ClickUp Operator

from __future__ import annotations as _annotations import warnings from contextlib import contextmanager from re import Pattern from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, cast, ) from pydantic_core import core_schema from typing_extensions import ( Literal, Self, ) from ..aliases import AliasGenerator from ..config import ConfigDict, ExtraValues, JsonDict, JsonEncoder, JsonSchemaExtraCallable from ..errors import PydanticUserError from ..warnings import PydanticDeprecatedSince20, PydanticDeprecatedSince210 if not TYPE_CHECKING: # See PyCharm issues # and DeprecationWarning = PydanticDeprecatedSince20 if TYPE_CHECKING: from .._internal._schema_generation_shared import GenerateSchema from ..fields import ComputedFieldInfo, FieldInfo DEPRECATION_MESSAGE = 'Support for class-based `config` is deprecated, use ConfigDict instead.' class ConfigWrapper: """Internal wrapper for Config which exposes ConfigDict items as attributes.""" __slots__ = ('config_dict',) config_dict: ConfigDict # all annotations are copied directly from ConfigDict, and should be kept up to date, a test will fail if they # stop matching title: str | None str_to_lower: bool str_to_upper: bool str_strip_whitespace: bool str_min_length: int str_max_length: int | None extra: ExtraValues | None frozen: bool populate_by_name: bool use_enum_values: bool validate_assignment: bool arbitrary_types_allowed: bool from_attributes: bool # whether to use the actual key provided in the data (e.g. alias or first alias for "field required" errors) instead of field_names # to construct error `loc`s, default `True` loc_by_alias: bool alias_generator: Callable[[str], str] | AliasGenerator | None model_title_generator: Callable[[type], str] | None field_title_generator: Callable[[str, FieldInfo | ComputedFieldInfo], str] | None ignored_types: tuple[type, ...] allow_inf_nan: bool json_schema_extra: JsonDict | JsonSchemaExtraCallable | None json_encoders: dict[type[object], JsonEncoder] | None # new in V2 strict: bool # whether instances of models and dataclasses (including subclass instances) should re-validate, default 'never' revalidate_instances: Literal['always', 'never', 'subclass-instances'] ser_json_timedelta: Literal['iso8601', 'float'] ser_json_bytes: Literal['utf8', 'base64', 'hex'] val_json_bytes: Literal['utf8', 'base64', 'hex'] ser_json_inf_nan: Literal['null', 'constants', 'strings'] # whether to validate default values during validation, default False validate_default: bool validate_return: bool protected_namespaces: tuple[str | Pattern[str], ...] hide_input_in_errors: bool defer_build: bool plugin_settings: dict[str, object] | None schema_generator: type[GenerateSchema] | None json_schema_serialization_defaults_required: bool json_schema_mode_override: Literal['validation', 'serialization', None] coerce_numbers_to_str: bool regex_engine: Literal['rust-regex', 'python-re'] validation_error_cause: bool use_attribute_docstrings: bool cache_strings: bool | Literal['all', 'keys', 'none'] def __init__(self, config: ConfigDict | dict[str, Any] | type[Any] | None, *, check: bool = True): if check: self.config_dict = prepare_config(config) else: self.config_dict = cast(ConfigDict, config) @classmethod def for_model(cls, bases: tuple[type[Any], ...], namespace: dict[str, Any], kwargs: dict[str, Any]) -> Self: """Build a new `ConfigWrapper` instance for a `BaseModel`. The config wrapper built based on (in descending order of priority): - options from `kwargs` - options from the `namespace` - options from the base classes (`bases`) Args: bases: A tuple of base classes. namespace: The namespace of the class being created. kwargs: The kwargs passed to the class being created. Returns: A `ConfigWrapper` instance for `BaseModel`. """ config_new = ConfigDict() for base in bases: config = getattr(base, 'model_config', None) if config: config_new.update(config.copy()) config_class_from_namespace = namespace.get('Config') config_dict_from_namespace = namespace.get('model_config') raw_annotations = namespace.get('__annotations__', {}) if raw_annotations.get('model_config') and config_dict_from_namespace is None: raise PydanticUserError( '`model_config` cannot be used as a model field name. Use `model_config` for model configuration.', code='model-config-invalid-field-name', ) if config_class_from_namespace and config_dict_from_namespace: raise PydanticUserError('"Config" and "model_config" cannot be used together', code='config-both') config_from_namespace = config_dict_from_namespace or prepare_config(config_class_from_namespace) config_new.update(config_from_namespace) for k in list(kwargs.keys()): if k in config_keys: config_new[k] = kwargs.pop(k) return cls(config_new) # we don't show `__getattr__` to type checkers so missing attributes cause errors if not TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no branch def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: try: return self.config_dict[name] except KeyError: try: return config_defaults[name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(f'Config has no attribute {name!r}') from None def core_config(self, title: str | None) -> core_schema.CoreConfig: """Create a pydantic-core config. We don't use getattr here since we don't want to populate with defaults. Args: title: The title to use if not set in config. Returns: A `CoreConfig` object created from config. """ config = self.config_dict if config.get('schema_generator') is not None: warnings.warn( 'The `schema_generator` setting has been deprecated since v2.10. This setting no longer has any effect.', PydanticDeprecatedSince210, stacklevel=2, ) core_config_values = { 'title': config.get('title') or title or None, 'extra_fields_behavior': config.get('extra'), 'allow_inf_nan': config.get('allow_inf_nan'), 'populate_by_name': config.get('populate_by_name'), 'str_strip_whitespace': config.get('str_strip_whitespace'), 'str_to_lower': config.get('str_to_lower'), 'str_to_upper': config.get('str_to_upper'), 'strict': config.get('strict'), 'ser_json_timedelta': config.get('ser_json_timedelta'), 'ser_json_bytes': config.get('ser_json_bytes'), 'val_json_bytes': config.get('val_json_bytes'), 'ser_json_inf_nan': config.get('ser_json_inf_nan'), 'from_attributes': config.get('from_attributes'), 'loc_by_alias': config.get('loc_by_alias'), 'revalidate_instances': config.get('revalidate_instances'), 'validate_default': config.get('validate_default'), 'str_max_length': config.get('str_max_length'), 'str_min_length': config.get('str_min_length'), 'hide_input_in_errors': config.get('hide_input_in_errors'), 'coerce_numbers_to_str': config.get('coerce_numbers_to_str'), 'regex_engine': config.get('regex_engine'), 'validation_error_cause': config.get('validation_error_cause'), 'cache_strings': config.get('cache_strings'), } return core_schema.CoreConfig(**{k: v for k, v in core_config_values.items() if v is not None}) def __repr__(self): c = ', '.join(f'{k}={v!r}' for k, v in self.config_dict.items()) return f'ConfigWrapper({c})' class ConfigWrapperStack: """A stack of `ConfigWrapper` instances.""" def __init__(self, config_wrapper: ConfigWrapper): self._config_wrapper_stack: list[ConfigWrapper] = [config_wrapper] @property def tail(self) -> ConfigWrapper: return self._config_wrapper_stack[-1] @contextmanager def push(self, config_wrapper: ConfigWrapper | ConfigDict | None): if config_wrapper is None: yield return if not isinstance(config_wrapper, ConfigWrapper): config_wrapper = ConfigWrapper(config_wrapper, check=False) self._config_wrapper_stack.append(config_wrapper) try: yield finally: self._config_wrapper_stack.pop() config_defaults = ConfigDict( title=None, str_to_lower=False, str_to_upper=False, str_strip_whitespace=False, str_min_length=0, str_max_length=None, # let the model / dataclass decide how to handle it extra=None, frozen=False, populate_by_name=False, use_enum_values=False, validate_assignment=False, arbitrary_types_allowed=False, from_attributes=False, loc_by_alias=True, alias_generator=None, model_title_generator=None, field_title_generator=None, ignored_types=(), allow_inf_nan=True, json_schema_extra=None, strict=False, revalidate_instances='never', ser_json_timedelta='iso8601', ser_json_bytes='utf8', val_json_bytes='utf8', ser_json_inf_nan='null', validate_default=False, validate_return=False, protected_namespaces=('model_validate', 'model_dump'), hide_input_in_errors=False, json_encoders=None, defer_build=False, schema_generator=None, plugin_settings=None, json_schema_serialization_defaults_required=False, json_schema_mode_override=None, coerce_numbers_to_str=False, regex_engine='rust-regex', validation_error_cause=False, use_attribute_docstrings=False, cache_strings=True, ) def prepare_config(config: ConfigDict | dict[str, Any] | type[Any] | None) -> ConfigDict: """Create a `ConfigDict` instance from an existing dict, a class (e.g. old class-based config) or None. Args: config: The input config. Returns: A ConfigDict object created from config. """ if config is None: return ConfigDict() if not isinstance(config, dict): warnings.warn(DEPRECATION_MESSAGE, DeprecationWarning) config = {k: getattr(config, k) for k in dir(config) if not k.startswith('__')} config_dict = cast(ConfigDict, config) check_deprecated(config_dict) return config_dict config_keys = set(ConfigDict.__annotations__.keys()) V2_REMOVED_KEYS = { 'allow_mutation', 'error_msg_templates', 'fields', 'getter_dict', 'smart_union', 'underscore_attrs_are_private', 'json_loads', 'json_dumps', 'copy_on_model_validation', 'post_init_call', } V2_RENAMED_KEYS = { 'allow_population_by_field_name': 'populate_by_name', 'anystr_lower': 'str_to_lower', 'anystr_strip_whitespace': 'str_strip_whitespace', 'anystr_upper': 'str_to_upper', 'keep_untouched': 'ignored_types', 'max_anystr_length': 'str_max_length', 'min_anystr_length': 'str_min_length', 'orm_mode': 'from_attributes', 'schema_extra': 'json_schema_extra', 'validate_all': 'validate_default', } def check_deprecated(config_dict: ConfigDict) -> None: """Check for deprecated config keys and warn the user. Args: config_dict: The input config. """ deprecated_removed_keys = V2_REMOVED_KEYS & config_dict.keys() deprecated_renamed_keys = V2_RENAMED_KEYS.keys() & config_dict.keys() if deprecated_removed_keys or deprecated_renamed_keys: renamings = {k: V2_RENAMED_KEYS[k] for k in sorted(deprecated_renamed_keys)} renamed_bullets = [f'* {k!r} has been renamed to {v!r}' for k, v in renamings.items()] removed_bullets = [f'* {k!r} has been removed' for k in sorted(deprecated_removed_keys)] message = '\n'.join(['Valid config keys have changed in V2:'] + renamed_bullets + removed_bullets) warnings.warn(message, UserWarning)