PyGithub MCP Server

- » - [Reference]( » - Github objects - [View page source]( * * * # Github objects [¶](\#github-objects "Permalink to this headline") _class_ `github.GithubObject.` `GithubObject` [¶]( "Permalink to this definition") Base class for all classes representing objects returned by the API. _property_ `requester` [¶]( "Permalink to this definition") Return my Requester object. For example, to make requests to API endpoints not yet supported by PyGitHub. _property_ `raw_data` [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Type dict _property_ `raw_headers` [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Type dict _property_ `etag` [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Type str _property_ `last_modified` [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Type str _property_ `last_modified_datetime` [¶]( "Permalink to this definition")Type datetime `get__repr__`( _params: dict\[str, Any\]_) → str [¶]( "Permalink to this definition") Converts the object to a nicely printable string. - [AccessToken]( - [AdvisoryBase]( - [AdvisoryCredit]( - [AdvisoryCreditDetailed]( - [AdvisoryVulnerability]( - [AdvisoryVulnerabilityPackage]( - [ApplicationOAuth]( - [Artifact]( - [AuthenticatedUser]( - [Authorization]( - [AuthorizationApplication]( - [Autolink]( - [Branch]( - [BranchProtection]( - [CVSS]( - [CWE]( - [CheckRun]( - [CheckRunAnnotation]( - [CheckRunOutput]( - [CheckSuite]( - [Clones]( - [CodeScanAlert]( - [CodeScanAlertInstance]( - [CodeScanAlertInstanceLocation]( - [CodeScanRule]( - [CodeScanTool]( - [CodeSecurityConfig]( - [CodeSecurityConfigRepository]( - [Commit]( - [CommitCombinedStatus]( - [CommitComment]( - [CommitStats]( - [CommitStatus]( - [Comparison]( - [ContentFile]( - [Copilot]( - [CopilotSeat]( - [DefaultCodeSecurityConfig]( - [DependabotAlert]( - [DependabotAlertAdvisory]( - [DependabotAlertDependency]( - [DependabotAlertVulnerability]( - [Deployment]( - [DeploymentStatus]( - [DiscussionBase]( - [DiscussionCommentBase]( - [Download]( - [Enterprise]( - [EnterpriseConsumedLicenses]( - [Environment]( - [EnvironmentDeploymentBranchPolicy]( - [EnvironmentProtectionRule]( - [EnvironmentProtectionRuleReviewer]( - [Event]( - [File]( - [Gist]( - [GistComment]( - [GistFile]( - [GistHistoryState]( - [GitAuthor]( - [GitBlob]( - [GitCommit]( - [GitCommitVerification]( - [GitObject]( - [GitRef]( - [GitRelease]( - [GitReleaseAsset]( - [GitTag]( - [GitTree]( - [GitTreeElement]( - [GithubApp]( - [GitignoreTemplate]( - [GlobalAdvisory]( - [Hook]( - [HookDelivery]( - [HookDeliveryRequest]( - [HookDeliveryResponse]( - [HookDeliverySummary]( - [HookDescription]( - [HookResponse]( - [Installation]( - [InstallationAuthorization]( - [Invitation]( - [Issue]( - [IssueComment]( - [IssueEvent]( - [IssuePullRequest]( - [Label]( - [License]( - [Membership]( - [MergedUpstream]( - [Migration]( - [Milestone]( - [NamedEnterpriseUser]( - [NamedUser]( - [Notification]( - [NotificationSubject]( - [Organization]( - [OrganizationCustomProperty]( - [OrganizationDependabotAlert]( - [OrganizationSecret]( - [OrganizationVariable]( - [Path]( - [Permissions]( - [Plan]( - [Project]( - [ProjectCard]( - [ProjectColumn]( - [PublicKey]( - [PullRequest]( - [PullRequestComment]( - [PullRequestMergeStatus]( - [PullRequestPart]( - [PullRequestReview]( - [Rate]( - [RateLimit]( - [Reaction]( - [Referrer]( - [RepoCodeSecurityConfig]( - [Repository]( - [RepositoryAdvisory]( - [RepositoryCustomPropertyValues]( - [RepositoryDiscussion]( - [RepositoryDiscussionCategory]( - [RepositoryDiscussionComment]( - [RepositoryKey]( - [RepositoryPreferences]( - [RequiredPullRequestReviews]( - [RequiredStatusChecks]( - [Secret]( - [SecurityAndAnalysis]( - [SecurityAndAnalysisFeature]( - [SelfHostedActionsRunner]( - [SourceImport]( - [Stargazer]( - [StatsCodeFrequency]( - [StatsCommitActivity]( - [StatsContributor]( - [StatsParticipation]( - [StatsPunchCard]( - [Tag]( - [Team]( - [TeamDiscussion]( - [TimelineEvent]( - [TimelineEventSource]( - [Topic]( - [Traffic]( - [UserKey]( - [Variable]( - [View]( - [Workflow]( - [WorkflowJob]( - [WorkflowRun]( - [WorkflowStep](