.NamedUser.NamedUser`]( "github.NamedUser.NamedUser") `get_users`( _since: Opt\[int\] = NotSet_) → PaginatedList\[NamedUser\] [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /users]( `get_organization`( _org: str_) → Organization [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /orgs/{org}]( `get_organizations`( _since: Opt\[int\] = NotSet_) → PaginatedList\[Organization\] [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /organizations]( `get_enterprise`( _enterprise: str_) → github.Enterprise.Enterprise [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /enterprises/{enterprise}]( Parameters **enterprise** – string Return type `Enterprise` `get_repo`( _full\_name\_or\_id: int \| str_, _lazy: bool = False_) → Repository [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}]( or [GET /repositories/{id}]( `get_repos`( _since: Opt\[int\] = NotSet_, _visibility: Opt\[str\] = NotSet_) → PaginatedList\[Repository\] [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /repositories]( Parameters - **since** – integer - **visibility** – string ('all','public') `get_project`( _id: int_) → Project [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /projects/{project\_id}]( `get_project_column`( _id: int_) → ProjectColumn [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /projects/columns/{column\_id}]( `get_gist`( _id: str_) → Gist [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /gists/{id}]( `get_gists`( _since: Opt\[datetime\] = NotSet_) → PaginatedList\[Gist\] [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /gists/public]( `get_global_advisory`( _ghsa\_id: str_) → GlobalAdvisory [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /advisories/{ghsa\_id}]( Parameters **ghsa\_id** – string Return type [`github.GlobalAdvisory.GlobalAdvisory`]( "github.GlobalAdvisory.GlobalAdvisory") `get_global_advisories`( _type: Opt\[str\] = NotSet_, _ghsa\_id: Opt\[str\] = NotSet_, _cve\_id: Opt\[str\] = NotSet_, _ecosystem: Opt\[str\] = NotSet_, _severity: Opt\[str\] = NotSet_, _cwes: list\[Opt\[str\]\] \| Opt\[str\] = NotSet_, _is\_withdrawn: Opt\[bool\] = NotSet_, _affects: list\[str\] \| Opt\[str\] = NotSet_, _published: Opt\[str\] = NotSet_, _updated: Opt\[str\] = NotSet_, _modified: Opt\[str\] = NotSet_, _keywords: Opt\[str\] = NotSet_, _before: Opt\[str\] = NotSet_, _after: Opt\[str\] = NotSet_, _per\_page: Opt\[str\] = NotSet_, _sort: Opt\[str\] = NotSet_, _direction: Opt\[str\] = NotSet_) → PaginatedList\[GlobalAdvisory\] [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls GET /advisories <> Parameters - **type** – Optional string - **ghsa\_id** – Optional string - **cve\_id** – Optional string - **ecosystem** – Optional string - **severity** – Optional string - **cwes** – Optional comma separated string or list of integer or string - **is\_withdrawn** – Optional bool - **affects** – Optional comma separated string or list of string - **published** – Optional string - **updated** – Optional string - **modified** – Optional string - **before** – Optional string - **after** – Optional string - **sort** – Optional string - **direction** – Optional string Return type [`github.PaginatedList.PaginatedList`]( "github.PaginatedList.PaginatedList") of [`github.GlobalAdvisory.GlobalAdvisory`]( "github.GlobalAdvisory.GlobalAdvisory") `search_repositories`( _query: str_, _sort: Opt\[str\] = NotSet_, _order: Opt\[str\] = NotSet_, _\*\*qualifiers: Any_) → PaginatedList\[Repository\] [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /search/repositories]( Parameters - **query** – string - **sort** – string ('stars', 'forks', 'updated') - **order** – string ('asc', 'desc') - **qualifiers** – keyword dict query qualifiers `search_users`( _query: str_, _sort: Opt\[str\] = NotSet_, _order: Opt\[str\] = NotSet_, _\*\*qualifiers: Any_) → PaginatedList\[NamedUser\] [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /search/users]( Parameters - **query** – string - **sort** – string ('followers', 'repositories', 'joined') - **order** – string ('asc', 'desc') - **qualifiers** – keyword dict query qualifiers Return type `PaginatedList` of [`github.NamedUser.NamedUser`]( "github.NamedUser.NamedUser") `search_issues`( _query: str_, _sort: Opt\[str\] = NotSet_, _order: Opt\[str\] = NotSet_, _\*\*qualifiers: Any_) → PaginatedList\[Issue\] [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /search/issues]( Parameters - **query** – string - **sort** – string ('comments', 'created', 'updated') - **order** – string ('asc', 'desc') - **qualifiers** – keyword dict query qualifiers Return type `PaginatedList` of [`github.Issue.Issue`]( "github.Issue.Issue") `search_code`( _query: str_, _sort: Opt\[str\] = NotSet_, _order: Opt\[str\] = NotSet_, _highlight: bool = False_, _\*\*qualifiers: Any_) → PaginatedList\[ContentFile\] [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /search/code]( Parameters - **query** – string - **sort** – string ('indexed') - **order** – string ('asc', 'desc') - **highlight** – boolean (True, False) - **qualifiers** – keyword dict query qualifiers Return type `PaginatedList` of [`github.ContentFile.ContentFile`]( "github.ContentFile.ContentFile") `search_commits`( _query: str_, _sort: Opt\[str\] = NotSet_, _order: Opt\[str\] = NotSet_, _\*\*qualifiers: Any_) → PaginatedList\[Commit\] [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /search/commits]( Parameters - **query** – string - **sort** – string ('author-date', 'committer-date') - **order** – string ('asc', 'desc') - **qualifiers** – keyword dict query qualifiers Return type `PaginatedList` of [`github.Commit.Commit`]( "github.Commit.Commit") `search_topics`( _query: str_, _\*\*qualifiers: Any_) → PaginatedList\[Topic\] [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /search/topics]( Parameters - **query** – string - **qualifiers** – keyword dict query qualifiers Return type `PaginatedList` of [`github.Topic.Topic`]( "github.Topic.Topic") `render_markdown`( _text: str_, _context: Opt\[Repository\] = NotSet_) → str [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [POST /markdown]( Parameters - **text** – string - **context** – [`github.Repository.Repository`]( "github.Repository.Repository") Return type string `get_hook`( _name: str_) → github.HookDescription.HookDescription [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /hooks/{name}]( `get_hooks`() → list\[HookDescription\] [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /hooks]( Return type list of [`github.HookDescription.HookDescription`]( "github.HookDescription.HookDescription") `get_hook_delivery`( _hook\_id: int_, _delivery\_id: int_) → github.HookDelivery.HookDelivery [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /hooks/{hook\_id}/deliveries/{delivery\_id}]( Parameters - **hook\_id** – integer - **delivery\_id** – integer Return type `HookDelivery` `get_hook_deliveries`( _hook\_id: int_) → list\[HookDeliverySummary\] [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /hooks/{hook\_id}/deliveries]( Parameters **hook\_id** – integer Return type list of `HookDeliverySummary` `get_gitignore_templates`() → list\[str\] [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /gitignore/templates]( `get_gitignore_template`( _name: str_) → GitignoreTemplate [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /gitignore/templates/{name}]( `get_emojis`() → dict\[str, str\] [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /emojis]( Return type dictionary of type => url for emoji\` `create_from_raw_data`( _klass: type\[TGithubObject\], raw\_data: dict\[str, Any\], headers: dict\[str, str \| int\] \| None = None_) → TGithubObject [¶]( "Permalink to this definition") Creates an object from raw\_data previously obtained by `GithubObject.raw_data`, and optionally headers previously obtained by `GithubObject.raw_headers`. Parameters - **klass** – the class of the object to create - **raw\_data** – dict - **headers** – dict Return type instance of class `klass` `dump`( _obj: github.GithubObject.GithubObject_, _file: BinaryIO_, _protocol: int = 0_) → None [¶]( "Permalink to this definition") Dumps (pickles) a PyGithub object to a file-like object. Some effort is made to not pickle sensitive information like the Github credentials used in the [`Github`]( "github.MainClass.Github") instance. But NO EFFORT is made to remove sensitive information from the object's attributes. Parameters - **obj** – the object to pickle - **file** – the file-like object to pickle to - **protocol** – the [pickling protocol]( `load`( _f: BinaryIO_) → Any [¶]( "Permalink to this definition") Loads (unpickles) a PyGithub object from a file-like object. Parameters **f** – the file-like object to unpickle from Returns the unpickled object `get_app`( _slug: Opt\[str\] = NotSet_) → GithubApp [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Calls [GET /apps/{slug}]( or [GET /app](