
by v4lheru
/** * Checklist Service * * Service for interacting with Trello checklists. * Provides methods for creating, reading, updating, and deleting checklists and checklist items. */ import { TrelloService } from './trello-service.js'; import { TrelloChecklist, TrelloCheckItem } from '../types/trello-types.js'; /** * Service for interacting with Trello checklists */ export class ChecklistService { private trelloService: TrelloService; /** * Creates a new ChecklistService instance * @param trelloService - The TrelloService instance */ constructor(trelloService: TrelloService) { this.trelloService = trelloService; } /** * Get a specific checklist by ID * @param checklistId - ID of the checklist to retrieve * @returns Promise resolving to the checklist */ async getChecklist(checklistId: string): Promise<TrelloChecklist> { return this.trelloService.get<TrelloChecklist>(`/checklists/${checklistId}`); } /** * Create a new checklist on a card * @param cardId - ID of the card * @param name - Name of the checklist * @param pos - Position of the checklist (top, bottom, or a positive number) * @param idChecklistSource - ID of a checklist to copy from * @returns Promise resolving to the created checklist */ async createChecklist( cardId: string, name: string, pos?: 'top' | 'bottom' | number, idChecklistSource?: string ): Promise<TrelloChecklist> { const data: any = { idCard: cardId, name }; if (pos !== undefined) { data.pos = pos; } if (idChecklistSource) { data.idChecklistSource = idChecklistSource; } return<TrelloChecklist>('/checklists', data); } /** * Update an existing checklist * @param checklistId - ID of the checklist to update * @param data - Checklist update data * @returns Promise resolving to the updated checklist */ async updateChecklist( checklistId: string, data: { name?: string; pos?: 'top' | 'bottom' | number; } ): Promise<TrelloChecklist> { return this.trelloService.put<TrelloChecklist>(`/checklists/${checklistId}`, data); } /** * Delete a checklist * @param checklistId - ID of the checklist to delete * @returns Promise resolving when deletion is complete */ async deleteChecklist(checklistId: string): Promise<void> { return this.trelloService.delete<void>(`/checklists/${checklistId}`); } /** * Get all checkitems on a checklist * @param checklistId - ID of the checklist * @returns Promise resolving to an array of checkitems */ async getCheckItems(checklistId: string): Promise<TrelloCheckItem[]> { return this.trelloService.get<TrelloCheckItem[]>(`/checklists/${checklistId}/checkItems`); } /** * Create a new checkitem on a checklist * @param checklistId - ID of the checklist * @param name - Name of the checkitem * @param pos - Position of the checkitem (top, bottom, or a positive number) * @param checked - Whether the checkitem is checked * @param due - Due date for the checkitem * @param memberId - ID of the member assigned to the checkitem * @returns Promise resolving to the created checkitem */ async createCheckItem( checklistId: string, name: string, pos?: 'top' | 'bottom' | number, checked?: boolean, due?: string, memberId?: string ): Promise<TrelloCheckItem> { const data: any = { name }; if (pos !== undefined) { data.pos = pos; } if (checked !== undefined) { data.checked = checked; } if (due) { data.due = due; } if (memberId) { data.idMember = memberId; } return<TrelloCheckItem>(`/checklists/${checklistId}/checkItems`, data); } /** * Get a specific checkitem on a checklist * @param checklistId - ID of the checklist * @param checkItemId - ID of the checkitem * @returns Promise resolving to the checkitem */ async getCheckItem(checklistId: string, checkItemId: string): Promise<TrelloCheckItem> { return this.trelloService.get<TrelloCheckItem>(`/checklists/${checklistId}/checkItems/${checkItemId}`); } /** * Update a checkitem on a checklist * @param checklistId - ID of the checklist * @param checkItemId - ID of the checkitem * @param data - Checkitem update data * @returns Promise resolving to the updated checkitem */ async updateCheckItem( checklistId: string, checkItemId: string, data: { name?: string; state?: 'complete' | 'incomplete'; pos?: 'top' | 'bottom' | number; due?: string | null; idMember?: string | null; } ): Promise<TrelloCheckItem> { return this.trelloService.put<TrelloCheckItem>(`/checklists/${checklistId}/checkItems/${checkItemId}`, data); } /** * Delete a checkitem from a checklist * @param checklistId - ID of the checklist * @param checkItemId - ID of the checkitem to delete * @returns Promise resolving when deletion is complete */ async deleteCheckItem(checklistId: string, checkItemId: string): Promise<void> { return this.trelloService.delete<void>(`/checklists/${checklistId}/checkItems/${checkItemId}`); } /** * Update the name of a checklist * @param checklistId - ID of the checklist * @param name - New name for the checklist * @returns Promise resolving to the updated checklist */ async updateName(checklistId: string, name: string): Promise<TrelloChecklist> { return this.trelloService.put<TrelloChecklist>(`/checklists/${checklistId}/name`, { value: name }); } /** * Update the position of a checklist * @param checklistId - ID of the checklist * @param pos - New position for the checklist * @returns Promise resolving to the updated checklist */ async updatePosition(checklistId: string, pos: 'top' | 'bottom' | number): Promise<TrelloChecklist> { return this.trelloService.put<TrelloChecklist>(`/checklists/${checklistId}/pos`, { value: pos }); } /** * Get the board a checklist is on * @param checklistId - ID of the checklist * @returns Promise resolving to the board */ async getBoard(checklistId: string): Promise<any> { return this.trelloService.get<any>(`/checklists/${checklistId}/board`); } /** * Get the card a checklist is on * @param checklistId - ID of the checklist * @returns Promise resolving to the card */ async getCard(checklistId: string): Promise<any> { return this.trelloService.get<any>(`/checklists/${checklistId}/cards`); } /** * Update a checkitem's state on a card * @param cardId - ID of the card * @param checkItemId - ID of the checkitem * @param state - New state for the checkitem * @returns Promise resolving to the updated checkitem */ async updateCheckItemStateOnCard( cardId: string, checkItemId: string, state: 'complete' | 'incomplete' ): Promise<TrelloCheckItem> { return this.trelloService.put<TrelloCheckItem>(`/cards/${cardId}/checkItem/${checkItemId}`, { state }); } }