"""Tools to provide pretty/human-readable display of objects."""
from __future__ import annotations as _annotations
import types
import typing
from typing import Any
import typing_extensions
from . import _typing_extra
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
ReprArgs: typing_extensions.TypeAlias = 'typing.Iterable[tuple[str | None, Any]]'
RichReprResult: typing_extensions.TypeAlias = (
'typing.Iterable[Any | tuple[Any] | tuple[str, Any] | tuple[str, Any, Any]]'
class PlainRepr(str):
"""String class where repr doesn't include quotes. Useful with Representation when you want to return a string
representation of something that is valid (or pseudo-valid) python.
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return str(self)
class Representation:
# Mixin to provide `__str__`, `__repr__`, and `__pretty__` and `__rich_repr__` methods.
# `__pretty__` is used by [devtools](https://python-devtools.helpmanual.io/).
# `__rich_repr__` is used by [rich](https://rich.readthedocs.io/en/stable/pretty.html).
# (this is not a docstring to avoid adding a docstring to classes which inherit from Representation)
# we don't want to use a type annotation here as it can break get_type_hints
__slots__ = () # type: typing.Collection[str]
def __repr_args__(self) -> ReprArgs:
"""Returns the attributes to show in __str__, __repr__, and __pretty__ this is generally overridden.
Can either return:
* name - value pairs, e.g.: `[('foo_name', 'foo'), ('bar_name', ['b', 'a', 'r'])]`
* or, just values, e.g.: `[(None, 'foo'), (None, ['b', 'a', 'r'])]`
attrs_names = self.__slots__
if not attrs_names and hasattr(self, '__dict__'):
attrs_names = self.__dict__.keys()
attrs = ((s, getattr(self, s)) for s in attrs_names)
return [(a, v if v is not self else self.__repr_recursion__(v)) for a, v in attrs if v is not None]
def __repr_name__(self) -> str:
"""Name of the instance's class, used in __repr__."""
return self.__class__.__name__
def __repr_recursion__(self, object: Any) -> str:
"""Returns the string representation of a recursive object."""
# This is copied over from the stdlib `pprint` module:
return f'<Recursion on {type(object).__name__} with id={id(object)}>'
def __repr_str__(self, join_str: str) -> str:
return join_str.join(repr(v) if a is None else f'{a}={v!r}' for a, v in self.__repr_args__())
def __pretty__(self, fmt: typing.Callable[[Any], Any], **kwargs: Any) -> typing.Generator[Any, None, None]:
"""Used by devtools (https://python-devtools.helpmanual.io/) to pretty print objects."""
yield self.__repr_name__() + '('
yield 1
for name, value in self.__repr_args__():
if name is not None:
yield name + '='
yield fmt(value)
yield ','
yield 0
yield -1
yield ')'
def __rich_repr__(self) -> RichReprResult:
"""Used by Rich (https://rich.readthedocs.io/en/stable/pretty.html) to pretty print objects."""
for name, field_repr in self.__repr_args__():
if name is None:
yield field_repr
yield name, field_repr
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.__repr_str__(' ')
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'{self.__repr_name__()}({self.__repr_str__(", ")})'
def display_as_type(obj: Any) -> str:
"""Pretty representation of a type, should be as close as possible to the original type definition string.
Takes some logic from `typing._type_repr`.
if isinstance(obj, (types.FunctionType, types.BuiltinFunctionType)):
return obj.__name__
elif obj is ...:
return '...'
elif isinstance(obj, Representation):
return repr(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, typing.ForwardRef) or _typing_extra.is_type_alias_type(obj):
return str(obj)
if not isinstance(obj, (_typing_extra.typing_base, _typing_extra.WithArgsTypes, type)):
obj = obj.__class__
if _typing_extra.origin_is_union(typing_extensions.get_origin(obj)):
args = ', '.join(map(display_as_type, typing_extensions.get_args(obj)))
return f'Union[{args}]'
elif isinstance(obj, _typing_extra.WithArgsTypes):
if _typing_extra.is_literal(obj):
args = ', '.join(map(repr, typing_extensions.get_args(obj)))
args = ', '.join(map(display_as_type, typing_extensions.get_args(obj)))
return f'{obj.__qualname__}[{args}]'
except AttributeError:
return str(obj).replace('typing.', '').replace('typing_extensions.', '') # handles TypeAliasType in 3.12
elif isinstance(obj, type):
return obj.__qualname__
return repr(obj).replace('typing.', '').replace('typing_extensions.', '')